

Jun 6, 2020
Any stage, be it in school, college/university, work place, family, etc. I am recalling how I was never liked in my outer years. Though I did have some friends and even found a bff in high school, I was hurt horribly in middle and elementary school. I remember I would look at a group girls, only for them to stop laughing and give me the dirty eye. I was also respectable student and always did as I was told. No one liked me. Not even my family

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the haru that can read
Apr 27, 2019
Yes. By peers, adults, children, strangers, my own family. And it continued with age, most of it just becomes more covert and backhanded as you get older. I have more reason to be bullied than ever now which is one reason why I isolate and stay away from everyone.
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existence is a nightmare
Aug 25, 2020
School was the worst time of my life. I was bullied everyday, especially after school when I was going home. They were following and punched me and threw my school stuff away. I was crying every fucking day but no one cares. One of my friends died in a car accident and my other friends left me a long time ago. So I never had anyone in school.
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Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
I was always on the periphery of the mean girls in grade school and junior high, and they would occasionally target me and publicly embarrass me, but I don't consider it actual bullying because it wasn't all the time, what I felt was targeted. Thinking back on it, I can see how they felt weak and insecure, and empowered themselves by being cruel. The worst of them ended up marrying a wealthy guy and she owned a Massage Envy franchise, I hadn't had contact with her in close to twenty years, but I instinctively felt so sorry for her employees. I could tell she hadn't changed because I checked out her Facebook, and she had pictures with her husband and kids. Her daughter, the way she smiled...I could tell she was being raised to be just as much of a stuck-up entitled shit as her mother was. I feel sorry for that kid's peer victims.

My mother definitely bullied me. She's only like that with me, and sometimes with my father. She herself was bullied by her cousins who were mean girls and was very hurt by it. She has no idea that she's a bully or an abuser, but there are a lot of things she has no idea of about herself. She wants and expects pity but has no empathy, and gets mean when she doesn't get pity. I think she gets triggered by a need for empathy, especially in those closest to her. It's interesting, we always had dogs, and she loved best the ones that were docile. The one that had an attitude and couldn't be completely controlled, was super smart, had epilepsy, and when she would whine, my mother wouldn't give her empathy, she called her a ninny. She's also a racist and doesn't see it.
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Jun 6, 2020
I was always on the periphery of the mean girls in grade school and junior high, and they would occasionally target me and publicly embarrass me, but I don't consider it actual bullying because it wasn't all the time, what I felt was targeted. Thinking back on it, I can see how they felt weak and insecure, and empowered themselves by being cruel. The worst of them ended up marrying a wealthy guy and she owned a Massage Envy franchise, I hadn't had contact with her in close to twenty years, but I instinctively felt so sorry for her employees. I could tell she hadn't changed because I checked out her Facebook, and she had pictures with her husband and kids. Her daughter, the way she smiled...I could tell she was being raised to be just as much of a stuck-up entitled shit as her mother was. I feel sorry for that kid's peer victims.

My mother definitely bullied me. She's only like that with me, and sometimes with my father. She herself was bullied by her cousins who were mean girls and was very hurt by it. She has no idea that she's a bully or an abuser, but there are a lot of things she has no idea of about herself. She wants and expects pity but has no empathy, and gets mean when she doesn't get pity. I think she gets triggered by a need for empathy, especially in those closest to her. It's interesting, we always had dogs, and she loved best the ones that were docile. The one that had an attitude and couldn't be completely controlled, was super smart, had epilepsy, and when she would whine, my mother wouldn't give her empathy, she called her a ninny. She's also a racist and doesn't see it.
Reminds me of my mom. Super toxic. Was abused in her childhood and took it all out on me tho :/
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Sep 16, 2020
Society is run by Bullies, it breeds Bullies.
There's no justice in this world. I know people who've never hurt a fly they get their lives ruined physicslly/mentally there loved ones threatened if they retaliate.

How can anyone condone society of corruption.
People running around wrecking lives, they get caught they get a slap on the wrist. Or if they do go to prison they come out of 'criminal college' with more ways of destroying people. (I'm not saying people in prison are bad, most are victims of bullying why they're there.)

You life lovers who deny life is shit sweep under the carpet the fact extortion is through the roof these days. So called gangsters have no morals these days and rather than steal from the rich they will steal from hard working fearful people.
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Oct 8, 2020
I was bullied most of my primary school years. Looking back it had a great impact on my development in the worst way. It was mostly mental bullying and my things were stolen or hidden. I was accused for things I didn't do and manipulated into doing things I shouldn't have done, I regularly got in trouble for those. I don't remember much physical events, though they did happen but it was a long time ago. Sometimes it was just being threatened or humiliated for laughs.
Things have changed in high school, the only thing the majority did was to talk behind my back. I didn't even know my classmates felt that way about me and those mean and hurtful things they said about me until I talked to someone who witnessed them a few times. I could make better friends there but our group got together because we couldn't fit in anywhere else. I made a few close friendships but somehow they did not last. I was pretty much ghosted.
I'm no saint and I did things that I'm not proud of and regret. I just wanted to be liked and accepted finally. I don't think I ever really understood how these social things worked, not that I could have done things much differently apart from the regrets.
Now I am a bit different that happened during high school, if I feel unjustice I speak up no matter who does that. Sometimes I take it too far though and controlling myself in these situtations is not my strength.
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Bill the Cat
Oct 10, 2020
As soon as I was first placed on Dexedrine and "coded" at age seven, I was the singular target of my entire hellhole little school and hellhole ignorant village, with no advocate anywhere affording me any protection whatever. Retroactively, my life ended then and there. I was bullied by my elementary school principal father, first grade teacher, second grade teacher, fourth grade teacher, elementary school principal, school psychologists, and then all the boys and girls at my school in turn, while any sympathizers I might have had were completely powerless to stop all that predation.

By third grade, the moment I stepped foot on the school grounds, they'd descend upon me like a swarm of locusts while the bitch teachers (they were all female) and asshole principal stood by and laughed. The pattern of my life was set.

The very best decision I ever made in my life came early in fourth grade. At age nine, I easily determined that I would never have a girlfriend, never get married, never have children, and I have carried that out. I was committed to assuring that no child of mine would ever suffer like I was suffering, and never procreating would be the absolute guarantee of that.

Life is pure evil, the cause of all suffering. Death is pure good, the end of all suffering, but the prevention of all life is even greater still. All the greatest who have ever lived or will ever live are those who chose to end their lives entirely on their own terms.
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Global Mod
Oct 12, 2020
My biggest bullies were my own family that even schoolyard bullies couldn't compare to, and they didn't mess with me much. If they did, I fought back. Hard to fight back against bullies in your family because it could be one step away from either them killing you or making you homeless, which wasn't so bad, spent 2 years on the streets which was better than being at home.
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BPD Barbie

BPD Barbie

Dec 1, 2019
I got bullied horribly during school. My worst memory was getting lured into the woods by someone I thought was a friend, only to be met by a bunch of kids who stole my backpack and all spat all over me. Bullying is weak and vile. I hate bullies. As I got older I learnt to stand up for myself and others. Sorry to hear you got bullied too, it really does stay with you, those memories.
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Bill the Cat
Oct 10, 2020
My biggest bullies were my own family that even schoolyard bullies couldn't compare to, and they didn't mess with me much. If they did, I fought back. Hard to fight back against bullies in your family because it could be one step away from either them killing you or making you homeless, which wasn't so bad, spent 2 years on the streets which was better than being at home.

Unfortunately in my case, while my father was ruthlessly fucking with my toddler mind (teaching that evil moron reverse psychology in college was like handing a loaded AK-47 to a gorilla), being drugged with amphetamines stunted my growth, making the the physically skinniest and weakest child in my school, so with NO advocates anywhere to protect me when I needed it most, I was absolutely defenseless.

My mother is the only member of my family who is not a bully (but she did let my father have his way with me out of fear for her own life).
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Feb 14, 2019
I was horribly bullied in school by kids, teachers and inappropriately touched by the school leaders who were pastors. I stared to become angry and was suicidal around age 13 or 14. By middle school my silent anger turned into full on rage towards my bullies and in highschool I got in fights and threw things at them because I was so sick of it. Also my dad has been a verbal bully my entire life and my ex was the meanest abusive bully of all. Sadly I believe childhood bullying has made me an angry bitter person and to this day I'm not over it..I have cptsd.
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Bill the Cat
Oct 10, 2020
I got bullied horribly during school. My worst memory was getting lured into the woods by someone I thought was a friend, only to be met by a bunch of kids who stole my backpack and all spat all over me. Bullying is weak and vile. I hate bullies. As I got older I learnt to stand up for myself and others. Sorry to hear you got bullied too, it really does stay with you, those memories.

My mother tried giving me the worthless platitude, "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me." But then, when I repeatedly wound up in the ER with a gashed and bloody skull from getting my head bashed in at school by gangs of bullying punks, she had nothing to offer when the teachers and principal who oversaw this abuse should have gone to jail.

Incidentally, I have NEVER met a "Samaritan" who was not a bully, using "niceness" as a weapon of intimidation and browbeating.
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That's the hell I live with
Apr 19, 2018
Was bullied extremely badly in school.
The worst was when a guy in my class got caught forcing to do something to him, a teacher saw and he got suspended but decided to move schools.
He spread it all around that I chose to do it but regretted it and that's why I said he forced me to.
The bullying was relentless after that.
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Sep 16, 2020
My mother tried giving me the worthless platitude, "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me." But then, when I repeatedly wound up in the ER with a gashed and bloody skull from getting my head bashed in at school by gangs of bullying punks, she had nothing to offer when the teachers and principal who oversaw this abuse should have gone to jail.

Incidentally, I have NEVER met a "Samaritan" who was not a bully, using "niceness" as a weapon of intimidation and browbeating.
Mate this rings too close to home. I use to despise that comment...
Cheap, un thoughtful, uninspiring, mindless garbage its as if it's a motto for pro bullying as a sarcasm tactic.
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Chronic people pleaser
Mar 13, 2019
From primary school to year 10 in high school it was nothing physical. Just verbal and psychological, but it really messed me up it started my debilitating anxiety and I had to leave school before taking my gcse's. And that was the start of my life crumbling away, I've never bin ok it's totally messed up my life. And what happened to them? they are all happy and achieving things and living their best lives. Then there's now, my brother puts me down every chance he gets, insults me, calls me a whore, outs my sexuality to people, he even sed a few weeks ago it should of been me that died. He knows I'm mentally ill, he knows I'm grieving he just doesn't care. I don't really understand what I've actually done to deserve this. And to make fings worse I just stand there and take it, I don't defend my self I just laugh along?


Feb 27, 2021
Got bullied by both teachers and students from grade school to high school. Parents too at times. But honestly think out of everyone I'm my worst bully.

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