

New Member
Sep 27, 2024
all my life i've found the concept of an "afterlife" hard to grasp. oftentimes I feel like if I was a firm believer in one I would be more scared of dying... I most often have the overwhelming need for there to be nothing after this. does anyone here have a firm unwavering belief that there is an afterlife? does it keep you away from finally ending your life or does it draw you into it?

I must admit that sometimes I do hope there is a place I can go, especially when I think of my plans to do it alongside someone i love very dearly. an afterlife with her would be so nice....still, I just grow so tired of life as it is now. the possibility of there being anything after this makes me feel like I'm doomed to never be at peace.
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Jan 1, 2024
A lot of people on here dont believe in an Afterlife so you probably wont get many responses. I believe there is since my friend had an nde and many others who have shared their nde experience. I dont think its any like religion says though just think its some other dimension


Jul 29, 2021
my perspective aligns with a more materialistic view of reality, where consciousness and existence are seen as products of physical processes. In this view, when a living organism dies, its functions cease, and there's no continuation of consciousness, similar to how a computer stops working when it breaks down.

This viewpoint emphasizes the finality of death and the idea that our experiences and consciousness are entirely tied to our biological existence. The rejection of other dimensions or realms reflects a focus on the observable and measurable aspects of reality.

It's a clear and straightforward stance that many share, especially those who prioritize scientific reasoning.

ndes are just brain phenomena
there are no other dimensions other than the x,y,z,t
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mitski fan
Sep 25, 2023
I also have a hard time trying to grasp at what an afterlife would be, even in religions where they lay out what happens, its still difficult for me to understand. Whenever I look into reincarnation theories I am more drawn to death though, it sounds nice to have a new chance at life with a clean slate.
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Jan 1, 2024
I also have a hard time trying to grasp at what an afterlife would be, even in religions where they lay out what happens, its still difficult for me to understand. Whenever I look into reincarnation theories I am more drawn to death though, it sounds nice to have a new chance at life with a clean slate.
Reincarnation fascinates me
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New Member
Sep 27, 2024
when I was very young I was totally convinced by the whole reincarnation thing. it still seems like the most feasible outcome to me... your conciousness has to go somewhere, right? i wonder if i'll get the chance to live out a proper life after this one. of course, i highly doubt ill be aware that i've lived a life before
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Jul 29, 2021
your conciousness has to go somewhere, right?
Science currently says:
Consciousness is the result of your brain's activity (neurons firing and chemicals interacting).
When the brain stops working, like in death, these processes stop, and without those processes, we currently have no evidence that thoughts, awareness, or consciousness can continue.
While some people believe that consciousness might exist outside of the brain, there's currently no scientific proof of that.
So, based on everything we know, when your brain stops, your conscious experience stops too.
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Sorry but cats are so much better than people
Jun 9, 2022
I don't believe in an afterlife or reincarnation but I love the thought of coming back as a loved, well cared for cat. Sleep as much as I want, have all meals prepared for me, receive daily caresses with no expectations of reciprocating, be completely antisocial when I want. I don't expect it to happen but it's fun to think about.
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Sweet songs never last too long on broken radios.
Jun 24, 2024
If there is an afterlife, I'd imagine someone who killed themselves wouldn't be let in


Sweet songs never last too long on broken radios.
Jun 24, 2024
Okay, probably shouldn'tve said this with such authority. I do not know if this would be true, but for whatever reason I've expected I would not get into heaven if I killed myself. This might've been something related to something written in the bible, but I certainly was not paying attention.
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Sorry but cats are so much better than people
Jun 9, 2022
Okay, probably shouldn'tve said this with such authority. I do not know if this would be true, but for whatever reason I've expected I would not get into heaven if I killed myself. This might've been something related to something written in the bible, but I certainly was not paying attention.
No one knows for sure and we're all just guessing. If someone did claim to have the authority on this topic, then I'd question them.
As much as I don't believe in an afterlife, it has surely crossed my mind that anyone who ctb's would not be accepted. That probably comes from somewhere in my childhood of being taken to a Baptist church. I never believed it though and now I picture that it's more probable to think the afterlife is more of a science experiment and the unknown aliens or whoever would accept it to learn from it. But what the hell do I know?!
Another thing I can't explain even caring about is what happens to my body. I shouldn't care at all but I do not want to be cremated or buried in a regular casket. I want as natural a material as possible that will quickly decompose and to be buried shallow in the woods. I want the hungry woodland creatures to benefit from my body and truly return to nature. For some weird reason that thought brings me peace.
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Jun 2, 2024
all my life i've found the concept of an "afterlife" hard to grasp. oftentimes I feel like if I was a firm believer in one I would be more scared of dying... I most often have the overwhelming need for there to be nothing after this. does anyone here have a firm unwavering belief that there is an afterlife? does it keep you away from finally ending your life or does it draw you into it?

I must admit that sometimes I do hope there is a place I can go, especially when I think of my plans to do it alongside someone i love very dearly. an afterlife with her would be so nice....still, I just grow so tired of life as it is now. the possibility of there being anything after this makes me feel like I'm doomed to never be at peace.
I (as well as anyone else living) can't say for certain whether or not there is an afterlife but if there is I assume it's similar to dreaming. One can hypothesize that if such is the case our brain death could transcend space and time and what could amount to a few minutes in this world could stretch on for an eternity afterwards. We'd have branching paths we could take and such would go on forever. I personally desire nothingness though and who is to say that our current lives aren't just dreamt up by our brains themselves in an effort to imagine what it would be like to live.

If you have a person who is born into a coma with no functioning senses or reaction to stimuli I'd imagine such would be quite similar.

But if there is a heaven/hell or reincarnation oh boy... there is no "winning" for us then as we are put into a cell for eternity that is filled with supposed bliss or suffering (neither is desirable after a few thousand years) or are stuck in an endless loop of death and rebirth.

Deep down I believe there is likely something pulling the strings because what are the odds of us even existing in the first place on a planet in a habitable zone in our galaxy with a one of a kind moon that has sentient creatures littered throughout it. I'm not so sure it's the type of "god(s)" we envision though by any means. For all we know we could just be some entities hobby and we are each but a single spec of clay that makes up a ball and to die is to return to the jar we came from only to be reused again as desired for fun.

Because if you take a step back and look at things none of our singular lives truly mean anything and in the grand scheme of things George Washington will be of no more worth than a homeless person on the streets, all have a small part to play and after 10,000, 100,000, 1,000,000, etc years who will honestly know any of us existed and if they did it wouldn't matter because we'd be gone and so would the ones who came across what we left behind after that, and so on.

A legacy means nothing, saintly and/or heinous acts mean nothing, hell... this planet will eventually turn to glass before being enveloped by the sun and then later on the sun will perish, then the galaxy, eventually the universe.

Then in countless eons another universe will begin and die, and so on and so forth.

If there is an afterlife I can imagine such would end up being quite crowded over time so such would have to be beyond the constraints of space and time as we know them and even if each of us is the equivalent of a single notepad txt document worth 1kb of space not even a 1,000,000,000,000 etc TB hard drive would be able to hold everything. This means that we likely aren't living in a "matrix" but who is to say some all-powerful entity/entities can't bend the laws as we know them and create pocket dimensions within pocket dimensions that stretch on for infinity?

Reincarnation also seems flawed by default because as the population increases but there could possibly be soul "nurseries" or a factory that fashions them so you can't truly discount such.

Really, anything is possible but as for my personal belief...

I think that there is an afterlife where there is an endless self-contained dreaming state powered by it's own "soul" as a battery, our life and experiences (good and bad) could charge such and then after we CTB and are put into maintenance mode the amount of energy use is so ridiculously low that we can experience this forever and with time dilation being a thing and the human condition being filled to the brim with imagination there is a lot of subject matter to cover. Maybe once we burn through everything after countless millennia we run out of energy and then everything just ends in a similar fashion to our universe, a vast majority of inconsequential filler with occasional bursts of excitement before the inevitable downturn and a final light show before the curtains close.

Really, there could be anything. I personally wish for nothingness though but if life has taught me anything there is always something going on behind the scenes but it's never quite what you'd expect.
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Extreme Pain is much worse than people know
Aug 12, 2019
I'm just a brain in a box called a skull .

A brain that can suffer very long lasting constant unbearable pain . I don't know how this is not horrific

I'm glad I'm sure there is no afterlife nor reincarnation. Non-existence forever is the only guarantee of never suffering extremely ever again, never any unbearable pain, no problems no bad memories. Non-existence is the ultimate bliss


this is not the only reason why there is no afterlife but another reason on top of others :This is what I am a cell copied over 30 trillion times , same cell that evolved 2 billion years ago. A cell is a machine no soul :

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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
I personally don't believe in such, I believe death to simply be eternal nothingness where all is finally forgotten about for me and I cannot suffer in any way, that to me is true peace and all I wish for, I only hope to never exist again. But anyway I wish you the best.


Jul 18, 2024
More than people here not believing in the afterlife, people here also don't LIKE the concept. When people have become miserable, not experiencing anything is a good alternative to that misery.
On the other hand, if something like reincarnation were real, that could bring about any number of miserable scenarios, including something even more miserable than whatever we're doing through now - theoretically, if reincarnation is real, you are reincarnated in a variety of scenarios including whatever you imagine to be a horrible scenario.
I don't know what I believe in. I actually don't think reincarnation would be too bad, but I would need to be a different type of person in a more favorable scenario. (If I have personality issues I need to be in a more favorable scenario for working out those issues before it's too late)
I wouldn't mind an afterlife that was insanely beautiful and loving and perfect. I guess it sounds boring but I'm not sure you could b e "bored" in this scenario.
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À ma manière 🪦
Aug 18, 2024
Humans struggle to accept their insignificance and for this reason they need to dream of a life beyond the end of biological functions. Obviously the afterlife was so enormously delusional that an elusive place had to be found for it. This is why it was placed in a place where it cannot be seen, lived or touched. The afterlife is the maximum expression of human madness and the existential discomfort of the living.
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