

Dec 17, 2019
Hi all,

Have been trying to find drug alternative to sn.

Have only found very limited knowledge on here in regards to this option.

I think I am nearly there but would really appreciate any views input.

I have narrowed it down to a oxycodone xanax combination. These are a very lethal combination as they both sedate cause peaceful sleep (nod), affect the part of the brain that controls breathing and when used together they magnify the effect of each other. Benzo overdoses seem to affect memory also which leads to some accidental o.d as people often dont know how much they have taken. The release of dopamine when taken would seem to reduce any panic or S.I. Also they are very obtainable.

The drugs affect the central nervous system. Respitory depression would occur in over dose reducing oxygen to the brain ect and shutting down the organs.

The problem with the high dose pills of oxy is the extended release (er) design. For maximum impact you would want instant release (I.R). Some pills even when crushed will gel up when wet inhibiting abuse. I have found one brand where the coating is easily removed and pill crushed. While it will not fully dissolve in water it has very little clumping and suspends in water nicely. This clumping could be binding agents? This method will bypass the ER and give a large IR dose which is what I am aiming to achieve. For other brands that gel cola seems effective in in breaking down er, soaking over night but does leave a stodgy slimey mess. Some people suggest microwave or baking but I cant vouch as I haven't tried this method.

I decided yesterday I would do a trial run with a potentially lethal dose of oxy for opiate niave. Removed the coating crushed and cut 80mg of oxy into water and drank. Not a great taste but not that bad, drank cola after ingesting and the taste gone. Began to feel the affect after 30 mins, very relaxed warm feeling no panicking, slowly getting sleepier and sleepier then passed out after around an hour. The SI was hardly there as I started to fade just a warm relaxed feeling. Had the deepest sleep I've had for months. I cannot recall any nausea or pain and can see why this is used recreationally by some.

(Have been informed that I possibly got very close to OD)

Obviously it was not lethal as here I am. This morning and still feel very dizzy and light headed not a horrible feeling still relaxed. My urine smells of the oxy so not sure of effect on liver kidneys ect.

My aim is to fall into a relaxed deep sleep and not wake up. This seems as though it is achievable with oxy.

Trying to work out doses. Information I was given is 80mg for me (opiate niave) had the potential to cause vomiting and be fatal. However I did not have this.

There is very little information out there with regards to lethal dose regime ect.

Trying to achieve fatal dose without the vomiting ect.

I am considering regime.

something along the lines of.

meto regime 48 hour or stat

take 25 mg amitriptyline

Drink scraped and crushed 400mg of oxy in water. Washed down with coke.

Pop 8mg of xanax

snort H have 1g but not sure how far into it I would get.

I have had this confirmed by heavy recreational users that this kind of dose would guarantee the "pushing up of Daisy's"

And I can confirm at least in smaller doses it does seem a very peaceful method.


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Sep 27, 2019
You've covered all the factors I'd think relevant. Sounds like a good way to go.
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No ctrl-z when you ctb
Oct 25, 2019
Are you currently an H user? I'm assuming not because you said you're opiate naive. I'd focus more on H or F, personally. As mentioned swallowing lots of opiates can make you vomit. Speaking from experience many times. Have you considered IVing the H or F?
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We're asleep in life's waiting room
Jan 7, 2020
I think F would be the best choice for someone who wants to go this way
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Dec 15, 2019
How to obtain these drugs is problem for many
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Sep 27, 2019
Are you currently an H user? I'm assuming not because you said you're opiate naive. I'd focus more on H or F, personally. As mentioned swallowing lots of opiates can make you vomit. Speaking from experience many times. Have you considered IVing the H or F?
IV or rectal are definitely lower failure risk but oral (with AE) + nasal isn't bad. It's hard to inject if you're not accustomed to it.
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Dec 17, 2019
Thanks for response,

No not a user of H, I'm in the uk so getting F is nearly impossible. From what I understand a small amount of F would be enough.

Would love to get some F
I have spent enough on drugs to buy N but keep setting deadlines and fear of being ripped off stopped me ordering it.

Considered iv but really not a big fan of needles, have no knowledge or experience in it.

When you've experienced vomiting with oral opiod what/how much had you taken? had you used meto or something first to help with nausea?

In your opinion would 400mg oxy and 4mg of xanax if not vomited be enough?

Not sure on the rectal method? Would that be like a colonoscopy kind of thing?

How to obtain these drugs is problem for many
I found them all in a onion patch
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No ctrl-z when you ctb
Oct 25, 2019
Thanks for response,

No not a user of H, I'm in the uk so getting F is nearly impossible. From what I understand a small amount of F would be enough.

Would love to get some F
I have spent enough on drugs to buy N but keep setting deadlines and fear of being ripped off stopped me ordering it.

Considered iv but really not a big fan of needles, have no knowledge or experience in it.

When you've experienced vomiting with oral opiod what/how much had you taken? had you used meto or something first to help with nausea?

In your opinion would 400mg oxy and 4mg of xanax if not vomited be enough?

Not sure on the rectal method? Would that be like a colonoscopy kind of thing?

If you can't get F, it's not a big deal. Can you get more H? You can look up plugging or booting for info on rectal. It's easier than it sounds and you won't vomit it.

The times I've vomited have been accidents. My go to is dilaudid (hydromorphone) and when I stop taking it for a while, I usually go straight back to my high doses instead of ramping up. So eating or snorting 64-80mg almost always makes me puke. No meto.

It's hard to say for sure if your plan will work. Xanax wont hurt anything, but really isn't contributing a lot to the CTB. Though it sounds like you have plenty.
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Dec 17, 2019
If you can't get F, it's not a big deal. Can you get more H? You can look up plugging or booting for info on rectal. It's easier than it sounds and you won't vomit it.

The times I've vomited have been accidents. My go to is dilaudid (hydromorphone) and when I stop taking it for a while, I usually go straight back to my high doses instead of ramping up. So eating or snorting 64-80mg almost always makes me puke. No meto.

It's hard to say for sure if your plan will work. Xanax wont hurt anything, but really isn't contributing a lot to the CTB. Though it sounds like you have plenty.

Alot of literature out there indicating the danger of mixing benzo with opiod.

Excuse copy and paste.....

Opioids like oxycodone depress the central nervous system, and they have a high risk of abuse

Can You Take Xanax and Oxycodone in the Same Day?
If you're asking "can you take Xanax and oxycodone in the same day," the answer is no, but why is that?
Mixing Xanax and oxycodone can be dangerous or even deadly.

Benzodiazepines, which is what Xanax is, and opioids, which is the class of drugs oxycodone falls into, are some of the most abused drugs in the world and the combination of the two types of drugs is highly risky. Taking Xanax and oxycodone in the same day increases the risk of an overdose, and the reason is because both Xanax and oxycodone depress the activity of the central nervous system and vital functions including respiration.

Benzodiazepines may also heighten the effects of opioids.

There has been research showing that many of the people who die from overdoses involving opioid painkillers were also using benzodiazepines. Some people may combine Xanax and oxycodone to get high, but others may do it inadvertently because they're prescribed both, and they don't realize the dangers of mixing them.
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Sep 27, 2019
Xanax wont hurt anything, but really isn't contributing a lot to the CTB. Though it sounds like you have plenty.
I'm no expert on the matter but I'm pretty sure benzos are CNS depressants, which typically potentiate the effect of other CNS depressants.
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No ctrl-z when you ctb
Oct 25, 2019
Alot of literature out there indicating the danger of mixing benzo with opiod.

Excuse copy and paste.....

The Recovery Village
Recovery Is Possible
Home Xanax Addiction & Abuse Can You Take Xanax and Oxycodone in the Same Day?

Can You Take Xanax and Oxycodone in the Same Day?
Below is more information about Xanax and oxycodone independent of one another, as well as information about taking them at the same time.
Chris Crawford
Chris Crawford
Updated on12/13/19
Xanax and oxycodone are two drugs that are frequently prescribed to people, and while they do have therapeutic benefits, there are also risks that can come with their use. The risk of adverse side effects may be even greater when you combine Xanax and oxycodone.

Below is more information about Xanax and oxycodone independent of one another, as well as information about what would happen if you were to take them at the same time as one another.

Xanax and Oxycodone | Can You Take Xanax and Oxycodone in the Same Day?
What Is Xanax?
Before answering specific questions about Xanax and oxycodone such as "can you take Xanax and oxycodone in the same day," it can be helpful to have a general understanding of what each drug is and what it does on its own.
Xanax is a benzodiazepine, and it's prescribed to people for the treatment of anxiety and panic disorders. Xanax acts on the brain and central nervous system like GABA, meaning it slows activity, and creates a sense of calm and relaxation for the user. Other side effects of Xanax may include drowsiness, dizziness or confusion.

While Xanax is helpful as a short-term anxiety treatment, it's not without risks. One of the primary risks of Xanax is an addiction, and you can also become physically dependent on it relatively quickly. The risk of addiction and dependence is one of the reasons doctors tell patients only to use Xanax for a maximum of a few weeks in most cases.

Benzodiazepines including Xanax are considered central nervous system depressants. This is because the mechanism by which they slow brain activity and treat anxiety also requires that they depress the activity of the CNS in general.

What is Oxycodone?
Also important before answering the question "can you take Xanax and oxycodone in the same day," is having an understanding of what oxycodone is and how it works.
Oxycodone is an opioid pain reliever, and these types of medicines have been in the national spotlight for several years because of the addiction and overdose epidemic they're part of. Oxycodone is considered a narcotic and it changes how your body feels and responds to pain.

Opioids like oxycodone depress the central nervous system, and they have a high risk of abuse, addiction, and physical dependence. For those reasons, they're not intended for long periods of use, but unfortunately even when only using them for a short time to treat pain, many people do become addicted.

Oxycodone and other opioids are highly addictive because they bind to opioid receptors in the central nervous system and that triggers a flood of feel-good dopamine into the brain of the user. That stimulates the brain's reward pathways and triggers a cycle of addiction.

Much like Xanax, opioids like oxycodone can also lead to the development of physical dependence, and when this occurs, and you stop taking them suddenly, you go through withdrawal.

So, what about taking Xanax and oxycodone together? Are there risks, and if so, what are they?

Can You Take Xanax and Oxycodone in the Same Day?
If you're asking "can you take Xanax and oxycodone in the same day," the answer is no, but why is that?
Mixing Xanax and oxycodone can be dangerous or even deadly.

Benzodiazepines, which is what Xanax is, and opioids, which is the class of drugs oxycodone falls into, are some of the most abused drugs in the world and the combination of the two types of drugs is highly risky. Taking Xanax and oxycodone in the same day increases the risk of an overdose, and the reason is because both Xanax and oxycodone depress the activity of the central nervous system and vital functions including respiration.

Benzodiazepines may also heighten the effects of opioids.

There has been research showing that many of the people who die from overdoses involving opioid painkillers were also using benzodiazepines. Some people may combine Xanax and oxycodone to get high, but others may do it inadvertently because they're prescribed both, and they don't realize the dangers of mixing them.
Agreed that they are contraindicated. But the LD50 for Xanax is astronomical. What I'm saying is that I wouldn't count on it being 100%, especially since you have access to better options.
I'm no expert on the matter but I'm pretty sure benzos are CNS depressants, which typically potentiate the effect of other CNS depressants.
Agreed, but Xanax is very safe. It's why they give it to people like us.
When a patient gets admitted to hospice, we give them a "comfort pack" of benzos and opiates. They are routinely prescribed together all the time. Can a benzo contribute to CNS depression? Of course. Is it sure to work? Not at all.
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Dec 17, 2019
First of all I must salute your trials and observations. That was very nice work there, and also very detailed.

Few preliminary notes:
  • If 80mg was close to OD then 400mg would be - pardon the expression - an overkill :) But other opioids experts should chime in on that.
    • [EDIT] if 400mg SR -- that's in the median limit (i.e. "normal") ; If it's 400mg IR -- a bit too much
  • Why meto with opioids? Meto used for quick gastric emptying, which opioids hinder (they slow digestion).
  • What is Amitriptyline used here? Just to add more to the mix? 25mg are hardly enough to harm, but may increase discomfort or side-effects
If I had oxycodone (100mg IR or 300 SR) and Xanax I would personally use them together, as it is, no hesitations.
It should be very lethal and very peaceful.
I wouldn't add anything else :)

According to research:
"From oxycodone overdoses, 58% ingested immediate release (IR) and 42% ingested sustained release (SR). The median ingested dose of IR oxycodone was 70 mg (40–100), compared to 240 mg (80–530) for SR. Benzodiazepines were the most frequent co-ingested drug in 38% cases."
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Dec 17, 2019
First of all I must salute your trials and observations. That was very nice work there, and also very detailed.

Few preliminary notes:
  • If 80mg was close to OD then 400mg would be - pardon the expression - an overkill :) But other opioids experts should chime in on that.
  • Why meto with opioids? Meto used for quick gastric emptying, which opioids hinder (they slow digestion).
  • What is Amitriptyline used here? Just to add more to the mix? 25mg are hardly enough to harm, but may increase discomfort or side-effects
If I had oxycodone (100mg IR or 300 SR) and Xanax I would personally use them together, as it is, no hesitations.
It should be very lethal and very peaceful.
I wouldn't add anything else :)


Want to take the maximum I can without vomiting to guarantee ctb.

I introduced the meto to try and reduce risk of vomiting, as with the sn method.

The amitriptyline was to aid sleep and prevent waking up if I became nauseous. Had information from a recreational user that one third of a 75mg ami knocked them out for 3 days. They woke up on the floor....

I have x41 80mg oxycodone ER 5 of which I would crush into powder mix in water and 30 bars of 2mg xanax 2 of which would maybe break up and pop. also 1g H to snort.
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Dec 17, 2019
The amitriptyline was to aid sleep and prevent waking up if I became nauseous.
When you OD you don't wake up .. You're knocked out and vomit in your sleep.

have x41 80mg oxycodone ER 5 of which I would crush into powder mix in water and 30 bars of 2mg xanax
Too much xanax for me, I'd be fine with just few. Have you tested a 2mg Xanax bar (or two) ?.........
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Dec 17, 2019
When you OD you don't wake up .. You're knocked out and vomit in your sleep.

Too much xanax for me, I'd be fine with just few. Have you tested a 2mg Xanax bar (or two) ?.........

Sorry edited it,

I have that much but would only take x2 so 4mg of xanax.


Dec 17, 2019
I always try to know (test) what will knock me out, and how soon. I did so with benzo etc. You may try benzo to see effects. As said, I wouldn't mix more than needed. You haven't vomited, You were close to OD only with oxy. You're planning to do that x5 , and adding Xanax , that is fatal. You were very close to dying, be careful and thoughtful :heart: How are you feeling anyway?
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Dec 17, 2019
Well apparently loosing consciousness is not the aim of recreational users and 80mg is over x4 the recommended dose for opiate naive. So I was informed that passing out and the amount chances are I could have gone gone.

Wasnt my aim to ctb last night as hadn't sent delayed texts left doors unlocked ect. But as I was passing out really wasnt bothered if I didnt wake up. All felt right.

It's hard for me as have young children loving wife ect so previous attempt (nitro) SI kicked in as vision narrowed.

Feeling bit more prepared thanks. When I go for it I dont want to wake up a vegetable. It's a fine line with opiods. Getting dosage right is quiet precise, not too much not too little. I am living in one of our rentals at the moment so dont have to worry about being disturbed.

Going to give body a break wont take anything for couple days. Urine still smells like oxy...
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Dec 17, 2019
If you weren't aiming to ctb, why did you use so much? I mean, was it like playing with death, or you wanted to disappear for a while, etc .. If you don't mind me asking, if you're comfortable.

I did not know that. Why is opioid dosage such a fine line? What would too much do?

Urine still smells like oxy...
Close your nose, haha:)

Yeah give yourself sometime to recover, it does sound like a tough experience. You were near death.
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Dec 17, 2019
Kind of just happened, had it crushed and powdered to see how fine I could get it, then was testing it in water to see how soluble it was and if it clumped up too much.

Thought better taste it had a sip thought not to bad then just downed the lot. Not playing with death just not overly concerned with living. It was pretty stupid in hindsight as I could have ended up just screwing myself up. But worked out had such a wonderfully deep sleep, no dreams just bang black then in a second it was the next day.

Took me a while to get myself together, when I eventually stood up fell over couple times but didnt feel bad in any way just really spaced out and dizzy. Got my legs back after a few mins. Not an ordeal really, dont want to build any tolerance as that would work against me.

I feel it's a fine line as too much your likely going to vomit it up and too little could end up in a vegetative state.
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Dec 17, 2019
Well at least you got a wonderful sleep ;) Just don't get addicted haha.. Did you experience any euphoria or serenity ?

Do you know if many vomit opioids if taken too much? I didn't think that was an issue, but I'm inexperienced.
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Dec 17, 2019
Not euphoria as such just a very relaxing warm ssfe cosy peaceful sensation, Problems and worrys melt away. I can see how people can get hooked.

I am also very inexperienced, I have read several accounts that vomiting when taking opiods orally can and does happen.
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How do you know, this isn't all a dream?
Jan 4, 2020
I would wait 2-3 days at least to make sure your tolerance has reset .
and i think you have more than enough to get the job done,
My last attempt was like this but I was found too soon..
I took 20 bars, 20 mg of hydrocodone, 2 oxy 30's, and drank a lot of alcohol to wash it all down :)

so make sure you have enough time in advance.. bc the ICU is terribly expensive.
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Dec 17, 2019
I have read several accounts that vomiting when taking opiods orally can and does happen.
I've just now read how common it is, but with patients undergoing chemotherapy or chronic pain treatment, the numbers vary 10%-30%. I think you kinda.. passed the vomiting test, sort to speak. But now taking x5. Maybe AE could be useful. Check which one is recommended with oxycodone.
20 Xanax bars?! That's a lot. Did you experience vomiting?
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How do you know, this isn't all a dream?
Jan 4, 2020
I was trying to go for the "overkill" as well :)
and surprisingly no, but I use to take a lot of pills to where they wouldn't even make me nauseous.

VERY Peaceful, Quick, Painless, and Euphoric I have to say, if I could acquire all of this again this would definitely be my method.
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Dec 17, 2019
A bit puzzled by the fact you felt euphoria after 20 Xanax, that would knock me out ;)

So you had much less than @Saddad tried (and much much less than he's going to try), but if not found, you assume you would've died?

I guess 400mg + benzo is more than enough .. and if not vomited, pretty safe there.

Tamazi 123

Jan 13, 2020
I'm wanting to do a similar thing with codeine and diazepam. I have 900mg codeine (195 in panadeine form unfortunately). I'm kicking myself because I could have grabbed some metacloprimide from friends twice now but that was before I found this site and I thought promethazine would be ok. I have nearly 1g of Diaz if I can locate the key to my husband's lock box . I just don't know if it's enough codeine even though I know they potentiate each other


How do you know, this isn't all a dream?
Jan 4, 2020
A bit puzzled by the fact you felt euphoria after 20 Xanax, that would knock me out ;)

So you had much less than @Saddad tried (and much much less than he's going to try), but if not found, you assume you would've died?

I guess 400mg + benzo is more than enough .. and if not vomited, pretty safe there.

It was a crazy trip until I KO'd haha
and yes wayyyyy less than that, That's why I was a little puzzled at the numbers.
Absolutely bc I nearly died even after being found, they said it was a "rare miracle" and I was lucky... lucky :(


Dec 17, 2019
Soo appears my xanax is fake.

Not sure what is in them but very very fake...

Could supplementing the xanax with 1g of H bombed achieve the same results?

Or would I be better upping the dose of oxy?

Or amitriptyline ?

I do have about 20g of zolpidem could that work aswell?

Going to try to get some more xanax but no guarantee that will be real.....


How do you know, this isn't all a dream?
Jan 4, 2020
Soo appears my xanax is fake.

Not sure what is in them but very very fake...

Could supplementing the xanax with 1g of H bombed achieve the same results?

Or would I be better upping the dose of oxy?

Or amitriptyline ?

I do have about 20g of zolpidem could that work aswell?

Going to try to get some more xanax but no guarantee that will be real.....

I mean ambien is still a good alternative to knock you out.
but why do you say your bars are fake? Did you try them?

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