Well this shit is actually known as Temik(brand name and made by Bayer).
Not saying it's a great idea and cannot gauge effectiveness. Mindyou all you need do is Google "Temik South Africa"for a perspective.And research your ass off insofar as Aldicarb is concerned I found a medical paper the other day in which it is purported that 10mins. From ingestion and job done in humanscannot remember if it was the same paper but I know that there is a paper for a study on this shitand I distinctly recall a comment being made that nobody has ever ingested this stuff and made it to the EMS so no further research could be conducted. Those are pretty encouraging words let's be honest. If I can find the paper/link again I shall post the same here.
Unfortunately for me this my only option(long story. As to whether or not it's painful: obviousIy Icannot comment. But it has become clear to me that we (I)need to manage expectations because it seems to me that when it comes to the use of pharmaceuticals and poisons and chemicals there is no way of getting the job done without a reasonable amount of discomfort and a huge chance of failure and which could have permanent life altering outcomes. Not gonna lie: fucking scared to try this but have rationalised it to myself in saying well what is 10 minutes? I had a canister full of this shitabout 2 years ago. But didn't have the guts. SoI tossed it like a Total idiot and I can tell you that in so doing I set myself up for 2 years of absolute Daily hell both physically and mentally. Doesn't make sense does it. Could have all been over by now for the sake of a bit of discomfort for a few minutes two years ago and have regretted every minute of every waking hour for not trying it when I had the chance. And given that it is probably now my only option: obviously I been thinking about it. And hypothesising that one should employ the exact same methodology as for SN. Fasting, antiemetics, you get the picture (just makes sense to me) Because the way I see it you want to get it in, and keep it in and ensure it's absorbed as quickly as possible? Then again from the reports and headlines I don't see as how any of the people could/ would go to that kind of trouble I.e. you cannot force. AMurder victim to fast or take antiemetics is my point.Seems to me a teaspoon of the shit in a beer should do the trick and for additional "safety" one could crush the granules up into a fine powder which should be pink in color(thepowder I mean) (as I understand it)my logic here being that it may then be more soluble in a liquid and absorbed or digested faster and may be a good idea to check what the fatal dose is on a mg per Kg of body weight is (I don't know what it is offhand but for sure it is detailed if you search).mind you more than one report/headline where somebody has sprinkled /mixedthe equivalent of a teaspoon on /withfood(yoghurt in a tub if memory serves me correctly and the mother then proceeded to feed the same to her kids this particular case or instance obviously a family suicide or whatever that is called probably worth mentioning that the mother actually survived and was obviously locked up and duly charged with murder).