

Don't Cry for Me, I'm Already Dead
Apr 7, 2021
does anybody else's parents just not care about your depression/suicidal thoughts?

Got into another massive fight with my mum tonight after I tried to open up about how suicidal I was and how it was negatively impacting my life and my mum was more interested in playing on her phone and managed to make it all about herself. her "useful advice" to me was: get a better attitude, just get better, and if you cant do that then just knock yourself off already. thanks mum... NOT! Why bring me into this world if you're not even going to give a shit about me and my mental wellbeing?

honestly, i dont know whose worse, my mum or my dad. At least my mum actually offers me some horrible advice, whenever I text my dad looking for guidance he just never bothers to reply.
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Apr 26, 2021
When I was 15 my mom told me I could kill myself as long as it wasn't in her house and she wouldn't cry at my funeral. Mother of the year but some part of me wishes she would acknowledge and respect and love me in a gentler way
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Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
If they cared they wouldn't be parents.
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Dec 26, 2019
When I told my mom that i'm feeling depressed, she said "how can you be sad. you should be happy. you cant be sad"
When I told her about my suicidal thoughts, she said "how can you say that? how can you do that to me? don't you feel sorry leaving me behind?"
Idk if that's considered as "care", but at this point i just chose not to tell her anything. Better to be alone with my thoughts than opening up to the wrong person
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baby blues
Apr 17, 2021
I'm sorry for the parents you were given): Some people should never have become a parent. It's their job to provide you with help and guidance in life since you didn't ask to be born. The most my father will do now is call the cops on me if I express any sort of negative thought so I haven't spoken to him in months. After my first almost successful attempt, I got released from the hospital to him and he ended up kicking me out a day before Thanksgiving and I had to beg a couple of friends to scrap together some money for a bus ticket back home across state lines. I hate that he chose to adopt me and become a parent because he wasn't cut out to be one.
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Apr 24, 2021
I'm so sorry you have to go through this. It's horrible. I can totally understand why you feel this way. Being hopeless, and the people who should care most about you - don't care at all.
Parents who bring children into this world and neglect them are not worth to be called parents.
My mother died 7 years ago. But my father is a selfish narcissist who mainly cares about his own well being. Many times I cried for help, I wanted to talk about my mental illness, I wanted support, I even send him a video about what it's like to live with OCD and he ignored it. And yet he feels offended if I don't want to wish him Happy Father's day.
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I predict...
Apr 28, 2021
"A child that deviates from the norm? No, that only happens to other people.
My child will be mentally and physically healthy, intelligent, disciplined, well behaved,
good at sports, handsome, and popular. Once it grows up, it will become a doctor
and then go on to cure cancer and give me four grandchildren.
What do you say? Raising a child like that requires effort, dedication, time, a stable environment,
financial resources, and genetics also play a role?
Nonsense! It's my right to have a child, so I will have one! I don't care about your concerns!
I must continue my bloodline so that my legacy can live on; we're biologically programmed to
procreate; it gives your life meaning; the human race mustn't die out; everyone has children!
Adoption? I'm not going to raise another man's child; how could I possibly bond with it?"

I will spare all of you another rant about eugenics.
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Somebody you used to know.
Oct 18, 2020
It's horrible what you're going through and I understand the alienation you must feel when even your own parents don't show you the love, care and support that you deserve. From what you've described it sounds like your parents are downright cruel.

I don't have parents, they're just egg and sperm donors as far as I'm concerned. I was nothing but a burden to them. My father even told me that my mother wanted to abort me. I wish she did.

Your primary caregivers have a direct impact on the rest of your life and the type of person you'll become. It's for this reason that I always felt unloved and even if people proclaim to love me, I don't believe it.

My "parents" are one of the reasons why I never had children and never will have children because I'm scared I'll become exactly like them. I don't want to bring another fucked-up human being into this world.
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Jan 29, 2021
Unfortunately yes, even though its not just my parents, it's my entire family. Except for the one person who understood me, my Grandma and she passed away a few years ago . My Dad tells me not to worry, just to get on with it, laughs at me when i'm anxious and recently caused me to have my first full blown panic attack. He tells me his sleeping issues and problems are more important, that mine are nothing in comparison to his. He also feels it's fine to dump all of his issues onto me knowing I struggle with my mental health. My mum lacks the capacity to care and doesnt know how to help (I know she can't help it but it doesnt make it any easier as i've never felt like I had a mum) and then I have the rest of my family who would prefer it if i grow up and stop asking for help, my Grandpa even said he's got more important family members to help than me. My Grandad has ignored me completely for the past 4-5 yrs all because of something my anxiety caused.
I'm done trying with any of them except my mum.
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Mar 24, 2021
does anybody else's parents just not care about your depression/suicidal thoughts?

Got into another massive fight with my mum tonight after I tried to open up about how suicidal I was and how it was negatively impacting my life and my mum was more interested in playing on her phone and managed to make it all about herself. her "useful advice" to me was: get a better attitude, just get better, and if you cant do that then just knock yourself off already. thanks mum... NOT! Why bring me into this world if you're not even going to give a shit about me and my mental wellbeing?

honestly, i dont know whose worse, my mum or my dad. At least my mum actually offers me some horrible advice, whenever I text my dad looking for guidance he just never bothers to reply.
Yes, my mother does not care about my suffering and my desire to die and she has not done so for many mounths - she is living her life in denial of human death because she is stupid. My mother is old and she wants to be so old that she end up in a wheel chair in a retirement home, slowly suffer to death. I just want to live and die with dignity. Earlier it was imposslible to talk about suicide and death with her, but now she can at least listen to it, and I am glad about that for that success.
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Scribble Fan

Scribble Fan

I'm out!
May 30, 2019
They claim that they care while at the same time doing absolutely nothing to help or support me. What's the point of having a child if you're just going to abandon them when the going gets rough?
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
I think my parents do care, but they just wouldn't understand. If I ever told them that I didn't want to be here anymore, instead of them accepting and understanding. I would be told just to try and be positive and that others have it worse, and I would be forced to do therapy.

My mother is obsessed with positive thinking and mindfulness and thinks it fixes everything. It's just in this world suicide isn't seen as an rational option and there is no right to die. It's why I would always keep everything to myself. Not everyone wants to live until they are old.

I know that others have it a lot worse than me, but parents shouldn't have children if they aren't going to be there for them and offer support. There is too much stigma towards suffering with mental health conditions. Those who haven't been there themselves won't understand.
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Mar 22, 2020
My mum doesn't give a f*ck about me but my dad is really scared of me ctb and I will literally destroy his life if I go for it.
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in hell out soon

in hell out soon

Apr 27, 2020
When I tried to kill myself in 2016 both of my moms were still alive. One was dealing with cancer at the time but stayed as close as she could. My memories of the time are (understandably) foggy though. Lots of dissociation going on.

my other mom (the one that died of cancer this year) made it about herself for a bit, told me not to do it because it would upset her, and then as I was still in the process of recovery after I came out of the hospital that I should've killed myself, because I wouldn't give her MY laptop. The only contact I had with any of my friends.

she never apologised.

But if I die now I might be able to see her again... and that'd be nice. She wasn't a said but she was the only person who'd put up with me and it wasn't all abuse.
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Mar 24, 2021
They claim that they care while at the same time doing absolutely nothing to help or support me. What's the point of having a child if you're just going to abandon them when the going gets rough?
Because their problems are more important. They just wanted perfect normal happy children and we aren't what they expected. I don't think most people know that taking care of children also implies their mental well being. My mom barely understands it, constantly talk about how good of a parent she is all while completely ignoring my mental health unless of course she is on the phone talking about how hard her life is then suddenly she pretends she gives a fuck. I get it cuz where I'm from mental health is not really known or anything. But she must've saw me coming apart, right? Even when she found out, it wasn't that late but she chose complained until I decided suicide was better and stopped getting the help I needed at a time that was sort of good for me. And she seemed almost happy or relief cuz hey it didn't matter that I was fucking 15-16 struggling to fucking do normal shit or that I was constantly fucking cutting, I guess she thought it was all no longer her problem. And that was the only thing that mattered. Not me. Never me or my problem. Just her and her problems. Always her problems.
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