

Jun 25, 2019
800,000 out of 7 billion. Someone can cancel the zeros and simplify that but it's approximately 8/70,000 people or 0.00011%. That's tiny.

How? Most of the world is in poverty, even like in the first world is difficult. So many bad things and so few good ones yet to say that suicide rates are low would be an understatement. They are astonishingly low.
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May 31, 2019
It kind makes me feel bad for being suicidal.
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Accomplished faker
May 30, 2019
I dunno...

"According to WHO, approximately one million people commit suicide each year worldwide, that is about one death every 40 seconds or 3,000 per day. For each individual who takes his/her own life, at least 20 attempt to do so. Suicide has a global mortality rate of 16 per 100,000 people.Sep 10, 2011."

Not sure about 2019,...probably more.

Seems like quite a bit to me.

Having traveled to and even lived among 3rd world poor, they get some of course but are generally...pretty balanced & happy.

It's having opportunities + money and then losing it that really grinds, I believe.
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Apr 29, 2019
Yeah, it's perspective and some other things.

It's probably a perfect storm of events that leads someone to it, and that storm doesn't end up happening to that many people.
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May 5, 2019
800,000 out of 7 billion. Someone can cancel the zeros and simplify that but it's approximately 8/70,000 people or 0.00011%. That's tiny.

How? Most of the world is in poverty, even like in the first world is difficult. So many bad things and so few good ones yet to say that suicide rates are low would be an understatement. They are astonishingly low.
Per year. Wikipedia page for suicide says 0.5% of people die by suicide. 1 in 200. Sounds right
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Professional Suicide Attempter
Jul 23, 2019
It's because suicide is too difficult. If only substances like N were available for widespread sale at low cost....
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Jun 1, 2019
If you are told, from the first time you draw breath in this world, that suicide is wrong and you will rot in hell if you dare to take your own life, unless its in the name of "god" [read war] is it any wonder that people are reluctant to commit suicide. If I believed in such crap, which I dont, I would think twice about it as well.
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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
Religion does play a big role in it, along with the brainwashing and indoctrination (secular reasons and what not) by society. Also, the damned SI (survival instinct) is greatly to blame since humans by nature (or all living things and sentient things) wish to avoid pain in general. Since most methods involve being really uncomfortable or a great deal of pain, most people are turned off by suicide. If there were more reliable and instant, painfree methods, then yes, the numbers would be higher.
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After The End

After The End

The lily whispers, “I wait.”
Jul 31, 2019
800,000 out of 7 billion. Someone can cancel the zeros and simplify that but it's approximately 8/70,000 people or 0.00011%. That's tiny.

Actually suicide rates aren't astonishingly low if you compare them to other causes of death. Like murder. People are twice as likely to kill themselves than kill someone else, and the ratio is even more massively skewed in developed countries. Moreover you're forgetting that for every successful suicide there are about seventy attempts. Making suicide one of the most serious social issues period, especially in developed countries, and especially if you control for those who lack the means to do so humanely without considerable risk (which is almost everyone) or for whom the motive is extremely rare, like children and those with dependants which often preclude it as an option; with those two groups alone accounting for a huge proportion of the population. Then you have folks confined in aged care facilities, hospitals, prisons and the like where they are constantly monitored and prevented from commuting suicide, though a short visit to any aged care facility in a poor neighbourhood will make it clear a large percentage would if they could.

How? Most of the world is in poverty, even like in the first world is difficult. So many bad things and so few good ones yet to say that suicide rates are low would be an understatement

Suicide is a complex issue so attributing it to any one cause would be silly, but the idea that people commit suicide because of poverty or life being difficult is too simple an explanation. Humans are genetically evolved to thrive in violent, ruthlessly competitive environments at the subsistence level. We have about a million years practise managing in environments that are materially worse than almost anything that currently exists on our planet, but to the extent that we can thrive under these circumstances we're designed to do so in close-knit bands with common goals. This is not a big feature of many progressive cultures. Though they may be materially rich people very rapidly get acclimatised to the material benefits or downsides of their circumstances. Their value is often relative; whether in abstract or real terms. For example even the poorest people in the US are still among the richest people on the planet, but their relative poverty in their own country might mean they face more material hardship than many with far less wealth in poorer societies. Likewise all the abstractions we value are often subject to relative determinations of worth. No matter how lucky you may be there is always someone better off. We've also been conned en masse into believing that the acquisition of money and goods is the key to happiness. It is not. While more and more now we're also being conned into believing that the value of our lifestyle is determined by the amount of social validation and envy it garners, even if only among strangers, with the two aims often being inextricably interconnected. It's highly profitable for people to think like this. Especially if, as in progressive countries, these things form self-perpetuating cultural cycles that can have real impacts on people's social, romantic and professional lives. Unfortunately they do not make people happy, and the pursuit of it often makes them miserable. While those who are 'out of the game,' entirely are often cut off from the very things that do make life worth living as they lack the requisite social pre-approval to be able to pursue the sort of meaningful relationships and the resources (social and financial) to pursue the sort of meaningful vocations which, in combination, do actually make people happy.

There are other issues as well. Honestly, so many it would take more time than I would like to spend thinking about it to go over them, but in places where suicide is a massive issue these seem to be the big ones.
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Jul 10, 2018
multiply that by the average life Expectancy of a human, you get no less than 1% and this number take only in consideration those who succeed, They also say there are 25 attempts at suicide for every one successful.


Jun 1, 2019
We live in a simulation, most of those are just bots recreating themselves, there's no more then a few million real people.

Real answer:

Check the data for accidental death also, you will find the numbers very small.

- Most people don't have adequate means to do so
- Most are done by adults (so you should remove how many billions of kids from your calculation)
- Many people live with their close relatives all their lives so don't have the means of being isolated enough to consider a real ctb plan
- Being primarily concerned with survival makes it less likely to ctb

Have a look at the tribal situation and you will see hardly anyone ever ctb
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Compassion makes the world go 'round.
Jun 19, 2019
Religious indoctrination is certainly a big factor, as well as the SI that we are born with, but I think also it's a difference of perspective on life. Some people can accept a life of crippling poverty and illness at 80 years old, living in a decrepit trailer with no front door, electricity or running water as they rummage through dumpsters for enough aluminum cans to recycle so they can afford a single can of vegetables that is their food for the day.

Some people can accept living in a broken down car with a busted out window covered by a garbage bag duct taped in place.

Some people can accept homelessness, sleeping in a cardboard box or on the sidewalk as the world walks by pretending not to notice.

Despite my aversion to hanging myself, I would make an exception in order to avoid those fates. But just that's me.

Other people might not see those situations as bad enough, and their mentality may not lead them to the same conclusion that suicide would be the much more preferable alternative. Even now, with severe depression kicking my ass on a constant basis, as I am planning and taking action to CTB, it is still difficult and terrifying. I accepted this as my fate several years ago, but there are still days where I do my best to distract myself and try not to think about it.

While the idea of people accepting and even finding happiness in such situations may seem insane to me, I can accept that for some people, they just don't see suicide as the better option.

But again, that's just me.
It's having opportunities + money and then losing it that really grinds, I believe.

This one hits hits me on a really personal level, and not just about material things. It's not just about what I have or don't have, it's also and more so about what I've lost and can never get back.
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Sep 15, 2018
No. Most people want to live. I used to until something tragic happened to me to where I couldn't live my life anymore
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Apr 9, 2018
I think around 1% of all deaths are from suicide, 7 billion people don't die every year.

Still 1% seems low to me but having been suicidal for years it makes sense, it's not an act everyone has in them.


Jun 15, 2019
Most of the world is in poverty, even like in the first world is difficult. So many bad things and so few good ones yet to say that suicide rates are low would be an understatement. They are astonishingly low.
Proverty does not equal unhappiness, the happiest nations are not the richest nations on earth. Plus I think you're more likely to get depressed following this capitalistic, over-sexualized, meaningingless Western lifestyle, society dictates us to lead.


Jun 7, 2019
That's good. I'm happy for them..they must be doing something right


Mar 7, 2019
800,000 out of 7 billion. Someone can cancel the zeros and simplify that but it's approximately 8/70,000 people or 0.00011%. That's tiny.

How? Most of the world is in poverty, even like in the first world is difficult. So many bad things and so few good ones yet to say that suicide rates are low would be an understatement. They are astonishingly low.
It's so low because people are genetically predisposed to live. If any significant amount of people wanted to commit suicide this world would be much worse.

Then there is the psychological level. The reason people don't commit suicide even thought they suffer is that they are duped into hoping that they will die in their sleep. Many elderly people are now dying in hospices instead of at home. So the average population isn't exposed to what dying is really like. They don't understand until it's too late.

They are deluded by society into thinking they are "strong," but once all their ego has been stripped away through pain so unbearable it would make a serial killer cringe, anyone will change their minds. I know there has to be so many people that are on their death beds and they beg doctors, nurses, and family to end their life and nothing can be done for them. They can't even vote for someone that can change the laws. They feel fucked 3 ways from Sunday, in the most unimaginable way possible.

Let me put it to you like this. If you were to take all the suffering that people experience through bullying, accidents, giving birth, sickness, and crumple it up into one big ball it wouldn't even compare to the suffering that people experience at the end of life. It's a smack in the face of everything the religious people, and ironically they are not pro doctor assisted suicide.


Aug 3, 2019
Most people fail at suicide. It's actually pretty hard to pull off, even when you get past your body's desire to live. Most methods are failures. Which is terrible, because disfigurement and brain damage is a real risk.

TONS of people think about suicide and attempt suicide.

A very, very small percentage of that number pulls it off successfully and dies from it.
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Jul 26, 2019
I'm sure the true number is far higher: perhaps We should redefine the word " suicide " to include being politically lazy ( which perpetuates needless poverty & the resultant rise in hormonal levels of Stress). Psychosomatic.

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