Deleted member 14386

I am not advising anything
Jan 28, 2020
Like I'll be into pursuing a convo with someone for a while but they're busy or whatever, then they're not busy, up to talk and I'm just effing drained of energy for no reason at all. I just don't answer the call and then I'm the one who never contacts the other person (because I feel ashamed for refusing their call or that I would bring their mood down in my depressive state).

Or I'll do something outlandish, like make a ltd company. then 2 days in I'm like I can't do this and bail.
But mainly people, when I want people there are none, when I don't it feels like they're hammering my front door.

edit: or even when the people are saying whatever, even to help, I literally couldn't give a f**k. Just say whatever you feel you need to make yourselves feel better, get it out of your system and leave me alone to die
Just needed to rant really
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I just wanna go to my husband already.
Jun 5, 2020
I dont mind them talking as long as they dont talk to me. Background noise can be ok. As long as they dont force me to talk. Im tired of playing pretend, im not happy.
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May 17, 2020
Wow I relate to your post so deeply! I don't talk to my friends/acquaintances(?) much because it just feels too overwhelming
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Ave Satanas
Jun 28, 2020
I don't talk to people because most people are stupid and stuck in this bubble of thought. They can't think outside the box because for some reason, that's forbidden. People can't reason these days, have a debate, or understand shit unless it's about themselves. They can't question shit that is obvious as hell, but think "nahhh that can't be real". I'm so sick of "people" in general it's unreal... I mean shit, there are STILL people that want their steak WELL DONE... gtfo.
I dont mind them talking as long as they dont talk to me. Background noise can be ok. As long as they dont force me to talk. Im tired of playing pretend, im not happy.

You're never "forced"... be yourself and be quiet or say stfu... it works better than you'd think, but most play that bullshit game and do what others expect, so idk.
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Jul 2, 2018
Jepp, all the time. I listen and listen to boring and depressing stuff from family and friends. I talk a lot too, but I always keep it short and simple. The problem with this, is that people often like longer conversations, and I have to tell the same story in many different ways. I think it's because people in general don't listen very good, so I'll have to feed them info from a teaspone (?).
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Iustitia Mortuus
Jun 12, 2020
I barely speak at all, am something of a voluntary mute in social situations, and it repulses people in general. I'll listen to them making small talk, but I have neither any idea how to interject and join in with it, nor any desire to do so. I wish people would engage in deeper discussion and engrossing subjects. I'm bored and uninterested in general banter, and when colleagues inevitably start making lewd references, because nobody can seem to refrain from blighting discussion with sex, I want to shrivel up and die. It's utterly unappealing.

I'm autistic and have many social difficulties. I can camouflage to some extent, and mimic others to fly under the radar, but only so long, and I revert to being reticent when my social battery is quickly exhausted.

It's disheartening, because I have a vast inner world and so much to say, am a creative and imaginative and spiritual person, but I'm forced to pretend none of that exists in me in order to be acceptable. I've turned away from conversation in general and I grow increasingly inarticulate with voice due to my rarely using it, but I can type epics if only someone would be interested in diving beneath the surface to engage in scientific, philosophical, artistic, educational or spiritual dialog.

There's better, more intelligent conversation here, on a bloody suicide forum, than anywhere else I've searched. What a world we live in. What a bizzare gabbling species we are. It always fascinates me how most people can't seem to shut up or cope with momentary silence, and will say anything to avoid the squirm of peaceful interludes.

In silence, I hear everything.
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Feb 8, 2019
I get so bored with the conversations that I constantly digress in my thoughts and immediately forget what I was just told.

This sometimes puts me in unpleasant situations, especially at work :D
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I screwed up

Waiting for the damn bus
Sep 11, 2019
I hate conversations specially with family ... I avoid it like plague , I don't even attend any family functions for the same reason . I can't keep acting normal when am clearly depressed.
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Not so happy as it turns out.
May 29, 2020
Honestly, I'd rather be alone with my thoughts or just hurry up and get the conversation over with so I can do something else. I usually give one worded replies or just a short reply in general so they know I'm not really interested in talking at that time, but they hardly ever get the hint and it annoys the hell out of me sometimes.
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Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
People usually are so dumb, hateful, argumentative, self centered, it's a chore to even try any form of communication with anyone.
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Soulless Angel

Soulless Angel

Did someone say Rum?
Jul 6, 2020
recently I have been forced into pointless brain numbing conversations, it hurts my brain, I simply hate people, I'd rather not talk to people and just deal with them in silence, but society generally has other ideas.
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Deleted member 17949

Deleted member 17949

May 9, 2020
I don't bother anymore. Always the same story with people not wanting to talk and me feeling like it's become a chore for them to reply to my messages when I want someone to talk to. I'f I'm that annoying fine, I'll kill myself, fuck people.
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draw a circle

Apr 10, 2020
It's kinda the opposite for me. I don't usually like to talk with people, but lately I'm in the need to talk with someone because I'm feeling lonely and stressed and borderline suicidal. I just wanted to talk to this one person who knows me well and hold a light convo about anything at all; I'm not asking them to play therapist. It won't make my suicidal tendencies gone, but it can at least distract me it until I can find a way to be better. But they're always too busy talking with their online friends and playing rpg with them. I mean, they're just like me and our energy to talk to people is limited (and I'm playing the same rpg as him but is inactive rn) so once they're done with them, they will go and ignore me and our other friends. If there is the time where I really need a friend, it's now... but I guess I'm asking for too much. So I turned here.

I don't want to have any conversation with anyone else; I'm bad at keeping up with my friends and I'm keeping my mental health problems a secret. Talking with my friend I mentioned above doesn't make me as tired as with other people and they actually make me happy, that's why I like talking to them. This is probably very selfish of me.
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Jun 23, 2020
very difficult to find meaningful conversation amongst my peers. everything feels forced :/


Jan 9, 2020
one time one of my co workers told me about what he ate for dinner the day before. it was an hour long story.

I've also heard three others have the exact word for word discussion about the weather in 1997 four times. and that was only when I was around to hear it who knows how many times they've done that.

youngest guy on my shift but I'm often the only adult in the room having to remind people to use inside voice, wash their hands and not touching the thermostat.
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Jul 15, 2020
I barely speak at all, am something of a voluntary mute in social situations, and it repulses people in general. I'll listen to them making small talk, but I have neither any idea how to interject and join in with it, nor any desire to do so. I wish people would engage in deeper discussion and engrossing subjects. I'm bored and uninterested in general banter, and when colleagues inevitably start making lewd references, because nobody can seem to refrain from blighting discussion with sex, I want to shrivel up and die. It's utterly unappealing.

I'm autistic and have many social difficulties. I can camouflage to some extent, and mimic others to fly under the radar, but only so long, and I revert to being reticent when my social battery is quickly exhausted.

It's disheartening, because I have a vast inner world and so much to say, am a creative and imaginative and spiritual person, but I'm forced to pretend none of that exists in me in order to be acceptable. I've turned away from conversation in general and I grow increasingly inarticulate with voice due to my rarely using it, but I can type epics if only someone would be interested in diving beneath the surface to engage in scientific, philosophical, artistic, educational or spiritual dialog.

There's better, more intelligent conversation here, on a bloody suicide forum, than anywhere else I've searched. What a world we live in. What a bizzare gabbling species we are. It always fascinates me how most people can't seem to shut up or cope with momentary silence, and will say anything to avoid the squirm of peaceful interludes.

In silence, I hear everything.
I relate so much, I almost never talk but daydream all the time and have a lot of ideas but just don't have the energy to talk. Like even just opening my mouth and ugh expressing my feelings through words is hard. It's easier to just leave it all for myself then force myself to speak. No one really cares about my random shit anyways.
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May 14, 2020
Like I'll be into pursuing a convo with someone for a while but they're busy or whatever, then they're not busy, up to talk and I'm just effing drained of energy for no reason at all. I just don't answer the call and then I'm the one who never contacts the other person (because I feel ashamed for refusing their call or that I would bring their mood down in my depressive state).

Or I'll do something outlandish, like make a ltd company. then 2 days in I'm like I can't do this and bail.
But mainly people, when I want people there are none, when I don't it feels like they're hammering my front door.

edit: or even when the people are saying whatever, even to help, I literally couldn't give a f**k. Just say whatever you feel you need to make yourselves feel better, get it out of your system and leave me alone to die
Just needed to rant really
It's a sign of severe depression really. I thought I had serious depression six months ago but I could still interact with people. Now everything is so exhausting that I need to go and lie down in bed, even conversations are exhausting. Severe Depression causes severe exhaustion it would seem
Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
Talking with my friend I mentioned above doesn't make me as tired as with other people and they actually make me happy, that's why I like talking to them. This is probably very selfish of me.
I've had about three people in the last 30 years I liked talking to and they all eventually stopped communicating with me. I consider this normal, having had no other experiences that were any different.
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May 23, 2020
Don't really speak to people much and when I do I just feel agitated. This one friend never says hi first but then complains when I do, as to how long it's been since I last said hi or similar. People = shit to me
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Little Homeless Girl
Feb 5, 2020
Feeling that right now. So drained of any positive energy that I can't even talk to myself.

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