I don't know if this is the correct thread to rant about this but my mom just mentioned this the other day again and it's driving me crazy.
She claims she is spiritual, but not religious. ( we were all raised Catholic, but I consider myself an atheist now )It may have started off that way as she is deeply into angels. I'm OK with that. But she constantly prays , always says she's praying for people, has a cross on the wall, has Jesus as a screensaver on her computer and gets mail from so many religious charities that she is contributed to that it's nuts. Oh, and she has a "bless this house " thing signed by someone religious on our refrigerator.
I think the one that drives me most crazy is when she talks about people dying, herself included, she uses the phrase "going home". tell me that's not religious.
And she claims she does all this, not only for herself, but for her friends and even strangers for that matter. But my mom has a zillion health problems and is housebound! I should say that, even if she wasn't housebound, I don't believe she would go to church as she's never really been into that and actually has some childhood drama for that . her closest friends are definitely not healthy either.
And don't even get me started on the platitude that" God doesn't give you more than you can handle"
It's not that she necessarily says these things to me in regards to CTB specifically . She gets incredibly mad if I say something like JFC. But just platitudes for life in general and believing there is a God when she has so many issues and I tried to CTB. Does she seriously think that God is helping us? I know she prays to God in regards of the fact that I survived the CTB attempt which was really stupid anyway.
Sorry if this was too long into off topic, but I've been wanting to post about it for days to get it out of my system