
New Member
Apr 3, 2019
I've been thinking about CTB for a few weeks but, although I'm not religious, I'm still afraid I'll have to come back to this world in some way or another.

There is so much harm in the world. I just wish my conscious could be free. What are your thoughts on this? Are you afraid of what comes next? Do you believe in the theory that says that if you suicide you still see and live in your body and feel the pain of decomposing, etc?

Have you made peace with suicide?
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Jan 28, 2019
even if you come back you'll be mind wiped so it won't be "you" coming back.. i heard reincarnation is a choice from some people who experienced near death experiences, if so i won't choose to come back. i do hope that there is an afterlife and its a good one where you can just imagine whatever you want and it'll come true.

i dont believe in the theory that you'll live in your body after dying, it doesnt even make sense
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Nothing in his life became him like the leaving it
Mar 29, 2019
I've never been religious but I used to consider myself spiritual. Now, the very notion seems absurd. I genuinely see no difference between the world's great religions and a child's belief in Santa Claus. I used to be afraid of death (and if you read my Method's post you'll see there's still a lot I am afraid of), but knowing I own my own death has been a revelation to me which has removed all the fear...though I feel an odd nervousness about it that's sometimes hard to describe.
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Feb 4, 2019
The fear of what comes after the death is the greatest issue of suicide failed attempts. Though i uses to reflect a lot about afterlife and the biggest fear for me is the punishment for the suicide
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Mar 5, 2019
You are afraid of your own thoughts. These things exist only in your head. If you don't believe in it then they don't exist.
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Dec 30, 2018
I am TERRIFIED! I'm afraid to not be religious but with all these galaxies it's just random earth is the only place life in some form exists. and what if the rules there give us less control over our pain?????
but I'm pretty sure I'm on the way to finding out
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Mar 23, 2019
I'm religious but I'm not scared to go. I'm actually quite happy to leave, though I have to wait till I can afford all the supplies I need to ctb. In my belief, the soul can go anywhere it wants (into the physical world, other realities, or any of the higher realms) and it doesn't have to reincarnate if it doesn't want to. I was serious when I said I wanted to explore the other realities and afterlives in another post some days ago. I'm excited to leave this bland life behind and embark on a new adventure. But whether or not my belief is real or not, I'm still just as excited to leave. Nothing is tying me to this life and I won't have to worry about anything anymore. I am ready.
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Mar 24, 2019
i`m more scared of living
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Mar 31, 2019
i am afraid of the whole thing. i'm scared that it will be really painful or that i'll do it and somebody will interfere. i'm scared of how my family will react. my mother has cancer and my father has diabetes, they don't really know that i've been having suicidal thoughts since i was about 12. however, the one that i'm really worried about is my sister, i know that she will be crushed. she and i are close, she's the only person who i actually care about.
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Clutching at invisible straws
Dec 11, 2018
I fear failing ctb more than what comes after.
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Mar 24, 2019
I've been thinking about CTB for a few weeks but, although I'm not religious, I'm still afraid I'll have to come back to this world in some way or another.

There is so much harm in the world. I just wish my conscious could be free. What are your thoughts on this? Are you afraid of what comes next? Do you believe in the theory that says that if you suicide you still see and live in your body and feel the pain of decomposing, etc?

Have you made peace with suicide?
I always believed in God. But for three years I have been an atheist, I believe in science, when we die, no matter how, we just cease to exist, we only fall asleep forever, but we will only find out when we go to the other side.
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Apr 3, 2019
the fear of what may hold after death is pretty much the battle : 'rationality vs irrantionality'
all that you perceive is a product of neural activity which is no longer maintained after death. it is irrational to feel fear for what holds after death, even your fear is triggered in your brain, it's about neurochemistry. fear is a very primitive but also very strong feeling that made your ancestors come along this way.
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Apr 2, 2019
Fear is one of the things that's stopping me for now. I have shaman friends who are convinced I'll end up in a terrible place.

I feel like I'll be fine and I'll just reincarnate, but what my friends told me made an impression on me so now I'm reluctant to do it.

I've read all suicide NDE stories online and I've watched everything on YouTube. The vast majority of people have good experiences, but there are some that end up in versions of hell or purgatory. I'm scared of that.
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Nov 8, 2018
Everyone feels a level of scared. Just depends on how we react to being scared in the moment.


Likes breadcrumbs
Mar 7, 2019
The great unknown holds me back. But what ever happens when I pass can't be worse than the DMV on a hot busy day yeah?


Nov 8, 2018
The great unknown holds me back. But what ever happens when I pass can't be worse than the DMV on a hot busy day yeah?

Some great unknowns are perhaps becoming less great. This is somewhat true for SN. 4 monitored and reported deaths are said to have been peaceful according to the newly uploaded PPEH.

As for the existential great unknowns they definitely remain. My advice is to watch reports of near death experiences/ DMT breakthrough trip reports. In my mind they are the closest thing we have to the transcendental.


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Mar 16, 2019
I've been thinking about CTB for a few weeks but, although I'm not religious, I'm still afraid I'll have to come back to this world in some way or another.

There is so much harm in the world. I just wish my conscious could be free. What are your thoughts on this? Are you afraid of what comes next? Do you believe in the theory that says that if you suicide you still see and live in your body and feel the pain of decomposing, etc?

Have you made peace with suicide?

For me, feeling scared tells me I'm not ready to end this life. But that's just me. Also if you come back as something else... you could always end it again.. but I feel like you would not remember this current life, so clean slate who knows how you might feel round 2. Maybe if you came back you end up being the one that fixes messes?

I've been thinking about CTB for a few weeks but, although I'm not religious, I'm still afraid I'll have to come back to this world in some way or another.

There is so much harm in the world. I just wish my conscious could be free. What are your thoughts on this? Are you afraid of what comes next? Do you believe in the theory that says that if you suicide you still see and live in your body and feel the pain of decomposing, etc?

Have you made peace with suicide?
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Nov 8, 2018
For me, feeling scared tells me I'm not ready to end this life. But that's just me. Also if you come back as something else... you could always end it again.. but I feel like you would not remember this current life, so clean slate who knows how you might feel round 2. Maybe if you came back you end up being the one that fixes messes?

In my humble opinion, feeling scared does not mean you aren't ready to end it. Does feeling scared prevent you from doing a multitude of things that provokes the fight or flight response? Its a fairytale that ending it is a walk in the park emotionally. Your will dictates whether you succeed or not.
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Mar 16, 2019
In my humble opinion, feeling scared does not mean you aren't ready to end it. Does feeling scared prevent you from doing a multitude of things that provokes the fight or flight response? Its a fairytale that ending it is a walk in the park emotionally. Your will dictates whether you succeed or not.

That's completely fair. My fear response is a little wacky in the sense that I struggle sometimes to feel. So fear its been my own personal barometer. I think it's one of those one size doesn't fit all scenarios. I think the reason to die matters a lot too.
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Apr 7, 2019
I always try to convince myself there is no God, there is no one watching over this planet, we are all on our own. Despite not believing that there is someone who is 'looking out for us' as human beings, I do believe there is a higher authority out there watching everything unfold and maybe knowing when the end of it for all of us actually is.

Saying that, my conflicting views on God leave me to wonder whether whoever or whatever meets me after death will have something terrible planned out for me, because yes, I do believe suicide is a bad thing, and yes I agree with the phrase about how you're not ending your pain, you're just transferring it to another person. I certainly do believe in karma - I've had too many experiences of it in my lifetime to believe otherwise, whether I be on the good or the bad receiving end of it.

But then karma makes me wonder whether it's actually me who will be receiving it. It's a common idea to believe as early repliers have mentioned that we are mind-wiped and come back to Earth as another person. Maybe in that case the pain we will receive in the next life might be far worse than what we deal with now as suicidal people. Or maybe we will continue our existence somewhere else but receive, well, absolute hell for what we've done.

Or maybe, if we're lucky, the universe will feel empathy for us knowing that we were simply in pain.

At the end of the day, I think truly suicidal people aren't afraid of what comes next because we are just craving an escape from the life we live now. Illogical, I know. Whether it be a continuation of our existence somewhere else, or we are reincarnated, or nothing happens at all (which I highly doubt, but maybe that's just a human's narcissism) I'm not really afraid. I think the fear we all have is actually physically committing the act, we're afraid of being in pain and someone spotting us and just what message and physical state of us we leave behind on Earth (which isn't really fear, just human instinct). At least that's the case for me.
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Have a great day!
Mar 24, 2019
I think the fear we all have is actually physically committing the act, we're afraid of being in pain and someone spotting us and just what message and physical state of us we leave behind on Earth (which isn't really fear, just human instinct). At least that's the case for me.

I believe that a very big fear that some people have about committing suicide is not death, but surviving it.
If you live through an attempt you may have an even worse quality of life than before and be permanently damaged, that is why people here look so hard for a method that will let you let you die without a chance of living. You will have to accept the repercussions of your own actions and have to face what you attempted to leave behind.
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Feb 4, 2019
Fucking afraid of afterlife.
Just can't cope before attempt. Any advice friends ?


Nov 8, 2018
Fucking afraid of afterlife.
Just can't cope before attempt. Any advice friends ?

We all are. Watch people talking about their near death experiences or DMT breakthrough trips; both are the closest we can get to knowing in this world.
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