

Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
It really disgusts me how there are so many people who are against the right to die despite this existence undeniably being so hellish where there is unlimited potential for suffering.
It's evil to me when people see it as a positive thing making reliable poisons inaccessible so that people have no choice but to suffer or resort to risky and/or barbaric methods.

I really do hate these people as they just cause more harm, they cause suicidal people to suffer even more. Other people's decisions aren't theirs to make, the right to die is a human right and this should be respected, it's just so disgusting the view that people must continue suffering no matter what.

It literally is like we are all being punished all because other people decided to procreate, as deluded humans force life here and wish to make existence into a prison where one cannot easily escape on their own terms.

Existence certainly is hell, it's something so evil being against the choice to find permanent relief from all suffering, I don't see any benefit to existing as a conscious being in this harmful reality just waiting to decay and die anyway.

Just because some people are deluded enough to worship meaningless and pointless suffering doesn't mean that other people should have to be tormented in this unnecessary existence when they just wish to be at peace.
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Jul 29, 2021
it's a shit world filled with shitty horrible people everywhere the sooner something wipes out this shithole of a world the better
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Mori praestat, quam haec pati!
May 21, 2023
"Anti-Suicide" causes so much more harm and suffering in this world.
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Kill me
Oct 15, 2023
Well if they keep us alive but depressed we spent more for capitalism.

Depressed people on average but more things than "healthy" people.

They also pay pharma a monthly subscription fee along with the doctor you need for your 100% permanent mental condition.

They don't want us to die because they have happy lives and they are using us to subsidize it. They convince people that depression is an illness if we don't pretend to believe in how they feel. Then use pills to keep us pushing through even though things won't get better.

How are pills supposed to make me happy with having no purpose?

Does taking the pills magically make me get paid fairly?

Does it help me be able to afford a house?

Will it get me a job over nepotism or affirmative action?

Nope, you just need pills and to change your perspective.

If it's so easy to change your persepective to be the same amount of happy with/without money, then why won't you give me your money? Then we can both be happy.
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Nov 5, 2022
I have been absolutely miserable for longer than I can remember and no one really cares as long as I stay put and suffer more. It makes me sick that I'm expected to endure this for years and years to come all because those close to me can't handle loss. I've told them too how I feel. It makes me absolutely sick.
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The eternal awaits
Oct 23, 2023
Euthanasia and assisted suicide should unequivocally be universally legalized. It's absurd that I must resort to a precarious CTB method that might consign me to a life of permanent debilitation or paralysis. Every major city should host a clinic where I can seek a humane end to my suffering with ease.
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I'm at peace... Finally.
Mar 16, 2023
I don't understand it, but humans see life as some sort of extreme sport. To me, it smacks of some type of esoteric Stockholm Syndrome. The more you suffer, the more of a "winner" you are. It's a measure of how much suffering you can endure. As if there's some type of cosmic metric of that. I don't know what to make of the human psychology towards suffering. Much less, their psychology towards suicide. I've always laughed at the idea that there's some type of sanctioned way to die, particularly in this society. See, suicide wasn't always taboo in other ancient societies. Not in Rome. Not in Greece. Not in Egypt. In some societies, it was actually respected. For some reason, this society has just made it an outright sin. And that could be rooted in Judeo-Christian philosophy.

Die in a senseless war? That's honor. Die in a senseless, random act of violence? That's life. Die of some disease? God's gotta plan. Suicide? HOW DARE YOU!!? HOOMAN MAD!!!
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Sep 30, 2023
For me , one of the most upsetting things about the pro - life agenda is the fact that they will not " allow " us to die a dignified and peaceful death by removing peaceful methods, yet complain about people using other less desirable methods.
You just can't win with these people. They are both self - righteous and sadistic.
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Oct 23, 2023
Well if they keep us alive but depressed we spent more for capitalism.

Depressed people on average but more things than "healthy" people.

They also pay pharma a monthly subscription fee along with the doctor you need for your 100% permanent mental condition.

They don't want us to die because they have happy lives and they are using us to subsidize it. They convince people that depression is an illness if we don't pretend to believe in how they feel. Then use pills to keep us pushing through even though things won't get better.

How are pills supposed to make me happy with having no purpose?

Does taking the pills magically make me get paid fairly?

Does it help me be able to afford a house?

Will it get me a job over nepotism or affirmative action?

Nope, you just need pills and to change your perspective.

If it's so easy to change your persepective to be the same amount of happy with/without money, then why won't you give me your money? Then we can both be happy.

So much of this. I'm so tired of being in this self-destructive capitalistic machine. I hate the fact that it's normalized for people to spend one THIRD of their life working for few rich men who pay you a tiny fraction. The amount of raw labor these people steal is criminal.
Also, after working at Amazon for 6 months, i had this feeling that to "function" you have no choice but to destroy the environment around you. Not in literal sense, but in a sense that your actions contribute to a society that doesn't really care about it's surroundings. Companies that don't care about the environment or people they are poisoning. And I hate that it's so hard/near impossible to contribute meaningfully. I just DON'T want to be a part of this system where only a miniscule percentage of people are living comfortably.
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Sep 30, 2023
So much of this. I'm so tired of being in this self-destructive capitalistic machine. I hate the fact that it's normalized for people to spend one THIRD of their life working for few rich men who pay you a tiny fraction. The amount of raw labor these people steal is criminal.
Also, after working at Amazon for 6 months, i had this feeling that to "function" you have no choice but to destroy the environment around you. Not in literal sense, but in a sense that your actions contribute to a society that doesn't really care about it's surroundings. Companies that don't care about the environment or people they are poisoning. And I hate that it's so hard/near impossible to contribute meaningfully. I just DON'T want to be a part of this system where only a miniscule percentage of people are living comfortably.
Yes, we are wage - slaves for greedy , corrupt corporations. I think something like 45 per cent of the worlds wealth is owned by just 1 per cent of the worlds population.
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I’m sorry
Oct 24, 2023
It really disgusts me how there are so many people who are against the right to die despite this existence undeniably being so hellish where there is unlimited potential for suffering.
It's evil to me when people see it as a positive thing making reliable poisons inaccessible so that people have no choice but to suffer or resort to risky and/or barbaric methods.

I really do hate these people as they just cause more harm, they cause suicidal people to suffer even more. Other people's decisions aren't theirs to make, the right to die is a human right and this should be respected, it's just so disgusting the view that people must continue suffering no matter what.

It literally is like we are all being punished all because other people decided to procreate, as deluded humans force life here and wish to make existence into a prison where one cannot easily escape on their own terms.

Existence certainly is hell, it's something so evil being against the choice to find permanent relief from all suffering, I don't see any benefit to existing as a conscious being in this harmful reality just waiting to decay and die anyway.

Just because some people are deluded enough to worship meaningless and pointless suffering doesn't mean that other people should have to be tormented in this unnecessary existence when they just wish to be at peace.
I agree, and I think that it's ironic in places like the USA (where so many people want to continue Taking the lives of others through capital punishment and guns are often encouraged for self defence and people can still be drafted to die for their country, against their will) that actually CHOOSING to exit your own life is considered such a bad thing. It's not logical.
I agree
Euthanasia and assisted suicide should unequivocally be universally legalized. It's absurd that I must resort to a precarious CTB method that might consign me to a life of permanent debilitation or paralysis. Every major city should host a clinic where I can seek a humane end to my suffering with ease.
I agree, Belgium, has it right. Everywhere else wants to stop you from choosing. They're not gonna actually help you or anything but they will just make it as difficult as possible to go in a peaceful, painless and dignified way. I'm not quite sure why. If anyone truly cared about everyone so much, as individuals, the world would be a different place
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Kill me
Oct 15, 2023
So much of this. I'm so tired of being in this self-destructive capitalistic machine. I hate the fact that it's normalized for people to spend one THIRD of their life working for few rich men who pay you a tiny fraction. The amount of raw labor these people steal is criminal.
Also, after working at Amazon for 6 months, i had this feeling that to "function" you have no choice but to destroy the environment around you. Not in literal sense, but in a sense that your actions contribute to a society that doesn't really care about it's surroundings. Companies that don't care about the environment or people they are poisoning. And I hate that it's so hard/near impossible to contribute meaningfully. I just DON'T want to be a part of this system where only a miniscule percentage of people are living comfortably.
If we all rose up against them we could do something.

Unfortunately, they have their evil watchdogs, aka law enforcement, protect them. Basically the body guards for evil, then they demand respect as if they deserve any. They honestly believe they are the "good guys".

Therefore, an insurrection will not work in this world with these people. The only way to escape is to exit the universe so they can't milk you for any more money.

Fuck with their money in mass by choosing to no longer participate. You end your suffering and give a middle finger to crony capitalism.
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