

Mar 31, 2022
i feel that night time is the only time I can feel a bit at peace. my world is largely asleep, everything that stresses me out can kinda take the backseat and i feel i have a bit of power back, like momentarily surfacing while drowning. but it's temporary? i know im going to drown but at least im surfacing a bit. the perfect time for escapism, i guess

does anybody else relate
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Jul 3, 2023
I can relate to an extent as most of my stress comes from people those people are sleeping at this hour, but at the same time, nighttime also makes me saddest as it is also the time when most of my friends are sleeping. I notice how little to no personality I have and how much I rely on them for emotional stability when they are not around; I start going down of spiral of self-hate and depression. It's also the time to think of how much of a piece of shit I am. I have no personality of my own, so my friends tend to be my personality, and when I meet new people, I introduce them to my friends. When they start getting close, I get incredibly jealous as I feel like my friends are being taken away from me, and I start acting like a child and annoying.

I try not to think of these things as they cause a lot of anxiety, but when I'm alone, it's the first thing I think about.
So nighttime, for me, is a double-edged sword of sorts.
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Tempus fugit
Feb 7, 2023
It's 1 AM in Japan :)
Yes, I love tranquillity of night time, and many SaSu users are active when Japan is in the night. Also, my mood is better at night.
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May 31, 2023
I like dawn and dusk, idk there is something mesmerizing watching the buildings and mountains as the sun rises and sets
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Jun 27, 2023
oh my, i feel the same. night time is almost like the only way to feel peaceful. i got insomnia from a really early age, but it was the only way and time i could relax and drown into my mind
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Alive out of habit
Nov 14, 2022
I love the night. During the day I sleep because I hate the sound of the world going bye. At night it's quiet where I live and it helps me get lost in my head.
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The anhedonic one

The anhedonic one

Dead inside
May 20, 2023
I love the tranquility and atmosphere of the nightime.
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i dunno what to put here
Feb 22, 2023
It feels like the only time I can truly get true "alone" time without interruption, or feel like someone is looking over my shoulder at my screen. I can do anything without worry of anyone needing anything from me.
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