

Sep 1, 2018
I haven't been here very long, but I was very glad I came across this site when I did, and regretted I didn't check it out sooner when I first seen it a while ago. Because it was an open web site, and several weeks ago I was thoroughly searching the Dark Web in hopes of encountering a pro death, or preferably, a pro choice website due to there being generally kinder people on there, which by the way never happened, but I think I did get close, I assumed this was just another out of a long list of "pro life" forums filled with people who deserve a better place to chat hopelessly and desperately asking for a way out, others asking you not to take your own life, recommending you to lifeline, no discussion of ways to CTB allowed, anti choice and death, etc. I did notice the "Sanctioned" part but I was looking for a place where I could get help with ways to CTB, and I thought all this place would offer is a place to chat for terminally ill people who support each other's choice, but still no discussion allowed. Day by day, I wasted time away on the Dark Web desperately trying to find a chatroom who'd actually offer help and easy, painless, and quick ways to CTB. Little did I know I was wasting my time, and I was wasting what little left of a life I have away when there was a great forum, on the open web, to discuss these very things. How stubborn I was, unwilling to give the open web a chance and denying any shadow of a hope there was a place like this there. When I seen this site initially, I passed it by, not knowing the gold mine of tips and tricks I was missing. The pro choice, kind people here? Just the icing on the cake. Too bad I found it when I only had a week or two left to live.. on the other hand, it could have been for the better, seeing as I then wouldn't have to waste a bunch of time wondering how I should go about this, but still have a decent look at everything and choose the option best for me.

Enough blabber talk of the story of how I found this site. I have already posted quite a few comments on here already, and even started to create friendships, but they probably won't last too long. This is the first actual "post" I have created on the site, and possibly the last, if tonight's the night. It's too bad I couldn't stay here longer, because this is a very kind, respectful, pro choice community, which is a great place to hang out nonetheless besides the CTB talk, but I knew when I created an account on this site I didn't have a lot of time to discuss tips and tricks, let alone hang out. I needed to get out of here within a week, two weeks tops. I already feel a connection with a few people on this site, which I know isn't a good thing as these people will probably be a touch bummed when I'm gone, and I probably won't ever see you guys again.

Alas, my time here is just about up. I have chosen the way out of here I think is best, and I'm carrying it out as soon as I feel I can do it safely and without being caught. As for when, it's probably gonna either be tonight or tomorrow night. If I don't do it by then, any of the two following nights will do. Sunday night is a LAST RESORT if I don't do it by then, and if I don't by Sunday night I'm disowning myself. For any of you who want to know how I'm gonna be CTB, it will be a combination of creating hydrogen sulfide gas from household products, which pretty much kills you as easily as CO but can be created easier at the trade off of smelling a little worse, which should take me out right away provided I create enough of it. As a back up I've got partial suspension while I create the H2S in the event it somehow doesn't kill me on its own. There's no way it won't at least knock me out, and if I lose consciousness but don't die right away, the noose will do the rest for me.
No way this can go wrong, provided I get at least half an hour of alone time, tops. The H2S should kill me right away, but the partial suspension is just a backup in the event it only knocks me out.
If you'd like to know more about how to die by H2S, hit up @Death_From_Above. They have some good info on how to do this, and is the person who recommended me due to it's ease, painlessness, and quickness. You can also find some tips here:

As to why I have chosen to CTB, and especially for the urgency in doing it very quickly, I prefer to keep those reasons private, but just know it's not necessarily because I am depressed or have other disorders, although I did have a severe disorder a year ago, which is still lingering, and slightly influences the choice to do this, but isn't the biggest reason I have chosen to do this. Either way, it'll be fantastic to be finally free this world, all of it's BS, and this disorder.

I've enjoyed the stay here, and it is a very kind, caring, respectful, gentle, and perhaps best of all active place where you can seek help of any kind and you'll receive it. I'd definitely recommend it to others who want to CTB, none of who I know IRL. As a whole I would hate to see this community die, although I do know a lot of people who come here ain't gonna last or be here very long, like I. With sites like these there is always the risk of being shut down, and although the admins are certain and confident enough to announce there is no way this site can be taken down and they've taken lots of steps so it doesn't happen, you never know, especially with sites like these discussing these things. They did say the Titanic was unsinkable. Guess what happened? Not trying to say it'll happen, and I trust the people who run this site know what they're doing if they have the confidence to say this, so as a whole it'll probably be alive and will for the foreseeable future. Never say never, though.

Over the following few nights keep your eyes peeled for any news talking about a young person who died in Canada due to H2S poisoning and hanging. You see the post, and I ain't talking on here anymore, you know what happened. I ain't the type of guy to hide if I don't get through with this CTB thing.

Alright, well this just about does it. In the event you never see this person post here again, I'll say goodbye right now in advance. If I don't do it tonight, I'll post an update again when I try again for sure.

I wish you all good luck should you choose to be doing this. All this being said..

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Jul 9, 2018
Peace, and be advised h2s goes through walls, so no apartment complexes or people in a single family home. Put signs for h2s gas for emergency people. Good luck to you in this life and the next.
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Aug 21, 2018
Good luck! May you get what you we all should.
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Sep 1, 2018
Thank you.

I didn't CTB last night. because very tired The furthest I got was tying the noose. I wasn't truly prepared yet for the whole thing, and I felt as if I didn't spend the day as the last day alive truly. I'll spend today as if it were the last day alive, knowing everything I do could be the last I do it. Tonight, I feel, is the night
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Jul 5, 2018
Peace, and be advised h2s goes through walls, so no apartment complexes or people in a single family home. Put signs for h2s gas for emergency people. Good luck to you in this life and the next.

H2S doesnt go through walls? If you seal the vent and door in bathroom it will stay in there
Can you tell us where you got the idea that H2S go through walls please! Avoid spreading (negative) rumor about methods that arent accurate.


Sep 1, 2018
Yeah, I was thinking it didn't quite go through walls, but easily could seep through cracks in doors which give the illusion it travels through walls. As long as you seal the doors it'd be fine.

And what are you talking about the vent? The furnace vents? Or the fan? Or both?
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Jul 12, 2018
H2S doesnt go through walls? If you seal the vent and door in bathroom it will stay in there
Can you tell us where you got the idea that H2S go through walls please! Avoid spreading (negative) rumor about methods that arent accurate.
CO definitely can seep through walls and it's stupid to perform the method in a building with other people no matter what.

I'm not sure about h2s but it wouldn't surprise me. Definitely something to research and just try to be aware of dangers to other people.
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Jul 5, 2018
CO definitely can seep through walls and it's stupid to perform the method in a building with other people no matter what.

I'm not sure about h2s but it wouldn't surprise me. Definitely something to research and just try to be aware of dangers to other people.

Only radiation go through walls. Gas dont pass trough walls. If you live in a house made of paper or straw i would be worried too. If you live in a civilized country gas cant pass trough your walls.

If your read that gas can pass trough certain materials used to build walls, that does not meat gas can pass trough walls.

The society prevent us from buy nembutal and put us in vegetative state if they can "save" us last minute. So i would recommend anyone going for ctb to use the most lethal method(s) available to not end up vegetable.

I think H2S has a half life around 37 hours in air. This means that H2S of 1000 ppm will be reduced to 500 ppm in 37 hours. After additional 37 hours 250 ppm.

So by the time someone is found, H2S could have diminished completely.


Jul 5, 2018
Yeah, I was thinking it didn't quite go through walls, but easily could seep through cracks in doors which give the illusion it travels through walls. As long as you seal the doors it'd be fine.

And what are you talking about the vent? The furnace vents? Or the fan? Or both?

I will also be using H2S i wish you peaceful ending. H2S is one of the most reliable methods, congrats on a good choice.

Better to be safe the sorry, so rather overdo the seal. We seal not only to protect other we also seal to contain H2S in the room to achieve high ppm.


Jul 12, 2018
Only radiation go through walls. Gas dont pass trough walls. If you live in a house made of paper or straw i would be worried too. If you live in a civilized country gas cant pass trough your walls.

If your read that gas can pass trough certain materials used to build walls, that does not meat gas can pass trough walls.

The society prevent us from buy nembutal and put us in vegetative state if they can "save" us last minute. So i would recommend anyone going for ctb to use the most lethal method(s) available to not end up vegetable.

I think H2S has a half life around 37 hours in air. This means that H2S of 1000 ppm will be reduced to 500 ppm in 37 hours. After additional 37 hours 250 ppm.

So by the time someone is found, H2S could have diminished completely.
Okay I mean if you can provide me some source then great. CO seeps through walls and it's dangerous to suggest otherwise. There is nothing wrong with being overly cautious.

Provide me a source to prove me wrong and I'll happily stfu, otherwise read my link.
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Jul 5, 2018
Okay I mean if you can provide me some source then great. CO seeps through walls and it's dangerous to suggest otherwise. There is nothing wrong with being overly cautious.

Provide me a source to prove me wrong and I'll happily stfu, otherwise read my link.

Your article
"To prove that carbon monoxide can go through walls, researchers placed varying thicknesses of drywall in a Plexiglas container to observe how quickly the gas could travel through the walls. Because the pores in the wallboard are 1 million times larger than a carbon monoxide molecule, the gas passed easily through the porous barrier."

H2S and CO dont go through walls to the neighbor
First of all studies that are peer reviewed in a journal with high reputation are more reliable. Second this kind of gas movement (diffusion) is slow (again notice the role of the half life, the gas diminishes to half in hours). Third the amount of CO needed for ctb in bathroom is not enough to kill everyone in the building.

Your article is talking about drywall. Look up the material drywall on your own language, its porous material. Its used for build walls. If the walls was made of drywall only house would collapse.

Gases like CO, H2S and nitrogen are kept safe in cylinders. They dont go through the walls of the cylinder.


Jul 12, 2018
Your article
"To prove that carbon monoxide can go through walls, researchers placed varying thicknesses of drywall in a Plexiglas container to observe how quickly the gas could travel through the walls. Because the pores in the wallboard are 1 million times larger than a carbon monoxide molecule, the gas passed easily through the porous barrier."

H2S and CO dont go through walls to the neighbor
First of all studies that are peer reviewed in a journal with high reputation are more reliable. Second this kind of gas movement (diffusion) is slow (again notice the role of the half life, the gas diminishes to half in hours). Third the amount of CO needed for ctb in bathroom is not enough to kill everyone in the building.

Your article is talking about drywall. Look up the material drywall on your own language, its porous material. Its used for build walls. If the walls was made of drywall only house would collapse.

Gases like CO, H2S and nitrogen are kept safe in cylinders. They dont go through the walls of the cylinder.
You're correct but many people will use FAR OVER the amount needed of charcoal or CO to kill so that's moot. Also English is my first language u what mate? My house is made of a combination of drywall and solid walls.

Regardless, accidental deaths have occurred in the past due to CO poisoning occurring within a house.

Regardless of what you say, it is a terrible idea to perform this method in a building with other people. Especially depending on the source of the gas (continuous or spike) and the amount of gas used. but hey, OP can choose to listen to whoever they like. I hope they heed what I've said though.

It's not hard to just find a different location or even grab a tent instead of putting innocent lives in danger. That is not what this place is about.
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Jul 9, 2018
Your article
"To prove that carbon monoxide can go through walls, researchers placed varying thicknesses of drywall in a Plexiglas container to observe how quickly the gas could travel through the walls. Because the pores in the wallboard are 1 million times larger than a carbon monoxide molecule, the gas passed easily through the porous barrier."

H2S and CO dont go through walls to the neighbor
First of all studies that are peer reviewed in a journal with high reputation are more reliable. Second this kind of gas movement (diffusion) is slow (again notice the role of the half life, the gas diminishes to half in hours). Third the amount of CO needed for ctb in bathroom is not enough to kill everyone in the building.

Your article is talking about drywall. Look up the material drywall on your own language, its porous material. Its used for build walls. If the walls was made of drywall only house would collapse.

Gases like CO, H2S and nitrogen are kept safe in cylinders. They dont go through the walls of the cylinder.

House construction is done by wood studs 18 inches apart and drywall, and some insulation if it's an exterior wall.


Sep 1, 2018
"It's not hard to just find a different location or even grab a tent instead of putting innocent lives in danger. That is not what this place is about."

The only other place I can think of where I can safely do this without being caught and is a small enough space is the truck. I'd have to unlock it first though, which would probably wake parents up and attract their attention, they'd get suspicious and wonder who did it or why it happened, and if I am unlucky would conclude I did it and would scold me for it. It's risky. Even if it didn't wake em up they could wake up a few minutes, remember hearing truck, and go out and see what was going on. A glance could not be enough to spot me, but if go out and see in truck they'll see me and warnings and will realize I wanna ctb, they then will scold for betraying and will get me BS professional help, phone cops, send me to ER in hospital, sent to a ward, etc. Not idea of fun. I don't want people to know I am CTB and catch me before I do it. If they do they'll do everything they can to stop and guilt trip etc. and it'll all be a bunch BS.

I don't have a tent, although I wish I did

I plan to use the washroom and either enter the cupboard or get in the shower and close the curtains, This should build up enough H2S easily to kill me easier. Only concern if I use the shower is if I can get enough H2S to cause unconsciousness but not full death, and enough H2S escapes the tiny shower before I actually really die I only end up unconscious and parents "save" quickly enough I'll probably end up a vegetable or other wise really disabled for the rest of life. And no doubt they'll send me to a ward, ER, phone cops or get professional therapy help. I've already lied my way out of the ER and therapy before and lied to my parents so I didn't get sent there again, they know this history and the second time if I go there they probably won't be so lenient on me knowing I lie to get out of these and will really get me BS "help" and "meds" before they let me go. And as a few of ya know although it does influence reason for CTB, it is not the biggest reason which I prefer to keep private. Getting "help" or "ER" or "ward" is irrelevant and do nothing.

I am aware gas can travel through walls but with H2S I don't think so. CO is dangerous yes. I will seal the doors and vents.Put big warnings up saying do not enter without respirator which my dad has because he works in the oilfield a lot and knows the precautions to take before entering a place with H2S and saving a person, he did lots of training on it. Nothing to worry about

Thank you for your insight, anyhow


Jul 12, 2018
"It's not hard to just find a different location or even grab a tent instead of putting innocent lives in danger. That is not what this place is about."

The only other place I can think of where I can safely do this without being caught and is a small enough space is the truck. I'd have to unlock it first though, which would probably wake parents up and attract their attention, they'd get suspicious and wonder who did it or why it happened, and if I am unlucky would conclude I did it and would scold me for it. It's risky. Even if it didn't wake em up they could wake up a few minutes, remember hearing truck, and go out and see what was going on. A glance could not be enough to spot me, but if go out and see in truck they'll see me and warnings and will realize I wanna ctb, they then will scold for betraying and will get me BS professional help, phone cops, send me to ER in hospital, sent to a ward, etc. Not idea of fun. I don't want people to know I am CTB and catch me before I do it. If they do they'll do everything they can to stop and guilt trip etc. and it'll all be a bunch BS.

I don't have a tent, although I wish I did

I plan to use the washroom and either enter the cupboard or get in the shower and close the curtains, This should build up enough H2S easily to kill me easier. Only concern if I use the shower is if I can get enough H2S to cause unconsciousness but not full death, and enough H2S escapes the tiny shower before I actually really die I only end up unconscious and parents "save" quickly enough I'll probably end up a vegetable or other wise really disabled for the rest of life. And no doubt they'll send me to a ward, ER, phone cops or get professional therapy help. I've already lied my way out of the ER and therapy before and lied to my parents so I didn't get sent there again, they know this history and the second time if I go there they probably won't be so lenient on me knowing I lie to get out of these and will really get me BS "help" and "meds" before they let me go. And as a few of ya know although it does influence reason for CTB, it is not the biggest reason which I prefer to keep private. Getting "help" or "ER" or "ward" is irrelevant and do nothing.

I am aware gas can travel through walls but with H2S I don't think so. CO is dangerous yes. I will seal the doors and vents.Put big warnings up saying do not enter without respirator which my dad has because he works in the oilfield a lot and knows the precautions to take before entering a place with H2S and saving a person, he did lots of training on it. Nothing to worry about

Thank you for your insight, anyhow
Even with a warning sign, I think there's a high risk of your parents even finding you and entering in a panic without taking time to put a respirator on.

It's a huge risk you're taking and I've seen news articles similar to it before. Please consider waiting and choosing a different method but it's your choice at the end of the day. good luck.


Sep 1, 2018
@weedoge nooooo why are you closing your account? I was starting to create a friendship with you, and I at the very least wanted to see you and how you go.. Ah well. Best of luck in your future.
I guess I shouldn't really care either way, because I'll be gone soon enough too

They wouldn't be able to enter "in a panic", because I'd have the door locked, and only my mom would probably try and break the door down without a respirator. My dad would definitely grab a respirator first, I think.. In a sense you're right though. It is a risk I am taking.

I have no choice and I need to get out of here ASAP. I'm sure it'll be fine, if I do this in a cupboard even less H2S would get into the large washroom, and they'd be even safer. Although not fully safe without a respirator. But the door'll be locked anyway, so they'd be forced to either break it down or undo it, they apparently have a way even I know of of opening the door from outside, but it takes a little effort, and they'll probably grab the respirator while they're at it too.

I know there's a touch of a risk here but in the end I think it'll be fine.

Thank you for being respectful of choice. I wish you good luck in your future as well.

@Justanotherconsumer, those people who did CTB with H2S and ended up affecting other people outside their apartment because of it either left their windows or doors open, like the teenage girl who left the window open and let the gas float into windows of other apartments, or didn't seal their doors and vents properly, or at all.

Haven't heard anything saying a person died and caused others harm but also said the doors were shut. and vents and doors were sealed. Although it is still a hazard to others regardless, as ignorant people who barge in to "saves lives" without taking necessary precautions can easily fall unconscious and dead, as is what happened to a children's father upon discovering he killed himself using H2S.
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