

Jul 14, 2019
Currently, I've used cymbalta and lexapro. Cymbalta made me feel nothing and even worse when I quit and lexapro, currently using 20mg a day, has only increased my desire to ctb with no other noticeable effects.

What's your experiences?
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Jul 2, 2019
10mg of Lexapro has helped me with depression with minimal side effects. I get dry eyes, I feel nauseated if I take it on an empty stomach, and can get heart palpitations if I take it around the same time as I have coffee.

I'm still suicidal though. Not because I'm depressed but because I've lived long enough to see how messed up the world is, how money means everything to most adults, and the older the group of adults, the more likely they've stepped on a lot of people to live as long as they have, and I don't want to be a part of it.
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Jul 14, 2019
10mg of Lexapro has helped me with depression with minimal side effects. I get dry eyes, I feel nauseated if I take it on an empty stomach, and can get heart palpitations if I take it around the same time as I have coffee.

I'm still suicidal though. Not because I'm depressed by because I've lived long enough to see how messed up the world is, how money means everything to most adults, and the older the group of adults, the more likely they've stepped on a lot of people to live as long as they have, and I don't want to be a part of it.
Not that it really helps, I guess, but I take mine before bed so I avoid feeling sick as much as possible. Maybe try switching up the time? You said it helped with the depression, care to elaborate? Just curious here, dont feel obligated to answer if you dont want
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Oblivion Lover

Oblivion Lover

No life, no suffering
May 30, 2019
I've been on clonazepam for anxiety and sertraline and clomipramine for "depression". Clonazepam was fantastic. It helped me sleep better and got rid of the anxiety that cripples me and makes me unable to do anything without freaking out. I still miss it to this day. Sertraline and clomipramine, on the other hand, were almost useless and may have made me more suicidal than I was before (not that I care). I believe that that may be because I'm not actually depressed and I was misdiagnosed. I didn't had any withdrawal symptoms other than a headache when I abruptly stopped taking them, but that may be because I was taking them for less a month or two. I'd given up on taking a medication that makes you unable to feel sad, and I stopped having access to clonazepam.
My experience with medication was not terribly bad, but it wasn't great. I'd give it a rating of 6/10. Remove the antidepressants and you got a 7/10. Add ritalin to treat my ADHD and to counteract the zombieness caused by the clonazepam and you've got a solid 10, so yeah, medication can be of great positive effect depending of the person.
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Jul 2, 2019
Not that it really helps, I guess, but I take mine before bed so I avoid feeling sick as much as possible. Maybe try switching up the time? You said it helped with the depression, care to elaborate? Just curious here, dont feel obligated to answer if you dont want

Thanks. I tried taking it at night, but then I couldn't sleep. Appreciate the suggestion though.

I believe my depression is actually a chemical imbalance. My birth mom did cocaine while pregnant with me, so I had seizures as a baby and had to be on Lamictal for many years which also helps with mental illness. Then I switched to Lexapro after Lamictal gave me a bad rash.

The few times I've tried to get off antidepressants during school breaks years ago, I experienced a weird sensation. I got a headache in my temples that never stopped and it's almost as if my pain receptors were shut off. I could take a cold shower and my memory recognizes the water is cold, but there's nothing telling my body "It's icy cold! Move out of the water!" I could just sit there and get hypothermia. I also can't distinguish between liking something or disliking something.

So when I take anti-depressants, I have feelings again and a sense of touch and taste.


Jul 14, 2019
I've been on clonazepam for anxiety and sertraline and clomipramine for "depression". Clonazepam was fantastic. It helped me sleep better and got rid of the anxiety that cripples me and makes me unable to do anything without freaking out. I still miss it to this day. Sertraline and clomipramine, on the other hand, were almost useless and may have made me more suicidal than I was before (not that I care). I believe that that may be because I'm not actually depressed and I was misdiagnosed. I didn't had any withdrawal symptoms other than a headache when I abruptly stopped taking them, but that may be because I was taking them for less a month or two. I'd given up on taking a medication that makes you unable to feel sad, and I stopped having access to clonazepam.
My experience with medication was not terribly bad, but it wasn't great. I'd give it a rating of 6/10. Remove the antidepressants and you got a 7/10. Add ritalin to treat my ADHD and to counteract the zombieness caused by the clonazepam and you've got a solid 10, so yeah, medication can be of great positive effect depending of the person.
Is there any reason you cant get the klonopin anymore? If it was helping, why did the md take you off? Or even better, why cant they prescribe klonopin and ritalin if it helps??
Thanks. I tried taking it at night, but then I couldn't sleep. Appreciate the suggestion though.

I believe my depression is actually a chemical imbalance. My birth mom did cocaine while pregnant with me, so I had seizures as a baby and had to be on Lamictal for many years which also helps with mental illness. Then I switched to Lexapro after Lamictal gave me a bad rash.

The few times I've tried to get off antidepressants during school breaks years ago, I experienced a weird sensation. I got a headache in my temples that never stopped and it's almost as if my pain receptors were shut off. I could take a cold shower and my memory recognizes the water is cold, but there's nothing telling my body "It's icy cold! Move out of the water!" I could just sit there and get hypothermia. I also can't distinguish between liking something or disliking something.

So when I take anti-depressants, I have feelings again and a sense of touch and taste.
This makes me sad.. you need medicine to feel anything. Do you think your situation as a small human contributed to your situation now?
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Oblivion Lover

Oblivion Lover

No life, no suffering
May 30, 2019
Is there any reason you cant get the klonopin anymore? If it was helping, why did the md take you off? Or even better, why cant they prescribe klonopin and ritalin if it helps??
I stopped going to the psychiatrist that prescribed me clonazepam because she was focusing too much on "emotional disorders" (anxiety and depression) and ignoring other possible disorders (ADHD, Asperger and aphasia), so I don't have access to it anymore, and I just can't be bothered to find another psychiatrist. Ritalin was never prescribed to me because the doctors don't believe I have ADHD, but I'm sure of it and I'm usually very good at self diagnosing.
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Jul 2, 2019
Is there any reason you cant get the klonopin anymore? If it was helping, why did the md take you off? Or even better, why cant they prescribe klonopin and ritalin if it helps??

This makes me sad.. you need medicine to feel anything. Do you think your situation as a small human contributed to your situation now?

Thanks. Yeah. Coming to the realization that I was dependent on meds made me so frustrated.

I think it's just an accumulation of my life experiences. Even before now, I was very suicidal in 2014, didn't sleep for 5 days while studying Nursing at State University, broke up and kicked out my abusive boyfriend of 4 years, living at my adopted mom's, working as a CNA at a nursing home and caretaking for my 91-year old adopted grandmother who was dying of lung cancer and I loved dearly because she raised me the most growing up.

Before all that, my childhood was stressful because I went back n forth from birth family to foster family for 5 years until I was finally adopted. A lot of my teen years were ruined because I was a psych medication guinea pig. If something didn't work, they did something else and it isolated me socially quite often due to side effects. Luckily, I went to a high school of 5,000 students so sometimes I could redeem myself by finding new friends.

Though, a huge contributing factor to me being suicidal now is just being tired of life. I've had many adventures in my 27 years and have made it in once piece. I'd like to leave this world while I'm still in one piece, physically able, and I'm intelligent enough to carry out a suicide. I got in a potentially dangerous car accident where my car was totaled some months ago and it woke me up to that realization.
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Jul 14, 2019
Thanks. Yeah. Coming to the realization that I was dependent on meds made me so frustrated.

I think it's just an accumulation of my life experiences. Even before now, I was very suicidal in 2014, didn't sleep for 5 days while studying Nursing at State University, broke up and kicked out my abusive boyfriend of 4 years, living at my adopted mom's, working as a CNA at a nursing home and caretaking for my 91-year old adopted grandmother who was dying of lung cancer and I loved dearly because she raised me the most growing up.

Before all that, my childhood was stressful because I went back n forth from birth family to foster family for 5 years until I was finally adopted. A lot of my teen years were ruined because I was a psych medication guinea pig. If something didn't work, they did something else and it isolated me socially quite often due to side effects. Luckily, I went to a high school of 5,000 students so sometimes I could redeem myself by finding new friends.

Though, a huge contributing factor to me being suicidal now is just being tired of life. I've had many adventures in my 27 years and have made it in once piece. I'd like to leave this world while I'm still in one piece, physically able, and I'm intelligent enough to carry out a suicide. I got in a potentially dangerous car accident where my car was totaled some months ago and it woke me up to that realization.
Oh wow, it sounds like you have been through it.. I'm sorry.
I can completely understand your desire, as I have the same mindset about my wish to ctb while still able.
Wish there was something more I could say besides I'm happy I've met someone who can understand my point of view :)
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Jul 2, 2019
Oh wow, it sounds like you have been through it.. I'm sorry.
I can completely understand your desire, as I have the same mindset about my wish to ctb while still able.
Wish there was something more I could say besides I'm happy I've met someone who can understand my point of view :)

Thanks for listening, and recognizing the pain. Yes, having a person understand is a good feeling. It would be so hard to bring this topic up in real life, so it's nice we have this forum!
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Apr 16, 2019
Oh wow, it sounds like you have been through it.. I'm sorry.
I can completely understand your desire, as I have the same mindset about my wish to ctb while still able.
Wish there was something more I could say besides I'm happy I've met someone who can understand my point of view :)
I feel the same way too
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L'appel du Vide
Jun 27, 2019
I've lost count of how many I've tried, but I've been on a lot. Most failed because I had bad side effects. The rest just didn't have enough of a positive effect.

I've been diagnosed with major depression, anxiety, and PTSD.

The best meds for me so far have been:

- Prozac or Trintellix, which helped somewhat with my depression but did nothing for suicidal ideation.

- Lithium, which helped with the suicidal aspect, but did nothing for the depression

- Ativan, which was a miracle for my anxiety, but my psychiatrist has a policy against prescribing it and took me off. So I'm screwed there. I was then on klonopin, until they stopped prescribing that as well. Now all they'll give me are beta blockers, which don't do a thing for me.

Right now, I'm prescribed lithium and propranolol, but I'm not taking either because I'm stupid.


Jun 7, 2018
I'm on lexapro 10mg. Took about a month to kick in. For the first time in years my body doesn't feel like I've been beaten up by a mob of cops everyday. Everything feels great, specially socializing. I feel like hitting on every girl I see. That's huge consideering I would't dare looking at girls straight before using the meds. Even rejection doesn't bother me. I have great energy, confidence and stamina now. Still gonna CTB though lol.


Jun 30, 2019
My doctor started me on 50mg of sertraline ( Zoloft ). Felt like it did make it easier to be happier but my anxiety got worse. He upped my dose to 100mg after a month which didn't really change anything, I'm on 150mg now and I don't see much difference in myself. So yeah idk what to do.


May 29, 2019
Try one of the old school tricyclic antidepressants. They do a good job and have the extra perk of being usable for ctb.


Apr 7, 2019
I once read that sexual dysfunction post SSRI was somewhere around 70%. Have any of you tapered off without lasting side effects?


May 29, 2019
I took duloxetine for 2 weeks and my dick almost stopped working. Went on Amitriptyline and the issue resolved and also Ami really works for my problem (I suffer from nerve pain, not depression), while duloxetine gave me zero pain relief.
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L'appel du Vide
Jun 27, 2019
Ami really works for my problem (I suffer from nerve pain, not depression), while duloxetine gave me zero pain relief.
Amitriptyline works on nerve pain?? I take gabapentin for nerve damage, but I still have symptoms.


just me and the birds
Jul 17, 2019
I've been on high doses of various SSRIs and SNRIs for like 5 years. None of them did anything positive. I only had side effects for two weeks on the first one, Celexa. After that none on any of them. I tapered off everything March this year. No lasting effects. Pretty much a big waste of time!


May 29, 2019
Amitriptyline works on nerve pain?? I take gabapentin for nerve damage, but I still have symptoms.

Had some gabby I stole a while back, popped it, didn't do shit. Did all painkillers up to enough codeine to get me high. Nothing, killer migraine still there. Ami is currently the ONLY thing that works for me, alongside cannabis.
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May 31, 2019
I once read that sexual dysfunction post SSRI was somewhere around 70%. Have any of you tapered off without lasting side effects?

SSRi's are used to chemically castrate sex offenders. It's incredible these drugs are called antidepressants.
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New Member
Jul 24, 2019
For me Lexapro have some effect at the highest dose, 20 mg, and very few side effects compred to sertraline.

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