i don't think anything can exist outside of matter atoms even mathematics requires something physical to run on top off i don't think it's possible to exist as just a pure construct without any substrate
everything we know requires some kind of physical substrate to exist. Even abstract concepts like mathematics only have meaning when instantiated in a physical system, such as a brain, a computer, or even marks on paper. Without a medium, there's nothing to process, store, or represent these constructs.
This is why the idea of a "disembodied consciousness" or "pure information" existing without matter seems implausible. Information always needs a carrier, whether it's electrical signals in a computer, neural patterns in a brain, or even magnetic imprints on a hard drive. If there were truly nothing—no atoms, no energy—then there would be no way for anything, even abstract ideas, to persist.
this reinforces my belief that death is just a return to absolute nothingness yes dose that mean we will never exist again who knows if this place could bring you alive again or not
I think the fact that we're even here in the first place existing as something alongside everything around us is such an insane fact that we witness everyday but never truly comprehend it. There is something rather than nothing basically.
Also, the fact that laws (immaterial forces that predetermine how something will interact with the universe around it) exist is insane. The fact that there are, in lack of better terms since relatively is a thing, constants in the universe that we can observe is beyond wild.
Here is what I think: This doesn't seem to be a common view but if we know it for a fact that you started to exist for some reason at the point of your birth (your consciousness, your self did), before which you didn't exist, then would it not be logical to assume that after you cease to exist (after death), out of that non-existence you will emerge again in another body? I am not talking at all about reincarnation, consciousness probably dies after death, but if the only real thing we can know for sure about consciousness is that it (seemingly) randomly appears out of non-existence, why wouldn't the same happen after you die?
This seems a lot more likely to me than "nothingness forever". You started to exist once, without any reason, why not again? Obviously you would not have memories or anything, cause that dies with the previous brain, but the baby would be you.
consciousness seems to emerge from physical processes, but there's no fundamental "consciousness substance" separate from matter. It's just patterns of activity in a brain, and when the brain stops working, consciousness stops too—no lingering "soul" or awareness beyond that.
consciousness can randomly arise. Every new person born is an instance of that happening. Before birth, there was nothing, and then suddenly there's experience. It's weird how something can come from nothing, but only temporarily, before returning to nothing again.
if rebirth were real, it would be terrifying because you'd have no control over where or what you end up as. You could be born into suffering again, with no memory of your past life, just trapped in an endless cycle. Even if death is nothingness, there's always that uncertainty—what if it's not? What if, despite everything pointing to nothing, you somehow wake up again as someone else, somewhere else?
That fear makes total sense. The idea that you could be thrown back into existence, with no say in the matter, is horrifying