Are you sick of being lonely?

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Dec 15, 2020
For losers like me...

For me it's been 10 years since a girl was willing to call herself my girlfriend!

And yes that kind of adds to me feeling like I want to ctb.
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Oct 5, 2020
Well sort of, my main reason I want to CTB is that I'm a depressed and anxious idiot that can't take care of himself and being forever alone happens to be a consequence of that.
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Dec 15, 2020
Well sort of, my main reason I want to CTB is that I'm a depressed and anxious idiot that can't take care of himself and being forever alone happens to be a consequence of that.
I feel you bro and would thus suggest it is also a yes.
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Mar 22, 2020
I used to be very depressed because of my loneliness. Now, I really love "her". If that makes any sense lol.


Mar 22, 2020
Not really?

I've come to a point in which I'm so mentally unstable that I don't think I will ever love again so, my new gf is my loneliless!
Really sad but I don't see any other choice lol.
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Narcissistic gay NEETcel
Apr 4, 2021
Me. It's not the only reason, but it is a big one.


Dec 15, 2020
Nah @WornOutLife screw that. There's a girl for you. I may be drunk but I still reckon there's a girl for you.

Perhaps she hates the UK for claiming the Falklands and you can build a relationship from there?
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Feb 20, 2021
I'm autistic and I've never been in a relationship
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Mar 22, 2020
Nah @WornOutLife screw that. There's a girl for you. I may be drunk but I still reckon there's a girl for you.

Perhaps she hates the UK for claiming the Falklands and you can build a relationship from there?

Haha you're an amazing human being!
Thanks for being so nice. I hope we can drink together next time.
Gonna miss u on Saturday!
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the haru that can read
Apr 27, 2019
I chose the third one because it made me laugh, but realistically I guess I would choose the last option.

I could not care less, I have way too many other issues on my plate, and I think part of why it's even so relevant is because of how much society pushes the pseudo-importance of it, until it morphs into something of genuine significance in people's minds.
Other forms of companionship to reduce loneliness have come to be recognized as coming far second in the prioritization of our lives-which I believe is a major flaw of this cesspool we call human civilization.
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Feb 27, 2021
Where is the 'I like being forever alone' option? I can't imagine being in a relationship nor do I want to be in one. Now that doesn't mean I hate romance in general it's just I don't like it when it involves me. I don't want to be responsible for someone's emotional well being and the same in reverse regarding relationships.

The main reasons I want ctb is lack of purpose and self sufficiency. I don't really care about the frills in life if it involves other people so to speak. I'd rather fall in love with a talent, hobby, or work in general. Since those things seem more concrete than dealing with another person's feelings.

irl friendship is still up for debate though. Having one good friend would be nice. Something I'd take before having a romantic partner any day.
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Dec 15, 2020
Er, the third of fourth one? For give my earlier idiocy.

Someone marry me?
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
Yes, I have never ever had a romantic relationship in my entire 27 years and two months of being alive and it is absolutely killing me to the point where it will be the direct cause of my CTB.

Thing is, I do what I can to look for a relationship but I don't jump into them readily knowing that if anything goes wrong, like if I end up needing to break up or divorce then I'd be even more disturbed and ready to die so might as well avoid that headache as soon as I can. Nobody I'd want to be in a relationship with would want to get into one with me anyway I'm assuming because having never had a relationship at this age is already a giant red flag which I totally get but that doesn't make it any easier to cope with.
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Feb 27, 2021
The 'I guess' kinda put me off but its just me looking too deep into things. XD


Dec 15, 2020
Yes, I have never ever had a romantic relationship in my entire 27 years and two months of being alive and it is absolutely killing me to the point where it will be the direct cause of my CTB.

Thing is, I do what I can to look for a relationship but I don't jump into them readily knowing that if anything goes wrong, like if I end up needing to break up or divorce then I'd be even more disturbed and ready to die so might as well avoid that headache as soon as I can. Nobody I'd want to be in a relationship with would want to get into one with me anyway I'm assuming because having never had a relationship at this age is already a giant red flag which I totally get but that doesn't make it any easier to cope with.
I hate this so much. We need to get you laid brother
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Jan 29, 2020
Yes, I have never ever had a romantic relationship in my entire 27 years and two months of being alive and it is absolutely killing me to the point where it will be the direct cause of my CTB.

Thing is, I do what I can to look for a relationship but I don't jump into them readily knowing that if anything goes wrong, like if I end up needing to break up or divorce then I'd be even more disturbed and ready to die so might as well avoid that headache as soon as I can. Nobody I'd want to be in a relationship with would want to get into one with me anyway I'm assuming because having never had a relationship at this age is already a giant red flag which I totally get but that doesn't make it any easier to cope with.
Dude nobody knows that you've been in a relationship or not unless they just can just assume or you tell them. It's just really hard out there for guys like us and there's hardly any legitimate place to talk about it without getting mocked or taken seriously which makes it all that much worse.
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Dec 15, 2020
Where is the 'I like being forever alone' option? I can't imagine being in a relationship nor do I want to be in one. Now that doesn't mean I hate romance in general it's just I don't like it when it involves me. I don't want to be responsible for someone's emotional well being and the same in reverse regarding relationships.

The main reasons I want ctb is lack of purpose and self sufficiency. I don't really care about the frills in life if it involves other people so to speak. I'd rather fall in love with a talent, hobby, or work in general. Since those things seem more concrete than dealing with another person's feelings.

irl friendship is still up for debate though. Having one good friend would be nice. Something I'd take before having a romantic partner any day.
This one I'm struggling with. Have you shagged or no?

Whatever. It's been 4 long years for me. Fuck.
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the haru that can read
Apr 27, 2019
Dude nobody knows that you've been in a relationship or not unless they just can just assume or you tell them. It's just really hard out there for guys like us and there's hardly any legitimate place to talk about it without getting mocked or taken seriously which makes it all that much worse.
Some people do make those types of assumptions unfortunately, 'book & its cover' and all..
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
I hate this so much. We need to get you laid brother
I'm considering at least using up all my savings eventually to pay off an escort to roleplay as the wife of my dreams. Don't know how much money I'd need or how far I'd even get though. I worry I might be too ugly (on the inside) even for them.
Dude nobody knows that you've been in a relationship or not unless they just can just assume or you tell them. It's just really hard out there for guys like us and there's hardly any legitimate place to talk about it without getting mocked or taken seriously which makes it all that much worse.
In the past when I haven't disclosed that I had no relationship experience, it caused people to suspect I was just an asshole for not being able to pick up on flirting attempts or other things I had no clue were going on around me... Besides, I'd want to be as open and honest as possible with whoever I'm in a relationship with. Obviously I don't go around telling people this immediately, but it has to come up eventually in order for a proper relationship with me to work...
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Oct 12, 2020
I can't imagine anyone understanding me. I also like my own space. And have pissed people off in the past due to needing to spend time apart and get back to my self. Although, sometimes I think it would be nice to have a confidant, I also know they would end up annoying me too much, as I'm so accustomed now to doing things my own way :hihi:.
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the haru that can read
Apr 27, 2019
I can't imagine anyone understanding me. I also like my own space. And have pissed people off in the past due to needing to spend time apart and get back to my self. Although, sometimes I think it would be nice to have a confidant, I also know they would end up annoying me too much, as I'm so accustomed now to doing things my own way :hihi:.
This reminds me of how most couples share beds.
I wouldn't want to share a home or a room, never mind a bed!
I don't want to be smothered or melted down into couple soup, so many people forget themselves when in a relationship but I think it would do a lot of them good to maintain some space and individual interests.


Oct 12, 2020
This reminds me of how most couples share beds.
I wouldn't want to share a home or a room, never mind a bed!
I don't want to be smothered or melted down into couple soup, so many people forget themselves when in a relationship but I think it would do a lot of them good to maintain some space and individual interests.
Definitely know what you mean in regards to the bed situation. I can't imagine sharing my bed with someone. Having to turn off the lamp when they're ready to sleep, not being able to sing along to my favourite songs at night because I might disturb the person next to me and don't get me started on having to stick to your side of the bed, ehh.
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Aug 12, 2018
Tbh at this point of life I couldn't care less about relationship.
In my opinion, relationships are just recipes for disaster. Yes, I mean including family relationships. Through out my lifetime, I have witnessed a lot of broken familial relationships. I don't mean happy relationships don't exist, though even the happiest relationship has to go through some dramas or "low points".

Relationship is hard and full of dramas, traumas. I'm just dread being born into this world.
Also having a relationship is different from having sex with a person. You must distinguish what do you really want between those two. Those incels people seriously need some reality checks. Reality is different from those hentai mangas or JAVs. Also those Korean dramas are full of shits. They have to keep making entertainment like that to trap people into delusional bubble, because otherwise their population will crumble quickly if no one wanna get into relationship, marriage and breed children.

If you belong to the shy, introverted, neurotic personality types, getting into an relationship may fuck your life up even more. Learn to speak for yourself first, fight for your benefits first, love yourself first before loving another person. Also people nowadays demand a lot of materials in relationship, if you're poor then they may leave you sooner or later.
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Jan 29, 2020
Tbh at this point of life I couldn't care less about relationship.
In my opinion, relationships are just recipes for disaster. Yes, I mean including family relationships. Through out my lifetime, I have witnessed a lot of broken familial relationships. I don't mean happy relationships don't exist, though even the happiest relationship has to go through some dramas or "low points".

Relationship is hard and full of dramas, traumas. I'm just dread being born into this world.
Also having a relationship is different from having sex with a person. You must distinguish what do you really want between those two. Those incels people seriously need some reality checks. Reality is different from those hentai mangas or JAVs. Also those Korean dramas are full of shits. They have to keep making entertainment like that to trap people into delusional bubble, because otherwise their population will crumble quickly if no one wanna get into relationship, marriage and breed children.

If you belong to the shy, introverted, neurotic personality types, getting into an relationship may fuck your life up even more. Learn to speak for yourself first, fight for your benefits first, love yourself first before loving another person. Also people nowadays demand a lot of materials in relationship, if you're poor then they may leave you sooner or later.
Please don't make baseless assumptions with empty platitudes like that "Those incels people seriously need some reality checks. Reality is different from those hentai mangas or JAVs." Those incels people seriously need some reality checks. Reality is different from those hentai mangas or JAVs."

There's always one or too many of you assholes around with this rhetoric everywhere. Just because you don't have an issue with it doesn't mean it's the same for everyone. Incels problems are legitimate and this is the type of unempathetic language that's gonna drive some of them to kill themselves and remain bitter. Or worse be hostile against people like you and society.
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Aug 12, 2018
Please don't make baseless assumptions with empty platitudes like that "Those incels people seriously need some reality checks. Reality is different from those hentai mangas or JAVs." Those incels people seriously need some reality checks. Reality is different from those hentai mangas or JAVs."

There's always one or too many of you assholes around with this rhetoric everywhere. Just because you don't have an issue with it doesn't mean it's the same for everyone. Incels problems are legitimate and this is the type of unempathetic language that's gonna drive some of them to kill themselves and remain bitter. Or worse be hostile against people like you and society.

I think you misunderstand me. I'm an incel myself, but I realize that relationship isn't as what you see in hentai / manga / romantic movies. It isn't easy even if you have good looks. I think it's a combination of looks, personality, compatibility and even luck. In my previous comment, I'm not mocking incels nor trying to invalidate their rejection experience. I just want to get deep into the philosophy of human relationship.

Even people like Chads or Stacies aren't completely safe from relationship traumas. If you wanna hear some stories, keep reading:

For instance I have a relative brother who was a famous "Chad" in his high school. He was intelligent, funny, tall, got high marks in school. One of the girl in the class confessed to him and promised they will be together forever. Years later, the girl broken the promise, left him for a man who located in a foreign country. My "Chad" brother was broken mentally, he got into serious depression and have been staying in that broken state for years. Now he just eat and sleep all day in his parent's home, while years ago he was a very well-paid architect.

Another relative brother of mine, who I would also consider a "Chad-lite", who is a very well-paid software engineer. He is good-looking, know how to take care of his appearance, is a polite gentle man. They engaged and got a child, yet his wife cheated on him. She slept with another man behind his back. That experience would destroy a person internally, but luckily my brother learnt to move on.
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the haru that can read
Apr 27, 2019
I think you misunderstand me. I'm an incel myself, but I realize that relationship isn't as what you see in hentai / manga / romantic movies. It isn't easy even if you have good looks. I think it's a combination of looks, personality, compatibility and even luck. In my previous comment, I'm not mocking incels nor trying to invalidate their rejection experience. I just want to get deep into the philosophy of human relationship.

Even people like Chads or Stacies aren't completely safe from relationship traumas. If you wanna hear some stories, keep reading:

For instance I have a relative brother who was a famous "Chad" in his high school. He was intelligent, funny, tall, got high marks in school. One of the girl in the class confessed to him and promised they will be together forever. Years later, the girl broken the promise, left him for a man who located in a foreign country. My "Chad" brother was broken mentally, he got into serious depression and have been staying in that broken state for years. Now he just eat and sleep all day in his parent's home, while years ago he was a very well-paid architect.

Another relative brother of mine, who I would also consider a "Chad-lite", who is a very well-paid software engineer. He is good-looking, know how to take care of his appearance, is a polite gentle man. They engaged and got a child, yet his wife cheated on him. She slept with another man behind his back. That experience would destroy a person internally, but luckily my brother learnt to move on.
I was in some agreement with your previous post but with this one, I don't think it's good to appeal to someone's sympathy or understanding by using examples of people who are considerably more privileged than most.
I've always found that approach to be out of touch and quite frankly, insulting to people who are far worse off for not having what your 'example men' have.
I don't mean any offense but it's sort of like the rich preaching to the poor.
I think the majority of us already know bad things can happen to anyone, and the threshold for suffering varies, but usually the more you've got going for you, the easier it is to dilute the bad with the good.
One could even argue that your relative(s) only succumbed to such common betrayals because they were so used to always getting what they wanted and having the world as their oyster.

As far as issues in relationships go, I would agree problems can always arise, no matter who or what you are, especially because there's another person involved and you can't exactly control them in every which way, it's always a wild card to invite another person into your world.
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