where your thought is, there your heart will be al
- Mar 11, 2025
- 3
I noticed once that what surrounds you affects your thoughts. Sad music, dismal pictures, spring nature, constant thoughts of suicide - will this help you become happy? I'm not saying that it won't make you feel better if you can talk about frank topics with like-minded people, I just want to say, will you get out of this state if you try to drive yourself into a corner every second? Maybe you should take another look at yourself from a different angle (hah, as if no one ever said that)? Try to see in this Malevich square not the nonsense of our existence, but the meaning, or endow it with your own idea? All suffering is ultimately not eternal, until you step over that side of life, there is nothing that is not subject to man. You need to fight for the happiness of life, make an effort, and the way out of the situation is sometimes not as obvious as it seems, or so obvious that it becomes as if unnoticeable. Unfortunately, or fortunately, joy does not come easy. However, you already know all this very well and I am sure that you have thought about this more than once, I just want to say, "maybe it is worth trying again?"