

Sep 28, 2022
i fucking hate the world, i hate how people hurt and used me and my parents, i just wana see the world in ruins.

normies are such hypocrites, they think of themselves as good meanwhile they are the biggest cons and snakes in the world.

so after hearing that American President Joe Biden said we are the closest to nuclear war we have been in a while i legit got happy.

Let all the nukes fall, who gives a fuck, its a fantastic proposition.

Sadly it probably wont even happen.

It would be good if everything desended into chaos and peoples property and lives were turned upside down.

They tramped over others to get what they wanted.

All life is just shit even watching nature documentaries all life just feeds off and destroys others.

Fuck life and fuck this Planet and fuck you if you got something smart to say or unhappy with what im saying.
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Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
Why would anyone want to live worse yet? Haven't we suffered enough? I wouldn't want to survive to live in a nuclear hell in my last days.
No, thank you.

* But what you say is a sentiment shared by many other people. Somehow they are relieved to know that maybe Life will get what it deserves.


Per què voldría ningú viure pitjor encara? no hem patit prou? No voldria sobreviure per a viure en un infern nuclear els meus últims dies.
No, gràcies.

* Però el que comentes és un sentiment compartit per moltes altres persones. D'alguna manera els alleujà saber que potser la Vida rebrà el que es mereix.
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Angst Filled Fuck Up

Angst Filled Fuck Up

Sep 9, 2018
I'm not sure I understand this line of thinking. Nukes aren't "all or nothing" typically. But they will cause pockets of destruction, death, displacement, supply shortages, and any number of other humanitarian crises.

It's a bit like saying you wish you had cancer. It's not like it's for sure going to kill you, so don't wish your life to be any worse than it is. People with black and white thinking tend to see nukes as this kind of turning off of all the lights, but I think it unlikely to end in a complete wiping out of the world and/or humanity.
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Jumper Seoirse

Jumper Seoirse

Apr 8, 2022
I wouldn't worry if the nukes don't get you the apes will.


Cheers Geo
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Oct 3, 2022
I wouldn't want my family to be harmed in anyway. I just want to die not take out everyone else.
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Meowing to go out
Dec 27, 2020
Wait until you experience it and then tell us if you still find it desirable.


I’m so done
Sep 12, 2022
yeah ive gotten very cynical recently (nothing matters in the end) that i sort of welcome this... i know this sounds horrible, but i read that the people who died in nagasaki and hiroshima were dead instantly because the blast was so powerful.. doesnt sound too bad... (wouldnt wish it on anyone but i really dont care anymore)
Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
sure id love to.

* Translate:
"I'm tired of this Earth,these people. I'm tired of being caught in the tangle of their lives.
They claim their labours are to build a heaven yet their heaven is populated with horrors. Perhaps the world is not made. Perhaps nothing is made. A clock without a craftsman. It's too late. Always has been, always will be…too late."

Who are you? doc?
Qui ets tu? doctor?
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Sep 28, 2022
"I'm tired of this Earth,these people. I'm tired of being caught in the tangle of their lives.
They claim their labours are to build a heaven yet their heaven is populated with horrors. Perhaps the world is not made. Perhaps nothing is made. A clock without a craftsman. It's too late. Always has been, always will be…too late."
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Nov 5, 2022
i fucking hate the world, i hate how people hurt and used me and my parents, i just wana see the world in ruins.

normies are such hypocrites, they think of themselves as good meanwhile they are the biggest cons and snakes in the world.

so after hearing that American President Joe Biden said we are the closest to nuclear war we have been in a while i legit got happy.

Let all the nukes fall, who gives a fuck, its a fantastic proposition.

Sadly it probably wont even happen.

It would be good if everything desended into chaos and peoples property and lives were turned upside down.

They tramped over others to get what they wanted.

All life is just shit even watching nature documentaries all life just feeds off and destroys others.

Fuck life and fuck this Planet and fuck you if you got something smart to say or unhappy with what im saying.
Nuclear holocaust would be warmly welcomed by me and even if I wasn't suicidal our society and economy are imploding so what's the alternative? Biden is easily one of the worst presidents we've ever had. Only someone like Bush Jr would rank higher because he slaughtered a million Iraqis and over a total lie. I fully agree with your statement here.


Jul 22, 2022
I love the idea of wiping out all humans, but a world war would just be an excuse for certain bad people to hurt other people even more. Your shitty president would be the one that benefits from a war the most.


Nov 5, 2022
A world war would be use as an excuse for the elites to profit handsomely as us plebs get mass slaughtered. They are triggering the conditions for the next one now. All American presidents have immensely benefited financially from their own criminal actions. We are doomed.


Oct 22, 2019
I mean, technically World War 3 already started through chemtrails back in 2005.
None of us has more than 5 decent years left on the surface.
It is bye-bye & good riddance seeing as barely anybody did what they were supposed to.

Monsanto sure helped speed things up.
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May 27, 2020
No. I would not welcome a nuclear war, because many people who do not want to die would be killed; as troubled as humanity is not every individual is wicked, and does not deserve to suffer through a holocaust. There is pro-choice, and then there is pro-death.

Having said this: if only those who have abused me were to be incinerated in a nuclear attack, and nobody else, then I would feel no sadness.
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Existence is absolutely meaningless
Nov 12, 2022
There will be wars as long as there is overpopulation. Because the population is increasing all the time and there is human aggression and nuclear weapons - we can also expect a nuclear war. I have nothing against a nuclear war which I am willing to die in. For me, it is better to die now than to suffer for decades and die from old age.


Aug 20, 2022
I want to yeet myself, not other people, as I think we have the right to die I think others have the right to live.
I dont wish harm to others, and I wish they can live their best life
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Apr 15, 2023
The more desperate I get the more I wish this. Only if the nuke is dropped right on top of me though. I don't want to die slowly like in Threads.


Oct 13, 2023
i fucking hate the world, i hate how people hurt and used me and my parents, i just wana see the world in ruins.

normies are such hypocrites, they think of themselves as good meanwhile they are the biggest cons and snakes in the world.

so after hearing that American President Joe Biden said we are the closest to nuclear war we have been in a while i legit got happy.

Let all the nukes fall, who gives a fuck, its a fantastic proposition.

Sadly it probably wont even happen.

It would be good if everything desended into chaos and peoples property and lives were turned upside down.

They tramped over others to get what they wanted.

All life is just shit even watching nature documentaries all life just feeds off and destroys others.

Fuck life and fuck this Planet and fuck you if you got something smart to say or unhappy with what im saying.
Yes and no

If I die that'll be great.

If I survive from the nuclear fallout it'll just make my life a lot worse than it already is


Gott, es tut mir leid.
Nov 15, 2023
i fucking hate the world, i hate how people hurt and used me and my parents, i just wana see the world in ruins.

normies are such hypocrites, they think of themselves as good meanwhile they are the biggest cons and snakes in the world.

so after hearing that American President Joe Biden said we are the closest to nuclear war we have been in a while i legit got happy.

Let all the nukes fall, who gives a fuck, its a fantastic proposition.

Sadly it probably wont even happen.

It would be good if everything desended into chaos and peoples property and lives were turned upside down.

They tramped over others to get what they wanted.

All life is just shit even watching nature documentaries all life just feeds off and destroys others.

Fuck life and fuck this Planet and fuck you if you got something smart to say or unhappy with what im saying.
Billions will eat ze boogs
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