
Feb 2, 2020
Guess the title explains it. No matter what the community I join (actually this place is an exception) I'm like unable to deal with any nasty sentiment/people, and it ruins it for me. I've left two discord's today because of it, I simply don't get those people who can laugh it or or ignore it? I am unable to so I'm constantly miserable I just feel I'm not made to be able to survive this society.

anyone else feel the same?
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Mar 22, 2020
Yes, I think I'm not compatible with this world.
Studying, getting married, having children while working until I'm a sick and old grey man? Is that it? No, thanks.

I wanna understand why the hell I exist. Why is there something instead of nothing? So ridiculous!

Anyway, hope you can feel better soon, pal.


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May 27, 2020
If it is any consolation: the world was not made for anyone at all. There are different environments created through various processes and also chance, and an organism either adapts to those environments or it does not.

You are correct that not everybody is built to survive in society, but this does not mean you are "weak" or undesirable in any way. You have said that you are unable to put up with nasty individuals, and this is normal, because nobody likes to be mistreated - even those who are mean-spirited. Those that laugh at horrible situations, or laugh when they are hurtful to somebody else, likely have a lack of empathy. You are not the one with the issue in this instance.

To put is simply: why would you want to have the ability to blend into society? It is awful.
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Life was a mistake
Sep 12, 2020
Guess the title explains it. No matter what the community I join (actually this place is an exception) I'm like unable to deal with any nasty sentiment/people, and it ruins it for me. I've left two discord's today because of it, I simply don't get those people who can laugh it or or ignore it? I am unable to so I'm constantly miserable I just feel I'm not made to be able to survive this society.

anyone else feel the same?
I'm fed up with horrible people always getting away with their shit. They're usually good manipulators so they manage to get people to turn against you for saying something against their crap, and groupthink will make them start a campaign against you. I can't stand that kind of thing so it's why I try to limit my interactions with others.
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Jun 26, 2020
100% YES!! All my life, I am 65 years young, I always felt like I did not belong here. I thought that way since I can remember. I have had so, so many people tell me that I see things so different than everyone else and that I am plain weird. You @ScaredToLive and me are on the same wave length on this aspect. I never ever felt in 65 years that I belong here. You are a very smart person indeed! all my best to you. Walter
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Here Lies My Hopes And Dreams
Sep 4, 2019
Me. I'm too damn incompetent when it comes to so many things, too emotional, I'm too much of a people pleaser, have an awful memory so I forget whole conversations easily within a few minutes, too tired to do anything and the list goes on :(
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Live free or die
Aug 9, 2018
I'm fed up with horrible people always getting away with their shit. They're usually good manipulators so they manage to get people to turn against you for saying something against their crap, and groupthink will make them start a campaign against you. I can't stand that kind of thing so it's why I try to limit my interactions with others.
Oh god this. It's like people will turn a blind eye to the most heinous shit, but then if you're autistic or even just a little bit different they WILL turn on you and make your life hell. Humans talk about how they are so much more advanced and "better" than other animals, but it becomes pretty apparent that we're not when people act like a pack of grey wolves driving out the white wolf just for having white fur.
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drugging kids is abuse
Jan 27, 2021
I feel this world is full of injustice, oppression, greedy, narcissism, evil, etc and this things drive me crazy. I don't tolerate injustice and natcisstic people who get away with harming others. I think being highly sensitive to this things makes it hard for me to feel comfortable in places and also got me into psychiatry so yeah. Being highly sensitive to society's bs can make you feel as if you don't fit in, from my experience.
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I remember...death in the afternoon...
Nov 7, 2020
I feel like this world is not for me. Most people nowadays are so shallow, unempathetic, and get off on mistreating others. Whenever I complain about it, people just tell me to "grow up and deal with it". Well, no thanks, I'd rather die.
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breathing tumor cyst
Apr 14, 2021
This world isn't meant for us, it's meant for the monkeys and apes who shout the loudest
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Apr 23, 2021
Guess the title explains it. No matter what the community I join (actually this place is an exception) I'm like unable to deal with any nasty sentiment/people, and it ruins it for me. I've left two discord's today because of it, I simply don't get those people who can laugh it or or ignore it? I am unable to so I'm constantly miserable I just feel I'm not made to be able to survive this society.

anyone else feel the same?
Always, I don't fit in anywhere, never have, can't be myself fully if I want to be part of the world, so draining only being able to talk to myself about the things I want to. So yeah, I would think this is a very common feeling for many of us.
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Mar 21, 2021
Same, I am not adjusted to this world of people at all, I can fake it for a little while but then I burn out really fast and turn into myself which people perceive as me being heartless or rude when I just can't keep it up. My brain is broke. I can't understand people at all and always think they are being aggressive or mean to me when I am told later that is not the case. Maybe living life drunk 100% of the time would be easier but is not sustainable at all.
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Aug 18, 2020
100% YES!! All my life, I am 65 years young, I always felt like I did not belong here. I thought that way since I can remember. I have had so, so many people tell me that I see things so different than everyone else and that I am plain weird. You @ScaredToLive and me are on the same wave length on this aspect. I never ever felt in 65 years that I belong here. You are a very smart person indeed! all my best to you. Walter
You are a trip Walter. Love you so very much!

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Jul 8, 2018
I guess I'd be ok with the world if I had anything at all that would interest me not just sleeping and getting drunk. Or if I could take a shower and brush my hair without having to talk myself into it for two hours and wanting to cry while doing it.
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Aug 18, 2020
Guess the title explains it. No matter what the community I join (actually this place is an exception) I'm like unable to deal with any nasty sentiment/people, and it ruins it for me. I've left two discord's today because of it, I simply don't get those people who can laugh it or or ignore it? I am unable to so I'm constantly miserable I just feel I'm not made to be able to survive this society.

anyone else feel the same?
Yes. The BS here is just criminal and insane. We are not happy here! Not a single person right now alive today is happy here! In the least very very few and IMO those people are blind or stupid. On top of that I have an illness. Actually multiple illnesses that have unfortunately taken all my joy away. Other people here are sick as well.

All I see is war, dead and starving kids, banks who fuck us all, and religions who tell us to sit on our asses because Jesus will take care of us. FUCK that. Meanwhile here's another Superbowl where some bimbo shows her tits, and another movie to keep me "entertained" should I look up at the nightmare that is not only my country (USA) but all other countries treating the people of the world as a whole like shit. Every nation is unhappy here. Then all the smaller nations that get picked on by all of us while our taxes pay for that against our will. We dont even feed or house our children for fucking free because the governments told us this was the best way. That's fucking sick! So the suicide rate goes up so much that here we are on one of many suicidal websites. I mean thank god for these types of websites but this is all pretty fucking wrong all around. We should be living a dream life happy and singing but instead many of us are looking for a gun or a rope to get the fuck out of here. This is why when I see someone here on SS go "missing" I'm glad! I'm fucking glad!! Thank God they found peace away from this shit hole of a mess we call "life". They/ we deserve so much fucking better than to live in this shitty shitty cold fucked up world. Love you guys!! ❤
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Don't Cry for Me, I'm Already Dead
Apr 7, 2021
Definetly! I dont belong anywhere. My own family doesn't even care about me.
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Jan 31, 2021
Not to sound melodramatic; I don't feel I'm not meant for the world, I know I'm not. For years I tried the normal route and behaving as expected by others, but, in recent years it's got me nowhere. A combination of a rare physical health problem and suffering its mental effects; there's only so much trying a person can manage before knowing when to cut their losses.

If the above statement means I'm consumed by a Learned Helplessness (supposed reluctance to change personal circumstances), exhibiting Post Traumatic Embitterment Disorder (so-called inability to let go) or showing symptoms of whatever applicable psychiatric illness then diagnose until satisfied.

Mini rant over.
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May 27, 2020
I feel like this world is not for me. Most people nowadays are so shallow, unempathetic, and get off on mistreating others. Whenever I complain about it, people just tell me to "grow up and deal with it". Well, no thanks, I'd rather die.
If you are angry or upset in anyway at the nasty behaviour of others then you are already "grown up". Rather they are the ones who need to develop more; since they have not advanced past the level of playground bully.
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A pointless life had in a pointless world
Mar 11, 2019
Everything about me is antithetical to having a peaceful life in the world; poor, ugly, mentally ill and many other things.

I know if I was a different person my mental illnesses may be met with actual sympathy but as it is I'm treated like a burden and a nuisance.

Everything about me makes like difficult because I live in a world that was never made to accommodate me.

I'm too sensitive, don't have emotional resilience, bad with money, unorganised, envious, impulsive, can't deal with stress, hate people and they hate me too.

I know what I am and I know I'm not made for the world but if I say I want to kill myself there's something intrinsically wrong with me apparently.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
I can relate. I feel like I have never coped well with this world, my brain just simply wasn't wired to deal with it from the start. I have always been mildly depressed and autistic which meant I am overly sensitive to certain things. I feel like now due to certain health problems that I have lost any remaining meaning or purpose. I see death as comforting yet it is viewed as irrational and as if theres something wrong to want that.
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May 29, 2020
yes there's no getting around it
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Mar 24, 2021
Guess the title explains it. No matter what the community I join (actually this place is an exception) I'm like unable to deal with any nasty sentiment/people, and it ruins it for me. I've left two discord's today because of it, I simply don't get those people who can laugh it or or ignore it? I am unable to so I'm constantly miserable I just feel I'm not made to be able to survive this society.

anyone else feel the same?
Civilization and overpopulation are the reasons many of us feel this way and are alone. We are still stone age man because 95 percent of humanity humans lived in nature as hunters and gatherers in groups of 10 -12 people who were forced to cooperate to survive. No one was alone outside the group when all people lived in nature.
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Jan 29, 2020
If you are angry or upset in anyway at the nasty behaviour of others then you are already "grown up". Rather they are the ones who need to develop more; since they have not advanced past the level of playground bully.
The irony of growing up is that usually the happiest times of your life are when you were a child
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Cheesed to meet you
Nov 30, 2019
What's always hurt is how much people seem to fit in and enjoy the world along side my own empty boredom. Like there's always been this slight feeling of disappointment with everything I've ever done and seen. I don't know if that means I'm not meant for the world or if I'm just an asshole.
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May 27, 2020
The irony of growing up is that usually the happiest times of your life are when you were a child
Oh yes - definitely. That is why I disagree with the idea that growing older is the same as growing up - "growing up" in the sense of maturing. If you look at all of the issues in the world many of them are caused by the so-called adults.
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