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May 21, 2023
as an only child i really worry how my parents will cope if i ctb and it's a huge detractor from me ctb'ing. was just hoping people in the same circumstances could share their stories and if we have common ground to relate to
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Mori praestat, quam haec pati!
May 21, 2023
How old r u? I'm an only child and my mum loves me over everything and she would not survive me CTB (I'm somewhere in mid 40's) ... If your parents really love you and they wanted you they will probably never get over it.

I noticed a fun fact: We made our accounts on the same day last year.
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May 21, 2023
18 years here.
I wish my body could be cremated, but my mother is too religious and I think I will be buried. I hate funerals, when someone stands over a half-rotten piece of meat, crying and kissing it on the cheek. Ew fuck.
And I think it's gonna be a surprise for my mom, too. I'm being my usual self and I've never mentioned suicide, not even as a joke.
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Jan 24, 2023
Yeah. Only child and my mom is my only parent. She isn't in the best of health, and is no longer working. So if I successfully ctb, it could be financially devastating for her (I'm the only one working in the house). I don't know if she has an insurance policy on me, but I had to cancel the policy I had on myself as I couldn't afford it anymore(some policies don't pay out for ctb anyway).

I low-key wish I hadn't lived long enough to have to think about those things.
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Apr 18, 2023
Only child here. Never married and never will. I don't really give a shit about my father but my mother will be devastated when I ctb. I can't do anything about the emotional trauma but I do have life insurance and some money squirreled away that she will come into possession of after my death. She also has two older sisters, some relatives and plenty of close friends who can offer support once I'm gone. I'm in the process of finding a lawyer who will discreetly draft my last will and testament so there are no legal barriers to her gaining my assets
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May 21, 2023
How old r u? I'm an only child and my mum loves me over everything and she would not survive me CTB (I'm somewhere in mid 40's) ... If your parents really love you and they wanted you they will probably never get over it.

I noticed a fun fact: We made our accounts on the same day last year.
u certainly have been more productive on this forum than i have! I'm in my late twenties. not exactly a child anymore but that doesn't change in my parents' eyes. you are right. they probably won't get over it. it feels like people like us are being held hostage in our own body.
Only child here. Never married and never will. I don't really give a shit about my father but my mother will be devastated when I ctb. I can't do anything about the emotional trauma but I do have life insurance and some money squirreled away that she will come into possession of after my death. She also has two older sisters, some relatives and plenty of close friends who can offer support once I'm gone. I'm in the process of finding a lawyer who will discreetly draft my last will and testament so there are no legal barriers to her gaining my assets
how old is your mother, if i may ask? i feel like the older they are the easier it is for you to say goodbye. it's when you know that they're going to have to carry the pain for a long time that you can't bear to leave them.
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I knew I forgot to do something when I was 15...
Mar 26, 2024
Yo! Fellow only here. I've stated a few times that my parents are partially the reason I'm here. While they tried to do what was best for me, they repeatedly ignored my cries for help when I was a teen and ultimately set me up for failure in life with the way they manipulated my life choices and my psychological development. While I'm not maliciously angry or vindictive towards them and my choice to ctb ultimately is about avoiding further misery for me, there is a component to it that stems from how I was raised and I therefore can't really feel any guilt about how they're going to feel when I'm gone.

They're older, retried, and aren't going to live much longer anyway (relatively speaking). I know this will crush them but my daily suffering is now outweighing any guilt that I have about the consequences of my actions. I don't have it in me to keep going another 10+ years just for them, especially as their actions helped put me here.

Addition: I see comments of people staying alive for their parents and it breaks my heart because I would love to know what it's like to have that good of a relationship with at least one of the people who raised you.