
Why is this so hard?
Aug 31, 2024
I'm not talking about common ones like nausea or changes in sleep pattern. I had a medicine recently that made me walk hunched over and shuffle and once my doctor took me off of that I stopped but now it's like the other medicines. I am on are bringing new silly little things out like I constantly rub my thumb and pointer finger together or snap my fingers. It's so random.


Mar 29, 2024
which med had which side effect?
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Aug 1, 2024
Interesting. I had a blood pressure medication that made me suicidal.🤨 I know! 🤣🤣🤣 But, hear me out -- I was a newlywed and hadn't had any "untoward" thoughts in the couple of years I had known this man. He actually had me convinced I might be cured of the suicidality. But man, they came back like a vengeance about 48 hours after my first dose. Took me off of them -- 72 hours later I had calmed back down. Was a really strange experience.
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Apr 15, 2022
Mostly just extreme tiredness
(non-psychiatric meds). I used to get these painful "electric shock" like sensations all over my body from some meds, especially in my head, but they were being caused by the dye in the medications. Another med I was on, a script allergy med, was given me pains in what felt like my right kidney. I stopped it and pains stopped. When I started it up again, pains came back. No dyes in it, but sometimes the fillers they use in the pills can cause issues with some people's systems. Needless to say, I stopped taking it. Medical science isn't perfect. And yeah, I know, that's an understatement.
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Aug 31, 2024
I heard they make ur brain slow. So i dont take them even thought I was recommended meds for my depression many times.
ALso hear mushrooms shall help, but I am scared of brain damage


Feb 23, 2024
I used to get these painful "electric shock" like sensations all over my body from some meds, especially in my head, but they were being caused by the dye in the medications.
I get this feeling when I forget to take my SNRI anxiety/depression meds. I personally wouldn't describe it as painful, more just uncomfortable. It does give me a pretty bad headache along with it though


Apr 15, 2022
I get this feeling when I forget to take my SNRI anxiety/depression meds. I personally wouldn't describe it as painful, more just uncomfortable. It does give me a pretty bad headache along with it though
I can tell you those shocks from the dyes were excruciatingly painful. I only found the issue by getting lucky by finding an endocrinologist who had seen the problem before. I guess my metabolism has some kind of issue and the dyes, even the smallest amount, even if in foods, doesn't metabolize correctly and "short circuits" my nerve endings.


Deep Breaths
Aug 25, 2018
The "weird side effect" of making me feel like I got hit by a f***ing bus... I'm looking at you, tricyclic antidepressants...

I get this feeling when I forget to take my SNRI anxiety/depression meds. I personally wouldn't describe it as painful, more just uncomfortable. It does give me a pretty bad headache along with it though
Oh my gosh, those withdrawal shocks/zaps are the bloody WORST!!!

Definitely not painful, but enough to drive you insane, especially when trying to fall asleep.


Why is this so hard?
Aug 31, 2024
which med had which side effect?
Risperdal made shuffle and hunch over. My dr knew it was that one right away. I'm still on prozac, xanax and lamictal so I'm not sure what the current culprit is. I also clench my teeth a lot


Mar 29, 2024
Risperdal made shuffle and hunch over. My dr knew it was that one right away. I'm still on prozac, xanax and lamictal so I'm not sure what the current culprit is. I also clench my teeth a lot
Thanks! Confirmed my suspicion - neuroleptics can cause symptoms similar to Parkinson's disease, similar mechanism (dopamine deficit). The hunched posture and shuffled walk made me think of Parkinson's, they are typical symptoms.
The finger tics, first thought maybe Prozac, so I had a look and I found several studies and articles stating that tics have been found to be a possible side effect of fluoxetine. Then I checked for lamotrigine and had similar results. I don't think benzos can do that though, so leaving that out.
Teeth clenching, no idea, but if that continues, I advise you to visit an orthodontist for bruxism splints, otherwise it can irreversibly damage and reduce your teeth over the years. It can also be caused by stress.

I also had the brain zaps after discontinuing a SSRI, escitalopram, that's a known phenomenon. iirc it's even in the side effects on the leaflet. Mine weren't so extreme though, but I was glad when they subsided.

One of my first meds, reboxetine, I could smell it in the sweat on my hands, lol. It didn't bother me at all, was rather weird and funny. I don't think the doctor believed me though, lol.

I had risperidone aswell, for a few days during my first stay in the psychiatric ward, because lol, one of the doctors didn't believe my story of what was happening to me, and said she thinks it's a beginning schizophrenia. Thanks alot. Back then I was so naive and trusting, I didn't question it at all. I only realized what had really happened many many years later, it made me so mad for a moment. Luckily it was corrected by the main doctor a few days later, when she returned after an absence, but not before I experienced galactorrhoea, from the rising prolactine. That was disturbing, even more so on top of that diagnosis.

Uncontrollable eating attacks came with quetiapine, pregabaline, sertraline, mirtazapine, chlorprothixene. They were impossible to combat. My brain would not be able to think of anything else and the pressure would continue until I gave in. Maybe that's what addiction must feel like. Hated it.

Nocturnal hypersalivation from aripiprazole and chlorprothixene. Sometimes nothing, sometimes so bad I had to change the whole pillow in the middle of the night because it was completely drenched.

Trazodone, extreme tiredness, orthostatic hypotension + nausea and diarrhoea in the mornings, and a constant feeling of physical exhaustion. Sometimes I wasn't able to get out of my apartment for work because of the morning stuff. Never got better, even after years. Was a revelation when I got off it.

And prothipendyl. During the, I think, second night, I got something that probably has to be described as restless leg syndrome. That was an awful night, I had to move my legs constantly and walk around again and again, it was impossible not to. Never again, lol.

Daridorexant caused really vivid and horrible nightmares during the first few nights. I would even wake up, see shadows in my room as a horrible threat, but could not scream or move. The nightmares stopped after taking it a few more days.

The other meds' side effects were more tolerable, just stuff like obstipation and light hand tremors, some had no effect at all, I stopped when the dose at multiple tablets a day did nothing, it was like taking candy, lol. One was pink, so that fits.

The only thing ever that reliably does what I want and not much else have been benzos, but I rarely use them, because doctors guard those prescriptions like porcupines, and I want to avoid tolerance and addiction.
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Why is this so hard?
Aug 31, 2024
Wow, you have had a lot. If I had that many side effects I don't think I would take any of my medicines because I would be better without them. Plus the doctors never believe us when we say we have something weird. I happened to go to my Dentist last week and did mention the clenching. She didn't really seem concerned yet which I thought was odd because I thought she would suggest something. Somehow, it also gave me a painful sore on my tongue that I have had for weeks, which has been really frustrating.

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