

The Arsonist
Apr 7, 2019
As the title says...
Many users on here watched my battle to get my debilitating ear condition diagnosed. 1,5 year of being told by doctors I'm faking for attention
Its in my head
Being ripped from my girlfriends apartment by paramedics, told I cant live here because I 'cant take care of myself'. Put in some empty hall in guardrailed bed vomiting on myself, crying and begging for hours for someone to help me
Going through the MRI, screaming for 5 minutes blasted with sound till I went unconscious...dragged home only for my gf to tell me they didnt detect anything...then forced into psych ward by her mother for suicidal thoughts...where they took away my crutch telling me to 'just not fall' then deported me to my country...because I fled abroad just to get the help I need, because doctors in Poland told me its in my head, or cancelled appointments, ER told me Im on drugs and Im wasting resources....all of this only to finally arrive to the diagnosis, that I have holes blown open in my ears (superior canal dehiscence syndrome) and I will never get better, because the only treatment is surgery I cant afford that no one here will perform.

I have a raging case of medical PTSD now.
I'm a mess. I'm loosing sleep over it and neglecting serious health problems, avoiding doctors just in case they tell me Im faking. Had no choice but to go to psych wont even leave my room because Im so convinced staff and doctors will hurt me, and when a male nurse grabbed me and yelled at me I went into hysterics
And they wont ever acknowledge it, that Im behaving like this because of trauma
Its my fault

Surely Im not alone? There must be more people on here that have PTSD purely because doctors fucked them up? Anyone?
I'm so lost...
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Apr 7, 2021
I had my wife die suddenly in convulsions next to in the car while we were on a Sunday drive. By the time I go her to the emergency room, she had no pulse. They worked on her for 35 minutes and I had to make the decision to let them call her.

with CoVID, we couldn't properly mourn her. I've been working from home and I've been diagnosed with PTSD. Panic attacks, suicidal thoughts.

that's why I'm here
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Reactions: FuneralCry, KuriGohan&Kamehameha, WhatDoesTheFoxSay? and 8 others
Bootleg Astolfo

Bootleg Astolfo

Glorious Bean Plushie
Oct 12, 2020
Psycologist and Doctor's abuse have in great part contributed to most of my problems and caused me to have speech issues almost entirely due to them. From eloquent boi who pretty much never shut up, to can barely form a sentence and scared to talk, all thanks to constantly having anything I say missinterpretend, ignored, or used against me by assaholic bitches. Thanks Canadian healhcare system, very cool.
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Feb 27, 2021
A suicide attempt triggered medical ptsd for me but as time has gone on it's developed into complex ptsd. But my medical ptsd is so severe it took 5 male police officers and handcuffs to get me into hospital for treatment. I'm a 5'4 female.
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The Arsonist
Apr 7, 2019
I have teeth that need pulling because I refused to see any doctors
Had pneumonia that I refused to treat because I dont want to see doctors, now my breathing is weird and it wont go away...
I wont go unless I'm literally dying
Needed to go to psych for disability papers and to escape my family. But in psych ward I'm a HOT MESS... They will hurt me....
Thanks for reassuring me Im not alone..
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Reactions: OpheliasFlowers, WhatDoesTheFoxSay? and whywere


salt shaker, rule breaker
Jan 29, 2021
I believe you, jaded ER staff can be rough.
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The Arsonist
Apr 7, 2019
A suicide attempt triggered medical ptsd for me but as time has gone on it's developed into complex ptsd. But my medical ptsd is so severe it took 5 male police officers and handcuffs to get me into hospital for treatment. I'm a 5'4 female.
I assaulted 2 police officers by kicking and hitting them because they were trying to force me into hospital. I should get a case out of it honestly only didnt because the cops were nice
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Feb 27, 2021
I assaulted 2 police officers by kicking and hitting them because they were trying to force me into hospital. I should get a case out of it honestly only didnt because the cops were nice

fairly sure I did the same to them too! It was a boiling hot day too, they weren't impressed. Then they had the joy of sitting beside me in hospital for 24 hours. Unfortunately they sectioned/detained me so I had no choice
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Dec 18, 2020
I had my wife die suddenly in convulsions next to in the car while we were on a Sunday drive. By the time I go her to the emergency room, she had no pulse. They worked on her for 35 minutes and I had to make the decision to let them call her.

with CoVID, we couldn't properly mourn her. I've been working from home and I've been diagnosed with PTSD. Panic attacks, suicidal thoughts.

that's why I'm here
I'm so sorry.
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Reactions: whywere


Nov 4, 2020
I had my wife die suddenly in convulsions next to in the car while we were on a Sunday drive. By the time I go her to the emergency room, she had no pulse. They worked on her for 35 minutes and I had to make the decision to let them call her.

with CoVID, we couldn't properly mourn her. I've been working from home and I've been diagnosed with PTSD. Panic attacks, suicidal thoughts.

that's why I'm here
I'm so sorry for your loss,l lost my wife too.
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Reactions: FuneralCry, OpheliasFlowers, KuriGohan&Kamehameha and 2 others


Jan 31, 2021
I had my wife die suddenly in convulsions next to in the car while we were on a Sunday drive. By the time I go her to the emergency room, she had no pulse. They worked on her for 35 minutes and I had to make the decision to let them call her.

with CoVID, we couldn't properly mourn her. I've been working from home and I've been diagnosed with PTSD. Panic attacks, suicidal thoughts.

that's why I'm here
I'm sorry you are hurting
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Reactions: whywere


no really, what?
Aug 14, 2020
I probably don't have full-blown medical ptsd, since I can still see doctors, but mistreatment in a hospital certainly has contributed to my misery. I had what was supposed to be a pretty straightforward medical procedure back in January. I won't go into too many specifics, but basically I let an OR team talk me into an anesthesia procedure that I knew from experience wouldn't work. They really did the arm-around-the-shoulder, "we're your friends!" used car salesman routine, and I bought it. So I spent the whole procedure conscious and screaming. I was only prevented from kicking the doctor in the head by the fact that I was strapped down.

This was not an emergency procedure—it would have been fine to just stop and send me home. But they didn't. Most of them pretended everything was normal, while a couple of them stood by my head saying, "You're okay." I was like, "Lady, I don't know what medical program you graduated from, but I'm pretty sure that screaming is a universally-acknowledged sign for 'not okay.'" Not that I literally said that. I said "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!" instead.

So I complained to the hospital equivalent of customer service, whatever they call it there, and the person I spoke to was initially very apologetic. Then a month or two later I got this letter that basically said, "Sorry you did not enjoy your time in our OR, but we did everything right. If you didn't want us to do everything right (which is what we totally did), you shouldn't have let our medical staff convince you to enter an OR with them. So this is all on you."

I thought about complaining to one of the agencies that's supposed to enforce medical ethics, but it hardly seemed worth it. The hospital made it clear that they weren't the slightest bit sorry or interested in changing how they do things, and it would be nearly impossible to force them to do any of that. I'm sure the ethics organization isn't interested either, what with so many lawsuits related to covid to deal with. (Refusing to take precautions against getting covid, actually getting covid, dying horribly in a hospital, and then having your relatives sue the hospital is peak United States. We should really cancel "baseball" as our national pastime and substitute "needless covid death.)"
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Nov 18, 2019
For a while. A doctor kept rubbing his crotch up against my shoulder when I wanted opioids because his potion of 10 different meds wasn't curing depression. I'm a dude with history of childhood sexual trauma. Got the fuck out of there but it ignited all the childhood shit I never fully processed. Now they tell me cPTSD

Thankfully I've had one amazing doc for the last 7 years who restored my trust and got to know the industry better. Getting closer than I've ever been to ctb, she's one of a handful of people I'll leave a note for. Most are well intentioned over worked people hampered and frustrated by the system (at least in the US). Once any doc hears about my history related to that they've been incredibly cautious and go out of the way to make sure I'm comfortable which has made a difference and I'm thankful for. The bad apples with less than ideal motives have a monstrous impact.
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drugging kids is abuse
Jan 27, 2021
Yes because of psychiatry, being harmed by their drugs and then they have the balls to say it's all in my head and I'm just delusional, when actually my brain and body are very injured.
I have constant nightmares and flashbacks / intrusive memories all day of my experience as a teen with the mental health system.
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Reactions: OpheliasFlowers, KuriGohan&Kamehameha, WhatDoesTheFoxSay? and 1 other person


Jul 12, 2020
PTSD so bad that it turned to heart failure.
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Victim of the pharmaceutical industry
Oct 17, 2020
the mental health care system messed me up got me addicted to prescription drugs and never asked if i had any trauma or been abused just gave me drugs frying my brain which ruined the past 5-7 years of my life. Hopefully I can pull through tho. I am sorry for your pain. Life is so unfair to good people sometimes
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Please kill me. Please? PLEASE!
Nov 8, 2020
I have CPTSD from multiple extended psych ward stays. I'll never be the same. It is the reason I want to end it. Minor problems turned major, all because a therapist decided to get police involved.
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The Arsonist
Apr 7, 2019
Yes because of psychiatry, being harmed by their drugs and then they have the balls to say it's all in my head and I'm just delusional, when actually my brain and body are very injured.
I have constant nightmares and flashbacks / intrusive memories all day of my experience as a teen with the mental health system.
This is me!
They would inject me with the strongest shit out there, haldol, zupentixol etc
I would come to the nurse station with my hands forcibly raised at the level of my chest and contorting against my will. Terrible anxiety and restlessness, could not sleep could not stay still tiptoed the small area from the door to my bed constantly. Eyes turning back into my skull. Couldnt swallow my spit. By evening it was like having whole rigor mortis, Bridge was doing a bridge in the psych ward bed.
How they reacted? They took my arm and swung it back and forth in some neurology exam and told me 'this medication doesnt cause side effects like this. You are having a nervous reaction'. All they did was give me valium or muscle relaxant. When once they told me I dont need the muscle relaxant, I threatened suicide with a charger cable if they dont give me it cause I was in so much pain. They gave it to me but not before strapping me down for 16 hours and leaving me on an empty hall. This happened multiple times (maybe not as bad as my whole body contorting but close). As a result I refused hospitalization or meds for 10 months now even though Im so crazy last month I was bordering on getting arrested. I only came to the ward for disability papers and its a constant mess of flashbacks, and begging them to not give me zupentixol
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drugging kids is abuse
Jan 27, 2021
This is me!
They would inject me with the strongest shit out there, haldol, zupentixol etc
I would come to the nurse station with my hands forcibly raised at the level of my chest and contorting against my will. Terrible anxiety and restlessness, could not sleep could not stay still tiptoed the small area from the door to my bed constantly. Eyes turning back into my skull. Couldnt swallow my spit. By evening it was like having whole rigor mortis, Bridge was doing a bridge in the psych ward bed.
How they reacted? They took my arm and swung it back and forth in some neurology exam and told me 'this medication doesnt cause side effects like this. You are having a nervous reaction'. All they did was give me valium or muscle relaxant. When once they told me I dont need the muscle relaxant, I threatened suicide with a charger cable if they dont give me it cause I was in so much pain. They gave it to me but not before strapping me down for 16 hours and leaving me on an empty hall. This happened multiple times (maybe not as bad as my whole body contorting but close). As a result I refused hospitalization or meds for 10 months now even though Im so crazy last month I was bordering on getting arrested. I only came to the ward for disability papers and its a constant mess of flashbacks, and begging them to not give me zupentixol
oh my god, I'm deeply sorry for all you've gone through >_< makes me very sad to read this. psychiatry has a tendency to abuse power, gaslight, do much more harm than good, coerce, among many other human right violations...
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想死不能 - 想活不能
Nov 23, 2020
This thread hit me really hard. I wanted to reply to you earlier, but I just couldn't find the words. I am so sorry about what these sick, twisted sons of bitches have put you through. They are truly the scum of the earth for subjecting you to this constant gaslighting, pain, and imprisonment.

I can relate to so many of the stories in this thread. Doctors and medical professionals have ruined my life, hands down. Instead of helping in any tangible way, they have usually harmed me instead. This is my story.

While the memories have been repressed, locked away, and fragmented over the years, I still remember bits and pieces of my original trauma. I was around 5 or 6 years old and even though it was meant to be a normal doctor's appointment they took my clothes from me, humiliated me, and forced me to be naked for no reason.

The events are so long past that I can't remember every intricacy and detail of those crucial moments, much to my despair, but something happened that day that scarred me forever. Suddenly, I was displaying hypersexual behavior and other telltale mannerisms of a sexual abuse victim. If I had to be around doctors and nurses, I would scream and cry. I was terrified of them.

With time, these erroneous experiences only grew in number. I remember being pinned down and forcefully injected with something while I was sobbing, another blurry memory that I desperately wish I could fully elucidate. When I hit around 13/14, I started getting really exhausted and the underpinnings of my chronic pain began.

Doctors not only failed to recognise the fact that I had autism and ptsd, but their knee jerk reaction was to label me as depressed and anxious. They loved to feel up my body, but they wouldn't send me for a single laboratory test until it was too late. For years I had to ride the carousel of psych meds and therapists, even when I started feeling physical pain.

My concerns have always been brushed off as mental health issues, and I've been treated like my pain is all in my head. Post viral fatigue turned into full blown chronic fatigue syndrome. The chronic pain never went away, and I developed IBS as well. I have always avoided doctors like the black plague because every interaction with them has further ruined my mental wellbeing.

Yet, when I finally forced myself to be brave and face them again, I was accused of malingering/ anxiety when all my blood tests and scans came back clean. They never respected my boundaries, my lack of consent, nor the fact that they triggered horrible ptsd flashbacks for me.

I remember sitting in a hospital once and shaking all over begging them for my propranol because I was having a flashback, and they snickered at me and shut me up in a room for hours. I will never forget their cruelty.

I also got sexually abused again by a doctor when I tried final last time to face my fears. Exposure has only made my ptsd worse, as I get to have more and more horrible experiences compounding in my already tortured mind. I was shaking and jerking violently but this horrible doctor flirted with me, then stuck his hand down my shorts even when I recoiled and tried to pull away. I was frozen in fear.

Besides my horrible experiences with somatic doctors, psychiatrists have played a huge role in my demise by perscribing dangerous drug combinations that shouldn't have been given to a child. They failed to correctly identify my issues and chalked it up to simple neurotic anxiety. Sure, being sexually abused by strangers and being abused at home definitely doesn't play a role in how petrified I am.

Whenever I confided in a friend about feeling hopeless one night as a teenager, the cops busted into my house and had full intentions to take me to the psych ward. I knew what happened in those places after seeing family members be sent out in handcuffs, and I was horrified. Even hearing sirens now sends me into a state of panic because I am terrified of the threat of sectioning.

These people have ruined my life and are allowed to do so because of the arbitrary labels of authority that they possess. My chronic illnesses and pain will never get better and there's no further treatments that I can really try, I'll just be gaslit and told to do yoga and go to therapy again. People don't get any say in the treatments they are prescribed and it is disgusting how we are constantly infantalized by this profession and made out to be idiots for wanting some autonomy and respect.

Medical PTSD is so hard to live with because not only is this problem rarely acknowledged, but any potential solution involves medical staff not being bastards. Which is near impossible due to the low amounts of empathy many in the profession have. No therapy or drug has helped me with this. Not even psychedelics. You get told to trust doctors and that they are there to help, but how could I delude myself into thinking that when they have done exactly the opposite?
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Reactions: Élégie, FuneralCry, OpheliasFlowers and 3 others


Jan 16, 2021
I have PTSD and 80% of the people around me. I live where there was a war ...


(D)uck prolifers
Jun 21, 2021
As the title says...
Many users on here watched my battle to get my debilitating ear condition diagnosed. 1,5 year of being told by doctors I'm faking for attention
Its in my head
Being ripped from my girlfriends apartment by paramedics, told I cant live here because I 'cant take care of myself'. Put in some empty hall in guardrailed bed vomiting on myself, crying and begging for hours for someone to help me
Going through the MRI, screaming for 5 minutes blasted with sound till I went unconscious...dragged home only for my gf to tell me they didnt detect anything...then forced into psych ward by her mother for suicidal thoughts...where they took away my crutch telling me to 'just not fall' then deported me to my country...because I fled abroad just to get the help I need, because doctors in Poland told me its in my head, or cancelled appointments, ER told me Im on drugs and Im wasting resources....all of this only to finally arrive to the diagnosis, that I have holes blown open in my ears (superior canal dehiscence syndrome) and I will never get better, because the only treatment is surgery I cant afford that no one here will perform.

I have a raging case of medical PTSD now.
I'm a mess. I'm loosing sleep over it and neglecting serious health problems, avoiding doctors just in case they tell me Im faking. Had no choice but to go to psych wont even leave my room because Im so convinced staff and doctors will hurt me, and when a male nurse grabbed me and yelled at me I went into hysterics
And they wont ever acknowledge it, that Im behaving like this because of trauma
Its my fault

Surely Im not alone? There must be more people on here that have PTSD purely because doctors fucked them up? Anyone?
I'm so lost...

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