Worthless loser

Feb 13, 2020
I believe god exists but he is not good or just. He is a sadist who derived pleasure from hurting humans and watching them suffer. He's manipulative, egocentric, and malevolent. He also plays favorites. He gives success, wealth, and happiness to certain people, irrespective of any of their qualities. All this bs that religion spouts about him caring about virtue and morality is nonsense - just look at the world. Donald trump, the embodiment of greed, excess, lust, egocentricity, spite, and pretty much every other vice, is insanely wealthy and the most powerful man in the world. How any religious person could claim there is any balance or justice in the world is beyond me. Some of them claim that he will face his retribution in the so called afterlife - but according to them, I'm going to face the same retribution even though I'm not nearly as evil as these powerful people who are winning at life. It's all rigged, from cradle to grave.
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Empty Smile

Empty Smile

The final Bell has rung. Goodbye to all.
Jul 13, 2018
He does not exist. If he does, he has a nasty sense of humor...

As far as the saying goes that he gave man free will to live as he chose, is a crock of shit. Why would he allow such hatred and disasters to happen?

Why did he choose to give Bob a great life, and Larry a shitty one?

Why did he choose to give baby number 1 a normal, happy life, but baby number 2 an incurable, painful disease?

Why did he choose to let Susan survive that fiery crash, but not Mary?

Edit:. Let me rephrase that last one....

Why did he let that drunk driver who crashed into my girlfriend's car survive, but let her die?

If he really exists, all I can say to him is FUCK YOU...
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Broken Chimera

Broken Chimera

The abyss also gazes into you
May 27, 2019
I was a Christian until a few years ago. I didn't acknowledge that he didn't exist until I left and then I saw how brain washed people were. You literally can find it out online the lies told in the Bible. Their god doesn't exist, but they can't see it. But if he does he's a genecidal psychopath that's worse than the devil. People keep trying to bring me back to it but I'll never be a believer again, I can't lie to myself anymore and refuse to. There might be a god, but the demiurge (Christian god) isn't it. He's just a narcissistic monster.


Don't shoot the messenger, give me the gun
Sep 25, 2018
I can see why you'd think that if you believe in god as a guy who created all this and just lets it all go on. I don't I believe god to be love. Satan to be hate. Heaven and hell to be on earth and the bible to all be allegorical
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I try to be funny...
Jan 14, 2020
He does not exist. If he does, he has a nasty sense of humor...

As far as the saying goes that he gave man free will to live as he chose, is a crock of shit. Why would he allow such hatred and disasters to happen?

Why did he choose to give Bob a great life, and Larry a shitty one?

Why did he choose to give baby number 1 a normal, happy life, but baby number 2 an incurable, painful disease?

Why did he choose to let Susan survive that fiery crash, but not Mary?

Edit:. Let me rephrase that last one....

Why did he let that drunk driver who crashed into my girlfriend's car survive, but let her die?

If he really exists, all I can say to him is FUCK YOU...

Take 1:

You can tell him to fuck off when you're in heaven ;) ok, that was a bad joke.

Take 2:

I'm truly sorry for your loss. I totally agree, there is no such entity as "god". At least not as described by the major religions.
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Dreamless Sleep

Dreamless Sleep

The eternal night before chaos...
Feb 1, 2020
I have always said this... if god is real he's a sadistic asshole. A lot of people find it offensive but Empty Smile summed up exactly how I feel. Why create a world with so much cruelty and hardship? Do you ever watch those medical oddity shows? Horrible skin conditions and diseases that are not made by "satan".... sorry. People made to suffer their entire lives for no other reason than being born.

My feelings on this subject got much worse when I went vegan and really started to open my eyes to the horrific abuse animals suffer in this world... because again, what "loving god" would create beautiful, kind, innocent animals just for them to suffer at the hands of humans -- worse yet -- humans who self righteously quote the bible as justification saying those animals were put on this earth just for that purpose? A sadistic effer.
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Oct 22, 2019
God {just another title for satan} means ruler of the land, so yes the archons are exactly as you've described them. As for The Most Highs? The creators of this terrarium? Can't really say much about them from this perspective, but keep in mind that even if they were omnipotent..

Omnipotence isn't foolproof, and doesn't make them impervious to being involved in a very sticky hostage situation with imprisoned souls that are being trafficked. Not even sure if they're omnipotent to begin with.
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Photography by Haris Nukem.
Jan 19, 2020
I want to know what happened to my prayers when I did pray. I know what happened, I didn't get any good out of my situation. All my energy was to a power that gave no fucks about my decline. Blessed and highly favored. *Barf* I am not here to offend religions, God can mean any religion....

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