
Mar 22, 2020
Hello, my dear SS fellows!!

First of all, thank you for your messages! Some of you were concerned about me because you didn't see me around on every single thread as usual haha.

Yesterday, I had a terrible stomachache (again) and ended up calling an ambulance (in spite of wanting to die I did!! It seems I wanted to be "saved" somehow for now lol) but guess what? Before that, I had such a terrible pain that I passed out!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I woke up some hours later, on the floor and with a lot of pain and that's when I decided to call an ambulance.

It seems I have some digestion problems, which seem to be related to my failed attempt last year with 100 pills + alcohol! (my stomach hasn't been the same since then)

The doctor and nurse who visited me gave an injection and wanted to take me to hospital but I refused to do go. (I hate hospitals)

However, they told me that I'll have to go sooner or later so as to get some tests done and see what the hell is really going on with my belly.

Thus, I'm scared of eating and drinking alcohol now!!!! I hate this!!

I had to call off every single English lesson yesterday and that made me feel terrible! I've just been putting lots of pressure on myself lately and it seems I can't avoid it.

To sum up, being alone and lonely with a terrible stomachache almost made me ctb involutarily yesterday lol.

Still here, I guess!

Thanks for reading me!

Hugs and love,

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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
That sounds awful. The human body is capable of causing us so much misery and pain. At least now I am aware that pills aren't a good ctb method. I hope you feel better soon.
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work, love, and learn
Feb 25, 2021
go for a gastroscopy (Esophagogastroduodenoscopy). A lot of people needs it when they get older, routine. I had one a few years ago, I also did not want to go to hospital for the procedure. The Dr did it in his consultation room. I also insisted that I did not want any sedation, but it is better to take the sedation, as it can get very uncomfy.
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Mar 24, 2021
Hi Matt! Terrible stomach ache happened to me too when I was on holiday in Cyprus. I had been drinking alcohol every day for two weeks so I ended up in hospital when I came home, but that was many ears ago (I was young and stupid, I suppose).
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Mar 3, 2021
So sorry to hear about your painful experience, Matt. Please go to the hospital ASAP to get it checked out. Hope you're feeling fully better by now.
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Global Mod
Oct 12, 2020
Yeah definitely get that checked out, could be your appendix as well.
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cogito, ergo sum
Jan 8, 2021
I hope it doesn't cause you any more pain or further complications. I hope you get well soon and recover from it.
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May 19, 2021
So sorry you haven't been well, I hope you recover quickly and feel better soon. Wishing you lots of love and blessings! :hug:
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Staring at the edge
Apr 28, 2021
That must be so infuriating, not only failing to ctb but also getting lasting health issues because of it. Hopefully it doesn't get worse. I would really recommend going to the doctor sooner rather than later, maybe they can give you some medication that prevents another painful episode. Take care
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Dec 18, 2019
Hello, my dear SS fellows!!

First of all, thank you for your messages! Some of you were concerned about me because you didn't see me around on every single thread as usual haha.

Yesterday, I had a terrible stomachache (again) and ended up calling an ambulance (in spite of wanting to die I did!! It seems I wanted to be "saved" somehow for now lol) but guess what? Before that, I had such a terrible pain that I passed out!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I woke up some hours later, on the floor and with a lot of pain and that's when I decided to call an ambulance.

It seems I have some digestion problems, which seem to be related to my failed attempt last year with 100 pills + alcohol! (my stomach hasn't been the same since then)

The doctor and nurse who visited me gave an injection and wanted to take me to hospital but I refused to do go. (I hate hospitals)

However, they told me that I'll have to go sooner or later so as to get some tests done and see what the hell is really going on with my belly.

Thus, I'm scared of eating and drinking alcohol now!!!! I hate this!!

I had to call off every single English lesson yesterday and that made me feel terrible! I've just been putting lots of pressure on myself lately and it seems I can't avoid it.

To sum up, being alone and lonely with a terrible stomachache almost made me ctb involutarily yesterday lol.

Still here, I guess!

Thanks for reading me!

Hugs and love,

I'm so sorry to hear you went through that! It sounds like quite an ordeal. :aw:

Ironically I got sick with stomach problems yesterday as well. We're 'belly buddies' :haha:
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Mar 5, 2021
Ah shit, sorry to hear about that Matt, it's always nice to see you about here. It might be best to get it checked out because you don't really want your life to get any worse with the addition of intense physical pain as well as mental.
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Broken and hated 7-14 years long overdue
May 14, 2018
I'm sorry you're going through this, I wish you a healthy recovery.
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Feb 9, 2021
It's too bad you aren't feeling well. Glad you're still here though. I hope you feel better soon.
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Nov 13, 2020
So sorry to hear this. Hope you get better.
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Mar 22, 2020
My new favourite word.

And feel better Matt!
I immediately thought of supercalifragilisticexpialidocious lol.

Thank ALL OF YOU for your kind words!

I managed to teach every goddamn English lesson and now I'm feeling really okay.

Gonna have some vegetables soup (it seems I've learnt my lesson lol) and spend the rest of my night in bed watching stuff on YouTube! :)
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想死不能 - 想活不能
Nov 23, 2020
Oh Matt, I hope you feel better soon! I've had stomach problems for years now, so I feel your pain. The good thing is, if you haven't had any tests yet, it's likely that whatever you have can be fixed, or at least managed.

See if you can get a blood test for h-pylori, it's the bacteria that often causes ulcers. With your drinking, I wouldn't be surprised if you developed an ulcer. They are easily treatable though. Celiac's disease is another common issue that you should ask to be tested for.

I had to go to multiple GI specialists, and after so many blood tests and scans, they couldn't help me at all, insisting my pain was in my head once my blood tests ruled out serious diseases like Chron's and UC.

I really hope you don't have something like IBS, as I do, and that whatever is ailing you will be better soon. Try to stay off the drink for a bit until you feel well.
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Apr 17, 2021
First off, I'm glad that you're still with us. I didn't expect this to happen to you while I was gone. I hope that you get better soon. Is there any way for you to get rid of the problems you're having with your digestive systems?

It seems I have some digestion problems, which seem to be related to my failed attempt last year with 100 pills + alcohol! (my stomach hasn't been the same since then)
100 pills?! Damn...
I wonder why your stomach is still having problems despite a year passing by...
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Apr 19, 2021
Hello Matt,
I'm really sorry for what happened. you only deserve love and relief. Please consider consuming less alcohol. And there is no shame to visit the hospital once to make sure all medical checkups are ok, you don't deserve this pain, don't torture yourself more. We care about you , much love, hugs :hug:
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Cherry Crumpet

Cherry Crumpet

May 7, 2018
Oh Matt,
I'm so sorry. It's selfish of me but I'm glad you're still here. I'm so sorry to hear of the issues you've had with your stomach. That and being alone is so hard, I bet. I hope you might reconsider going to the hospital. I'm hoping you feel better. I really enjoy seeing you on the forums. Sending you love.
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live and let live or die
Dec 4, 2020
Definitely get it checked out. When that happened to me it ended up being cancer.
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Feb 20, 2020
Ease off the alcohol for a while, and get it checked out at hospital, and you'll probably be fine.
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Learn to fly
Jan 11, 2021
Hello, my dear SS fellows!!

First of all, thank you for your messages! Some of you were concerned about me because you didn't see me around on every single thread as usual haha.

Yesterday, I had a terrible stomachache (again) and ended up calling an ambulance (in spite of wanting to die I did!! It seems I wanted to be "saved" somehow for now lol) but guess what? Before that, I had such a terrible pain that I passed out!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I woke up some hours later, on the floor and with a lot of pain and that's when I decided to call an ambulance.

It seems I have some digestion problems, which seem to be related to my failed attempt last year with 100 pills + alcohol! (my stomach hasn't been the same since then)

The doctor and nurse who visited me gave an injection and wanted to take me to hospital but I refused to do go. (I hate hospitals)

However, they told me that I'll have to go sooner or later so as to get some tests done and see what the hell is really going on with my belly.

Thus, I'm scared of eating and drinking alcohol now!!!! I hate this!!

I had to call off every single English lesson yesterday and that made me feel terrible! I've just been putting lots of pressure on myself lately and it seems I can't avoid it.

To sum up, being alone and lonely with a terrible stomachache almost made me ctb involutarily yesterday lol.

Still here, I guess!

Thanks for reading me!

Hugs and love,

Oh gosh I'm so sorry that happened to you. I have been taken to hospital twice for stomach pain in the last 6 months. It really isn't pleasant. I hope they can figure out the cause for you
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Apr 24, 2021
It sounds horrible. I'm sorry you have to go through this. Be careful and look after yourself. You should look for food that helps your stomach lining - bananas, liquorice (I'm an alcoholic and liquorice does wonders for my stomach pain)
I'm saying this because my mother died in a similar way. Horrible stomach pain and it turn out into internal bleeding. She was abusing alcohol and painkillers and it destroyed her stomach. Ironically, I want to die in a similar way.
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Mar 24, 2021
Maybe it was alcohol poisoning. Symtoms of alcohol poisoning are: the degree of consciousness is lowered and then the person falls asleep. In severe cases the person can end up in a coma. Previous stomach problems will probably make everything worse.
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S like suicide

S like suicide

Apr 29, 2021
I am very sorry for what you went through Matt. Stomach pains are awful ... I also know something about it and I thought I would die from too much pain (too bad it didn't really happen) I hope you will be able to solve this problem soon. Come on, we are all with you<3
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Somebody you used to know.
Oct 18, 2020
Sorry to hear about your gastro problems, it's really depressing because without a healthy stomach you can't eat or drink the things that you love or eat in a carefree way because you're scared of the pain.

I had chronic gastritis (inflammation of the stomach lining) for 8 years undiagnosed because my symptoms weren't typical and thus got written off as IBS. I went for a colonoscopy but nothing was found and even had my appendix removed!

It was obviously not my appendix because my symptoms continued and only got worse as the years went on to the point where I weighed a mere 40kg at one stage. That's what I weighed when I was 14 years old! I was too scared to eat and was constantly nauseous or dry heaving. They first did an abdominal scan which showed nothing but then I had an endoscopy and that's when they found the gastritis. It seems I'm finally on the mend now after years of needless suffering.

Please get some investigations done for some peace of mind because your problems could only get worse as you get older. It could be something as simple as ulcers or something more serious like pancreatitis. I know it's difficult going to the doctors (I hate going to the doctors as well) but I'm glad I went in the end and never gave up because my health is improving now. I hope you find some answers soon and that your pain improves.
I'm so sorry to hear you went through that! It sounds like quite an ordeal. :aw:

Ironically I got sick with stomach problems yesterday as well. We're 'belly buddies' :haha:
"Belly buddies." :pfff:
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May 8, 2021
Hello, my dear SS fellows!!

First of all, thank you for your messages! Some of you were concerned about me because you didn't see me around on every single thread as usual haha.

Yesterday, I had a terrible stomachache (again) and ended up calling an ambulance (in spite of wanting to die I did!! It seems I wanted to be "saved" somehow for now lol) but guess what? Before that, I had such a terrible pain that I passed out!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I woke up some hours later, on the floor and with a lot of pain and that's when I decided to call an ambulance.

It seems I have some digestion problems, which seem to be related to my failed attempt last year with 100 pills + alcohol! (my stomach hasn't been the same since then)

The doctor and nurse who visited me gave an injection and wanted to take me to hospital but I refused to do go. (I hate hospitals)

However, they told me that I'll have to go sooner or later so as to get some tests done and see what the hell is really going on with my belly.

Thus, I'm scared of eating and drinking alcohol now!!!! I hate this!!

I had to call off every single English lesson yesterday and that made me feel terrible! I've just been putting lots of pressure on myself lately and it seems I can't avoid it.

To sum up, being alone and lonely with a terrible stomachache almost made me ctb involutarily yesterday lol.

Still here, I guess!

Thanks for reading me!

Hugs and love,

Damn that doesn't sound fun. Sorry for being a late replier, anyway just glad you're still around and I like reading your posts. As for hospitals there's a potential bright side; think about the fun drugs they might give you lol! But yeah hospitals can be kinda a drag to go to, sounds like a good idea though to go.
Hope you're feeling better or will be soon!
I immediately thought of supercalifragilisticexpialidocious lol.

Thank ALL OF YOU for your kind words!

I managed to teach every goddamn English lesson and now I'm feeling really okay.

Gonna have some vegetables soup (it seems I've learnt my lesson lol) and spend the rest of my night in bed watching stuff on YouTube! :)
Ah that's good to hear buddy
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Apr 22, 2019
Hugs to you, I hope it won't hurt you a lot anymore, must've been scary. I am glad you are still here though, I love reading your messages:)❤️
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