Don't you wish you could have been aborted? If not, you are utterly incomprehensible to me.

  • Yes

    Votes: 59 96.7%
  • No

    Votes: 2 3.3%

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Full-time layabout
Apr 7, 2018
Because I do. I DEEPLY DO. My entire existence has been a complete waste of time. Nothing has warranted or redeemed my time spent languishing on this shitty planet. I truly wish someone had shoved a blender up my mother's snatch and scrambled my fetal ass to bits. Failing that, I wish I could have strangled myself in the womb via the umbilical cord, Butterfly Effect style.

I mean, yeah, I help out my mom and she sometimes says she'd kill herself if I wasn't here, but so what? If I'd been aborted, my mother and father could have ended their horribly toxic/shitty marriage, instead of being forced to stick it out on account of having 2 children to look after. She could have restarted her career and remarried to someone who actually loved her. Both her, my father and my brother would've been infinitely happier and enjoyed a much higher quality of life, both emotionally and financially. If Clarence from It's a Wonderful Life had to show me what things would be like if I'd never been, that stupid motherfucking cocksucker would be in for a rude surprise. That dumbass, schmaltzy fucking ploy of his would have backfired real quick once it became clear that everything would indeed be better had I never been. I'd love to see the look on that stupid cunt's face. It'd be like, "Well, what now you angelic asshole? Shall we go back to the bridge I was about to jump off of? The one that was going to finally end my fucking misery, until you rudely interrupted me on account of your own pathetic self-interest. How very charitable of you. I'm sure you've made that little Jesus fellow of yours very proud. Now in return for wasting my time and adding unnecessary minutes to my agonizing existence, you can help hold my head under the water and better ensure my trip to oblivion, how's that sound? Maybe that'll get you your wings you simpleton seraphim fuck."
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Nov 20, 2020
Everyday I wish I had been Aborted , my mum actually told me she had the abortion pill ready but decided not to go through with it. Just one small pill would've saved me from existing and having to experience so much pain and suffering,
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Nov 4, 2019
Yes. Abortion = No pain.
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Final Escape

I’ve been here too long
Jul 8, 2018
Nobody said no lol! Damn. I did abort all my kids but I do struggle with that :'( I did not wish for them to suffer but if I had been a better person and healthier I would have wanted to know them if the society we live in was healthy. I felt so angry about how I was treated as a kid that I didn't think I would do better.
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Mar 22, 2020
I wish my parents hadn't had sex at all that night.
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Mar 22, 2020
Well, there are contraceptives. :blarg:

haha on those days they didn't use that stuff. Just wild sex without condoms or anything. At least that's what my dad told me lol.
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Nov 4, 2019
haha on those days they didn't use that stuff. Just wild sex without condoms or anything. At least that's what my dad told me lol.

That's exactly what you don't want to hear from a parent. :tongue:
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Ctb - temporary solution for a permanent problem
Aug 29, 2020
"Euthanasia is like abortion at the end of the path" - from I don't remember

Let's meditate.
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Mar 15, 2019
I've thought about this many times, as i know my mother has had abortions few times, i was second child after my sister, so they had child and year after they had me, how awesome to them, if i talk about unavoidable suffering that life is, I'm perceived as wrong and maybe delusional, but reality is ugly i think, i don't know you but at some level i understand you, i don't think this life was meant to be enjoyed or to be so called happy, how can it be when there is always risk of suffering, how can one deny it, only thought brainwashing and delusions
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Nov 9, 2020
I don't think my parents should have had kids at all. They were in a very toxic relationship, and they weren't in a good position to raise a family. My mother often makes comments about how life would've been a lot better without me & my sister. She was very happy & successful before having us, and I'm sure the world would've been better off without my father spreading his crappy genes too. Not to mention, I wouldn't have had to live in this horrible existence!
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Part Time NEET - Full Time Suicidal
Mar 29, 2020
I wish my parents had been aborted.

I can't imagine what selfish or naive reason compelled these two morons to marry one another much less have a child.
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drugging kids is abuse
Jan 27, 2021
Yes I do wish. More so I wish my mom hadn't had all the stupid fertility therapies she had because she was struggling to get pregnant. She spend 10 years in and out of fertility treatments. Fuck that, then she ended up drugging me and now I'm here lol. Waste of time and money. Ohhh how I wish I was never born :( or at least never drugged! ;-;
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Feb 28, 2021
Yes I do. In fact my birth mother told me that she had wanted to abort me but couldn't access it. I wish she did.
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tired of tomorrow
Feb 8, 2020
I feel you on a really deep level here, my mom told me she was going to abort me and ever since then I genuinely wish she did
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Apr 19, 2018
yes i I wish my parents had aborted. me i hate that I was born
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Shades of Grey

Shades of Grey

Jun 17, 2020
I answered yes, but in reality, what I really wish is that I hadn't been conceived to begin with.

With abortion, there is always the potential for regret. My brother turned out okay. I wish they'd just waited another month and created somebody else instead of this.
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Sep 21, 2020
Definitely wish I had been aborted. My mother is a sorry piece of shit. One time I asked her why she had children. She just stared at me a bit and finally said "That is just what women do". Honestly? She couldn't even make up a decent lie. So glad I got her completely out of my life decades ago. She was cruel, selfish and a complete liar. You can imagine what kind of childhood you have with that as a parent. It is a miracle that I made it out alive. Sounds like many of you have had a similar experience.
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Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
Jan 13, 2021
I wish I was aborted. Funny thing is I'm a practicing Catholic. I'm a joke and a disappointment. The world would be a better place without me.
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Full-time layabout
Apr 7, 2018
Just one small pill would've saved me from existing and having to experience so much pain and suffering,

My mother actually got pregnant again not long after she had me, but decided to have an abortion ASAP on account of not wanting to pile on a third child to an already dismal situation. Needless to say, but god do I just REALLY wish she had come to that epiphany a little sooner and had instead chosen to stop at my older brother instead of dragging me into this miserable fucking existence. It shows that she was more than capable of making that decision, but she just came to the conclusion too late to make a difference for me. It's pretty frustrating, I gotta say. The first time she told me this I couldn't help, but reel from my staggering lack of good fortune. That unborn third child has no idea how lucky it was and all the bullshit it was spared. No such luck for me, though. God damn it.

I felt so angry about how I was treated as a kid that I didn't think I would do better.

My mother was treated badly when she was growing up by her parents, but wanted kids of her own to show that she could "do things better". It was a very misguided notion of hers that I wish she could've been able to rise above somehow. Sadly, that never happened and so here I am. Before either I or my brother was born, she once worked in nuclear medicine and had a promising career as a medical technician, but gave it up so she could be an unemployed stay at home mom and live out her little fantasy at creating the perfect home life for her kids, only to fail horribly in the attempt. It's good however that you recognize the sorts of things that she didn't and I urge you to remain of that stance. I know that I'd make a horrible, horrible, horrible, horrible father and I'd rather castrate myself with a rusty knife than ever have kids.

I don't think this life was meant to be enjoyed or to be so called happy, how can it be when there is always risk of suffering, how can one deny it, only thought brainwashing and delusions

Yes, agreed. Reminds me of a great quote from Schopenhauer that sums this up perfectly.

"There is only one inborn error, and that is the notion that we exist in order to be happy... So long as we persist in this inborn error... the world seems to us full of contradictions. For at every step, in things great and small, we are bound to experience that the world and life are certainly not arranged for the purpose of maintaining a happy existence... hence the countenances of almost all elderly persons wear the expression of what is called disappointment."​

Arthur Schopenhauer

I don't think my parents should have had kids at all. They were in a very toxic relationship, and they weren't in a good position to raise a family.

Mine too. They were in no position AT ALL to have kids and start a family, but they just went ahead and did it anyway entirely on auto pilot. My father hated my mother and, unbeknownst to us until relatively recently, screwed around on her constantly with other women. They had an awful and loveless marriage and never even slept in the same bed. Not only that, but living on only my father's income, money was always very tight and the house we lived in was barely enough to accommodate even two people, let alone 2 adults, 2 kids, and 2 cats. He was also physically abusive and would sometimes strike me and my brother across the head as punishment when we were kids. When I was older there were two occasions where I literally needed to toss his ass to the ground to prevent him from attacking my mother.

My mother and father should never have been together in the first place and with the birth of me and my brother, they essentially became permanently chained to one another. My entire memory of this family is stained with unhappiness, abuse, disappointment and constant turmoil. Damn them for being so unconscious and misguidedly arrogant to have sleepwalked their way into something so staggeringly awful and crippling.

I wish my parents had been aborted.

Yep, that would've been great too. My entire family line should've been aborted, frankly. Heck, the same goes for the whole god damned human race. My parents aren't horrible people (well my father kind of was, honestly), but they were supremely fucked up and should never have been allowed the ability to have kids. My father, for one, always deeply regretted the ball and chain that came with family life and deeply resented being a father/husband as an impingement on his freedom. Maybe he should've thought of that before he fucked my mother and started all this garbage to begin with, damn asshole.

My brother turned out okay. I wish they'd just waited another month and created somebody else instead of this.

My brother also turned out fine. More than fine, actually. Guy's a real overachiever in many different ways. Honestly, if they'd just stopped at him life would've been a million times better for everybody. Especially for me since I never would've even needed to be here at all, which would be fucking priceless beyond measure. I disagree with you that they should've waited so someone else could've been born. Fuck that. They ought to have kept it in their pants instead of condemning a new person to the horrors of life like they did me. But, you know, I'm damn unlucky. Out of tens of millions of other sperm cells it just had to be me that connected with that rotten egg that led to my formation. It god damn figures. It really does.

Definitely wish I had been aborted. My mother is a sorry piece of shit. One time I asked her why she had children. She just stared at me a bit and finally said "That is just what women do".

My dad's a sorry piece of shit who was just looking for someone to screw, while my mother was simply arrogantly delusional in her quest to prove herself as a better parent than her own lousy ones were. A bad combination either way. If my mother had only come to her senses sooner, but alas. By the time that happened it was already too late and a lifetime of suffering was already locked in for yours truly.

My brother is of this mindset though that one is just supposed to "have children". For him, it's simply part of his eventual to-do list. It's fucked up beyond belief and I honestly have no idea how to talk any sense into him. He's one of those people where the more you tell him not to do something, the more committed he is to doing it. To be honest, I weep for his future child/children. I can't believe he intends to start the entire fucking carnival of suffering all over again. Damn maniac.

I feel you on a really deep level here, my mom told me she was going to abort me and ever since then I genuinely wish she did

I've told my mother on a couple occasions that I sincerely wish she'd have aborted me and, although she understands where I'm coming from, she still claims that she couldn't get by if I weren't here. To be honest, it upsets me more when she says that even if she could go back in time she'd still decide to have me for her own sake, if for nothing else. I mean, I gotta say, that's just really fucked up. Knowing what she knows now, I have no idea how she can say that. As far as she's concerned, she wouldn't be able to survive the loneliness if I weren't here. She fails to see though that if I had never been, the situation would've been entirely different and she probably would be in a much better position in life than where she's at now. I've told her this as well, but she throws out the reverse conclusion that things could've been worse too. It's impossible to reason with her when it comes to this and, besides, I guess what's done is done.

The world would be a better place without me.

Indeed. The world would be better off without me taking up space and consuming resources simply for the sake of mere survival and maintaining my miserably empty existence. On the flipside, I would've been a lot better off without ever being exposed to this fundamentally shitty and rotten little ball of dirt we call a planet.
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