

Dec 15, 2021
This is my personal opinion after almost 7 years of taking SSRI and SNRI meds. I have tried dozens of them. Sertraline, paroxetine, quetiapine, duloxetine, venlafaxine + mirtazapine (so called California Rocket Fuel), pregabalin, clomipramine, risperidone, escitalopram. Nothing works. I still feel like shit and I want to kill myself everyday. I have been to psych ward 3 times in my life. This is a fucking joke. I have been there for a month (longest) after my attempt with hanging and I left in the same mental condition as in the day I was taken. My psychiatrist is literally telling me that he doesn't know any strongest antidepressants that are available. My psychologist said "just tell me, what am I supossed to do with you?". I feel like there's literally no hope for me, suicide is the only way to end my suffering. I was thinking about taking psychodelics like mushrooms, DMT, ketamine etc. but I'am scared of this. I have never tried any drugs before and I fear that I may loose my mind and end up in a mentally-vegetative state.
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Nov 12, 2021
They are definitely limited. They can alter your mood but they cannot alter reality. And they can elevate your mood and prevent you from seeing reality for what it is. There are many risks involved and prescribers never tell you what they are.
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Smart No More

May 5, 2021
Psychadelics shouldn't leave anyone in a permanently vegative state. Once they wear off you return by all means and purposes to normal. It definitely can feel as though you're never going to come down when really tripping though and that's the most dangerous part of a trip in my opinion. The perception of potentially never coming down/retuening to normal and the anxiety induced actions surrounding this feeling. I have experience with recreational use and I definitely found it challenging at times to say the least. I managed to never show it outwardly but there were times I just wished I could come down. Unfortunately I was unaware of benzos at the time and a fadt acting benzo can bring you right out of the worst of a stressful trip. As far as using it to treat mental health issues it's really important to have a trip sitter with some experience. Do not do it alone. Avoid LSD as that's a long trip. Psilocybin is probably the best option as its what's being used experimentally for depression in medicine right now. Not that I have a lot of faith in medicine these days (psyche meds are dangerous and handed out with gay abandon) but it's best to use something that will be somewhat familiar to paramedics if the worst case scenario rears it's head and you feel the need to call or visit a hospital. Mushrooms/psilocybin is a relatively short trip. Perhaps you could bring it up with your psychiatrist. If they're struggling for things to do with you then you may qualify to get into one of the few programs that are doing treatments with this. You're clearly treatment resistant.

I feel like I want to tell you not to be scared but also to have a healthy fear of it and respect that you need to do it with support and a trip sitter. Doing it alone is a bad idea. It can be a beneficial experience under the right circumstances though. Some have claimed it changed their lives for the better. I can see how that would be possible from my own personal experience. I guess don't rule it out but look for the right avenues to do it before jumping in. I'll be very interested to see how you get on and would be happy to discuss it further with you if you want that.
I've really got to stop writing these long posts! 🙄 Must be more consice!
Just a quick add on - there was a documentary on real life trials for people trying psilocybin to treat treatment resistant depression on a british tv station just a few weeks back. Perhaps you would be able to find it and watch it on a catch up/streaming service. My guess is it would be a channel 4 thing but could also be a BBC thing.
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Aug 31, 2021
That's because increasing and decreasing serotonin levels doesn't alter depression. If it did, those little fuckers would work within 24-48hrs. The current theory of what they do is help your brain regrow neurones in the hippocampus, but then so does exercise.

I believe the vast majority of 'mental illness' is not at all mental or social but a physical illness such as brain inflammation, bad reactions (e.g. histamine intolerance), hormonal imbalance and nutrient deficiency. Things like that. The whole 'low serotonin/chemical imbalance' thing is god level bullshit and makes me so fucking livid I'm gonna stop talking about it.
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Sep 22, 2021
I have also been on antidepressants for 7 years just over. And tried almost all you mentioned, I have taken lamotrigine for a year now I can't see it's working tbh. I honestly feel like a switch in my brain got flicked on and I'm unable to reverse it.


Nov 12, 2021
I think it's possible that some peoples brains could be wired for depression. But I'm guessing environmental factors are much more important. The connection a baby has with its mother. The most important determining factor for "success" in life is not money, talent, or connections. It is grit. Mindset. Where does confidence and determination come from? Those earliest interactions with mom. (Look up "still face experiment …")
And by success I do not just mean material success although that's not irrelevant. I mean building a life that is rich and meaningful… With purpose and achievement.
If you've got bad wiring due to a poor infancy, and a poor connection with your mother, Antidepressants are not going to fix anything. They could jack you up a bit. Make you feel more positive. That was my experience. But the underlying problems were always there…

I have seen probably a half dozen therapists over the course of 25 years And nobody ever tried to get at the root of my depression- We would have nice conversations that never really solve anything or dig into why I was so broken… Some of these therapists were highly paid, sophisticated and even insightful. But none of them took hold of the process and said to me… You're incredibly fucked up and we need to Unfuck you. I wish they had and I wish we had tried… oh well…
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Spiritual survivor

Spiritual survivor

A born again but occasionally suicidal
Feb 13, 2022
Matthew u are right about the psych industry. They won't help u get better. The medical establishment is largely a fraud but many people don't realize it. You will need to seek your own way to deal with all this.
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novelist, sanskritist, Canadian living in India
Nov 13, 2021
"Is it genuine experience or just brain chemistry?" Whole lives are lost to the fool's fire of this meaningless dichotomy.
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Smart No More

May 5, 2021
Psych meds are made to be used over and over because its not financially viable to cure you. It's a grimey industry hiding behind the teusted facw of the doctors used to pedal the drugs. And more insulting is the way patients are treated. As though they out to feel lucky they're offered treatment. The fucking gaul of it!

I've said it before.... The old snake oil sellers of the wild west still exist. They're just more sofisticated in their sales pitches and lies.

The fact we don't know why many drugs work and why they work for some and not others is just insane to me. People taking street deugs arw treated like scum and idiots for taking risks with their health but we at least know why the majority of those work the way they do. If the drug companies could they wouldn't think twice about pedalling those too. However there's this weird disconnect between public opinion on pharmaceuticals and "drugs".
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Nov 12, 2021
I think the pharmaceutical industry is happy to be raking in money and believing they're alleviating suffering, allowing victims of depression to live functional if not happy lives. I'm sure they would admit it's an inexact science but would hardly want to research the downside of antidepressants. There is no money to be made Researching the risks and downsides. America is pretty good at getting things done when there's a juicy profit motive.


Dec 6, 2021
Ketamine on low doses is a rather mild experience and as good of an entry point as any if you want to try any of the drugs you mentioned. Look it up yourself, that's a good rule of thumb for any drug use really, ketamine is very safe, just dose right.

It's a dissociative and only really psychedelic on higher doses, it's also very hard to be anxious on it, being an anesthetic, compared to other psychedelics which can be quite daunting.
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Sep 22, 2021
Ketamine on low doses is a rather mild experience and as good of an entry point as any if you want to try any of the drugs you mentioned. Look it up yourself, that's a good rule of thumb for any drug use really, ketamine is very safe, just dose right.

It's a dissociative and only really psychedelic on higher doses, it's also very hard to be anxious on it, being an anesthetic, compared to other psychedelics which can be quite daunting.
I have tried small amounts of ketamine. I literally have such a small amount yet k hole every time hoping it's gunna end soon I feel panic and vulnerable. Kind of like paralysis
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Dec 6, 2021
I have tried small amounts of ketamine. I literally have such a small amount yet k hole every time hoping it's gunna end soon I feel panic and vulnerable. Kind of like paralysis
Hmm not to sound rude I hope, but how are you measuring it? K holing happens on the higher doses and it indeed can be rather scary, though everyone's body are different and all but I've never even come close to accidentally k holing myself and I weigh around 65kg.

Even 1g of Ketamine is a lot, I would introduce someone new to the drug with 25-50mg increments for example.
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Sep 18, 2020
Suicide is the only thing I think about. I can't go on with this depression and drug addiction anymore. I cry wishing I had a heart attack. My method will be the SN, I already have it, I have to have the guts
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Sep 22, 2021
Hmm not to sound rude I hope, but how are you measuring it? K holing happens on the higher doses and it indeed can be rather scary, though everyone's body are different and all but I've never even come close to accidentally k holing myself and I weigh around 65kg.

Even 1g of Ketamine is a lot, I would introduce someone new to the drug with 25-50mg increments for example.
A gram? Man I'd end up in a hospital. Literally a couple of cm line it's so tiny. I know a few people who take it for fun they can't believe how little I need to k hole. I'll never do it again
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