
Sep 8, 2022
As a rentoid i really recognize my low status in american society and how much of an outcast i am because of this. Over 70% of americans own their own home, and only 30% rent. I also understand it severely limits my marriage and dating options as women prefer to date men who have a home they can inheiret. from parents or at least parents can take out a HELOC and give them a downpayment. Seriously most people have no clue how low rentoids are seen in america. Especially a rentoid who still live with mother, makes you the bottom 10% of men.


Do what's best for you 🕯️ Sometimes I'm stressed
Jul 1, 2020
Over 70% of americans own their own home, and only 30% rent.
really? with the way homelessness and general money problems are i figured the numbers would have been switched.
as for your question, not directly, depends on the case. you owe your own home and complaining you cant afford it, thats called bad money management and sounds like a total you problem (speaking about doctors ect, the jobs that make a good pay and have zero reason for having money problems past being greedy and spending over what you can afford. being broke over wants vs needs).
then there was the annoyance i felt recently towards an old friend of mine "it wasnt actually a 5 bedroom house, it was only 3" talk about 1st class problem. its not a 5 bedroom, how horrible, my damn roof is leaking!!!! (i dont 100% understand 1st world problems. in some cases for certain problems i can understand, but every place has their rich people and poor people, i think. idk, all the governments say theyre broke but they all still have their nice fancy shit)
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Sep 8, 2022
really? with the way homelessness and general money problems are i figured the numbers would have been switched.
as for your question, not directly, depends on the case. you own your own home and complaining you cant afford it, thats called bad money management and sounds like a total you problem (speaking about doctors ect, the jobs that make a good pay and have zero reason for having money problems past being greedy and spending over what you can afford. being broke over wants vs needs).
then there was the annoyance i felt recently towards an old friend of mine "it wasnt actually a 5 bedroom house, it was only 3" talk about 1st class problem. its not a 5 bedroom, how horrible, my damn roof is leaking!!!! (i dont 100% understand 1st world problems. in some cases for certain problems i can understand, but every place has their rich people and poor people, i think. idk, all the governments say theyre broke but they all still have their nice fancy shit)
Its actually 65.8% of americans own their home. Yea unfortunately here 3 bedroom people are seen as less than 5 bedroom people, and most women only date men who have iphones, sports cars, 5 bedroom home owners etc. Only the dealers and gang bangers get women if they live in an apartment. America has the classism of indian society basically just not as extreme.


Oct 12, 2020
Used to be a homeowner, so yes, unlikely to be again anytime


Jul 16, 2022
Yes and no. I'd like to be able to do what I want in a house without worrying about damaging it or getting in trouble with the landlord. I'd also like to have pets. Also renting is super expensive…
On the other hand, I'm kind of sick of living in the town I live in. I like that I have relative freedom to move elsewhere, and after that? Somewhere else? Maybe a different country someday! and I don't have to worry about selling a house first


Jan 28, 2022
I'm with Life_and_Death; i can't relate with 1st world; being in the 3rd world; but in one of the threads i saved this pic that made sense. 156639 3BC1E0E6 ABCF 4ECB 9077 0F91A48FF43F
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Dec 15, 2021
As a rentoid i really recognize my low status in american society and how much of an outcast i am because of this. Over 70% of americans own their own home, and only 30% rent. I also understand it severely limits my marriage and dating options as women prefer to date men who have a home they can inheiret. from parents or at least parents can take out a HELOC and give them a downpayment. Seriously most people have no clue how low rentoids are seen in america. Especially a rentoid who still live with mother, makes you the bottom 10% of men.

Those who have more also have more to lose - those people won't be happy in the coming years :wink:

I'm sure that they have other problems to be concerned about, though, so try not to paint them as the devil just like that.
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I'm late, i'm late. For a very important date.
Feb 12, 2019
most women only date men who have iphones, sports cars, 5 bedroom home owners etc. Only the dealers and gang bangers get women if they live in an apartment.
What a ridiculous statement. Do you ever go outside and meet a wide variety of people? I know regular, apartment dwelling, no sports car having guys with girlfriends and wives. Maybe the women you want to date are like that. Maybe you're the one with too high expectations.

How does the housing crisis = "women r bad" ?
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Do what's best for you 🕯️ Sometimes I'm stressed
Jul 1, 2020
What a ridiculous statement. Do you ever go outside and meet a wide variety of people? I know regular, apartment dwelling, no sports car having guys with girlfriends and wives. Maybe the women you want to date are like that. Maybe you're the one with too high expectations.

How does the housing crisis = "women r bad" ?
Especially a rentoid who still live with mother, makes you the bottom 10% of men.
my SO still lives with his mom, i dont care.
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I'm late, i'm late. For a very important date.
Feb 12, 2019
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Do what's best for you 🕯️ Sometimes I'm stressed
Jul 1, 2020
My husband was a college dropout who lived in a shitty apartment when I met him
im pretty sure my SO is the exact definition of "basement dweller". if all they care about is that you have the 5 bedroom house ect, then they seriously dont care about you. not even 1% of their thoughts are about you. theyll pretend until the guy with the 6 bedroom house comes along then drop you. meanwhile my mental health aside, my SO and i are there for each other.


I'm late, i'm late. For a very important date.
Feb 12, 2019
im pretty sure my SO is the exact definition of "basement dweller". if all they care about is that you have the 5 bedroom house ect, then they seriously dont care about you. not even 1% of their thoughts are about you. theyll pretend until the guy with the 6 bedroom house comes along then drop you. meanwhile my mental health aside, my SO and i are there for each other.
And the notion that most women are like that is absolutely false. Delusional, honestly.
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Do what's best for you 🕯️ Sometimes I'm stressed
Jul 1, 2020
And the notion that most women are like that is absolutely false. Delusional, honestly.
depends on where you live. i can see bigger cities, places like Beverly Hills, being exposed to a lot of that which can cloud the mind when thats all you see.


I'm late, i'm late. For a very important date.
Feb 12, 2019
depends on where you live. i can see bigger cities, places like Beverly Hills, being exposed to a lot of that which can cloud the mind when thats all you see.
Maybe, but that isn't even close to most. Like I said, if you think most women only date guys with sports cars and 5 bedroom houses, you are delusional.

*and even regular guys in affluent cities get dates.
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Angst Filled Fuck Up

Angst Filled Fuck Up

Sep 9, 2018
Not with the recent storm we just had. I quite like someone else having to worry about the infrastructure of where I live. My complex is nice though, it's almost new. Some of the poorer areas in my city are pretty rough to rent in and I've lived in several places like that. Hopefully those days are over for good.
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Feb 27, 2021
Honestly I always liked the the option of being able to pack up and leave whenever I please.

If I had my own home I probably wouldn't have enough to fill it up (by choice).


Sep 8, 2022
What a ridiculous statement. Do you ever go outside and meet a wide variety of people? I know regular, apartment dwelling, no sports car having guys with girlfriends and wives. Maybe the women you want to date are like that. Maybe you're the one with too high expectations.

How does the housing crisis = "women r bad" ?
Its just an assumption. Do they live with their mom in an apartment though? Not a. Condo, townhome, or house, a 1 bedroom apartment with their mom. I just think its super rare, but im sure it exists.
Its just an assumption. Do they live with their mom in an apartment though? Not a. Condo, townhome, or house, a 1 bedroom apartment with their mom. I just think its super rare, but im sure it exists.
Maybe, but that isn't even close to most. Like I said, if you think most women only date guys with sports cars and 5 bedroom houses, you are delusional.

*and even regular guys in affluent cities get dates.
Yea i work in retail and usually the guy is either tall, has a nice truck 40k+, and or very skinny and tall combo. Its just apart of my insecurity issues.
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Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
Where I live the envy is towards the tenants, it will always be cheaper a mortgage than paying a monthly rent.
In Barcelona these last 15 years the real estate market has changed a lot, going from an almost non-existent rental offer to a whole market in direct competition with the sale market.
The reason is that there are many people who are just passing through or just want to stay for a couple of years, what sense does it make for these people to buy an apartment if they have no intention of settling in the city? no sense at all. And other people who want to live here and come to work without any support other than their savings are doomed to the rental market because they do not have enough money to buy an apartment. And so it is very difficult to save to get enough to be able to contribute a minimum to the purchase of a property.

Traditionally it has always been cheaper to buy an apartment than to pay a rent if you have enough for a down payment.

* I for example, not being able to pay the absurd rents of 800 euros per month, I looked for properties that would cost me about 160 euros per month of mortgage, a much more reasonable expense.
Now I don't search anymore, I'm a bit pessimistic about my health.


On jo visc l'enveja és cap als llogaters, sempre será més barat una hipoteca que pagar un lloguer mensual.
A Barcelona aquests últims 15 anys ha canviat molt el mercat inmobiliari, passant d'una oferta gairebé inexistent de lloguer a tot un mercat en competéncia directa amb el de venda.
El motiu, que hi ha molta gent que está de pas o només vol estar-s'hi un parell d'anys, quin sentit té per a aquesta gent comprar un pis si no te intenció d'arrelar a la ciutat? cap sentit. I d'altres persones que si volen viure aquí i venen a treballar sense cap altre tipus de suport que els seus estalvis estàn abocats al mercat de lloguer al no disposar per l'entrada d'un pis. I així és molt difícil estalviar per aconseguir prou per poder aportar un mínim a la compra d'un immoble.

Tradicionalment sempre ha estat més barat comprar un pis que pagar un lloguer si tens prou per una entrada.

* Jo per exemple, al no poder pagar els lloguers absurds de 800 euros mensuals cercava propietats que em suposin uns 160 euros mensuals d'hipoteca, una despesa molt mes raonable.
Ara ja no faig cerca, estic una mica pesimista amb la salut.


Aug 29, 2022
Its actually 65.8% of americans own their home. Yea unfortunately here 3 bedroom people are seen as less than 5 bedroom people, and most women only date men who have iphones, sports cars, 5 bedroom home owners etc. Only the dealers and gang bangers get women if they live in an apartment. America has the classism of indian society basically just not as extreme.
I'm a woman and I assure you, it isn't because a man like you doesn't own a sportscar that I wouldn't date him. We're all lonely and depressed this day and age, pick a better hill to die on.
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I'm late, i'm late. For a very important date.
Feb 12, 2019
Its just an assumption. Do they live with their mom in an apartment though? Not a. Condo, townhome, or house, a 1 bedroom apartment with their mom. I just think its super rare, but im sure it exists.

Yea i work in retail and usually the guy is either tall, has a nice truck 40k+, and or very skinny and tall combo. Its just apart of my insecurity issues.
I understand things like poverty can limit dating prospects. I understand everyone has insecurities, but you posted "most women only date men who have iphones, sports cars, 5 bedroom home owners etc." like it's a fact, not an assumption. So you think most guys that aren't rich (the majority of men) never date? How would that even work? I'm not even going to go into the "Only the dealers and gang bangers get women if they live in an apartment." thing. Ridiculous.

I'm just tired of all the "women r bad" posts on this site that aren't even based in reality, and that few people ever push back on.
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Sep 8, 2022
I understand things like poverty can limit dating prospects. I understand everyone has insecurities, but you posted "most women only date men who have iphones, sports cars, 5 bedroom home owners etc." like it's a fact, not an assumption. So you think most guys that aren't rich (the majority of men) never date? How would that even work? I'm not even going to go into the "Only the dealers and gang bangers get women if they live in an apartment." thing. Ridiculous.

I'm just tired of all the "women r bad" posts on this site that aren't even based in reality, and that few people ever push back on.
Youre right its just a shitty thought loop that gets repeated in my head over and over. I know its not the truth, our brains are good at making patterns and forming false beliefs over them.
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Meowing to go out
Dec 27, 2020
I used to use logic like this and can advise against it.

As a young adult I thought it was about having a car. I thought it was about having an income. Then I thought it was about having my own rental place. Then I thought it was about owning a house, which took another 10 years to achieve. I was mostly alone the whole time, chasing a carrot and never quite arriving at a place where I felt worthy of love.

It turned out that I was more affected by some hidden sexual abuse from my childhood than I realised, making it vastly more difficult to connect to others. My focus on material progress was a futile attempt at putting my finger on something tangible, but it was misguided.

Yes, if I had won millions in a lottery it would probably have changed the outcome by virtue of being able to offer a rarified lifestyle, but more universally important is to understand what a prospective partner actually wants and how they think, and any blockages at your end needing attention.
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