Anyone else here garden?

  • Yes, indoors, for my mental health

    Votes: 5 25.0%
  • Yes, indoors, as a hobby or job

    Votes: 4 20.0%
  • Yes, outdoors, for my mental health

    Votes: 2 10.0%
  • Yes, outdoors, as a hobby or job

    Votes: 4 20.0%
  • No, no interest

    Votes: 4 20.0%
  • No, can't garden

    Votes: 8 40.0%

  • Total voters


Oct 30, 2023
I have a bit of a garden going, indoors. Me personally I just have always gardened
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Aug 10, 2023
Yesss, I have a little terrace garden that I love. Seeing my plants thriving, new seeds sprout, flowers blooming & fruiting gives me so much joy.
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"and if this is the end, i am glad i met you."
May 27, 2023
I put yes for hobby/job but it also helps my mental health. I have a garden that needs a lot of maintnence, so it's a job that needs doing, it is a kind of hobby, sometimes I grow plants for like fruit and vegatables. I also find it's very good for my mental health getting outside in the fresh air and with nature I find therapeutic and doing a hard job like mowing the lawn of cutting back the bushes can be rewarding when finished and give you a sense or worth.
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Mori praestat, quam haec pati!
May 21, 2023
I might have interest but ik I can lose interest quickly and forget about it, the plants probably would die quickly here ...
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Oct 30, 2023
I might have interest but ik I can lose interest quickly and forget about it, the plants probably would die quickly here ...
If you are in a dry climate or forget to water, hen and chicks make a good idle plant. They can root in areas pretty easily even rocky terrible areas, they just need light really.
If you are in a moist area, water mint works as mint isn't super needy for light and water mint grows in marshes.
If you are in an area with a winter, perennials are good. Chives, mint, lavender, onions, or various fruiting trees if you have a yard. Cherry trees are not big and so are crab apple trees. Cold as Pluto where I grew up and fam had cherry and crab apple trees.
Trees have a moderate root system after a couple years, and you can get them already a couple years old at various garden supply stores. They can be more drought tolerant.
Micro green gardening is where you have a mother plant of sorts going that you intend to stress and have go to seed early on so you can grow a bunch of the baby plants for salad. Or you can buy micro green seed mixes and do it that way. I used the seed packets and intend on growing a couple to adulthood for a mother plant. I'm using a cabbage family mix. I might do basil too.
If you have any questions about certain low maintenance plants or quick gardening I can try to answer them.
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Oct 27, 2023
I grow weed if that counts
  • Yay!
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perpetually confused
Jan 12, 2023
I tried my hand at outdoor gardening two spring/summers in a row, a couple years back. I grew ornamental, as well as vegetables and some berries.

The climate where I reside is brutally hot and humid in the summer, and I hate feeling overheated. Apparently, most of the plants I worked with did not enjoy the enduring onslaught of heat and sun either, nor were they a fan of the type of soil in our yard. I had many struggles with my outdoor garden during that time.

If the temperature would remain more mild here (like it is during Spring), I could see myself getting back into it. Alas, it doesn't seem our climate will be cooling off anytime soon..

So I just take care of my 80+ houseplants instead.

Sometimes, I face difficulties with finding the motivation to tend to so many plants...but most of them seem to adapt to my care during my inconsistent periods.

I do enjoy having so much greenery inside. It makes the home so much more cozy.

I grow weed if that counts
Lol, that definitely counts.

Helping some friends in their grow house (way back when I was 19) is what spurred my love for plant husbandry in the first place.
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Oct 30, 2023
I grow weed if that counts
I fucking love that bro. Wish I could. Might move to a legal state to do that or just do it inside.
Also that counts. Roses are hard to grow and weed is related to roses. They share an order.

Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
I grow weed if that counts

Lol- I read that as weeds- unwanted plants. I have plenty of them growing in the garden. šŸ˜†

I love nature but I'm too lazy to garden. I do stuff when it becomes absolutely necessary. I used to have an orchid a friend gave me. I loved it. I spent loads on repotting it to give it more space and it died as a result. That was really upsetting.
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Oct 22, 2023
Used to be super green thumbs both indoor and outdoor. helped run one of the walled gardens (if anyone from the uk knows what they are) that one quite a few awards and now has quite large flower shows and owned a greenhouse for carnivorus plants. I dont rlly garden anymore though not so much as an indoor cactus lol
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Oct 28, 2023
I have a few plants and I love them but it's always depressing of you're having a really bad phase and the plant kinda die not completely but a little bit. They kinda reflect my mental health and Im always so sorry but can't help it yk ā€¢~ā€¢


Oct 30, 2023
I have a few plants and I love them but it's always depressing of you're having a really bad phase and the plant kinda die not completely but a little bit. They kinda reflect my mental health and Im always so sorry but can't help it yk ā€¢~ā€¢
For me it was the cycle of homelessness that kept killing my house plants. I was only able to keep a basil alive in the car for a week or two before it conked out from heat stroke.
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Oct 28, 2023
For me it was the cycle of homelessness that kept killing my house plants. I was only able to keep a basil alive in the car for a week or two before it conked out from heat stroke.
Man that sucks maybe somewhere in the future we can grow plants that don't die
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shape without form, shade without colour
Jan 24, 2021
I started this for practical reasons during COVID when everybody was worried about being able to get food reliably. The long and short of it is that I am a terrible vegetable and fruit grower, but I am able to keep most herbs and ornamental plants alive, so I kept that up. Not great at that either - I managed to almost kill a rosemary bush - but it occupies some time.
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Oct 30, 2023
I started this for practical reasons during COVID when everybody was worried about being able to get food reliably. The long and short of it is that I am a terrible vegetable and fruit grower, but I am able to keep most herbs and ornamental plants alive, so I kept that up. Not great at that either - I managed to almost kill a rosemary bush - but it occupies some time.
Herbs are usually good.
I have some green onion going because I pulled some slimy green onion out of the trash. I found the root bulb was intact so I cut off the gross bits and put it in dirt. I did this with 2 garbage green onions. They have new stalks growing.
Herbs, especially ones that are just generally hardy like alliums, are always nice to have on hand and may be more valuable per pound in the coming years due to oncoming economic hardship, scarcity, and war fucking up spice trade routes.
We still have spice trade. I'm going for the old bunker route. We have a ton of canned shit and I'm going to dry herbs soon. That will be currency.
Man that sucks maybe somewhere in the future we can grow plants that don't die
Mint is pretty hardy though I managed to kill 3 clones. On the other hand, the other 3 made it. I just grabbed a bush from a park and we drove it home (finally have a place, knocks on wood) and I split the bush up into 6 sprigs and tried to get them to root in Gatorade bottles.
We found wild watermint at a park.
If it can grow in this area with crackhead weather, then it can grow anywhere, except for places without a cold season. I am pretty sure perennials need that.
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