

Nov 8, 2023
I know that putting it in terms like "hell" prompts people to be a bit skeptic, but what i really mean is something worse. What happens if i decide to take my life, and end up trapped in another reality even worse i cannot escape? people tend to say, "there's no way to prove that hell exists." "why would god put you there?" Well, i don't know! can you disprove that there's a hell? What if god just turns out to be a jackass that puts the people he just doesn't like to eternal suffering? What if i'm one of them?

i don't know. I just know that there's a possibility that something worse could happen. And then there'd be no escaping it. This has haunted me for years and is frankly the only reason i haven't CTBd.

It's weird. Living life resentfully, thoroughly despising it all, but have death crossed out as a choice. It feels like a waking nightmare. I guess it's hell too, at least in the principle.
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Extreme Pain is much worse than people know
Aug 12, 2019
There's no hell. After death a human ceases to exist forever like any other animal.
Evolution has been proven to be true.

A human descended from a single cell. That cell is a machine. When, how or why would a descendant of the machine acquire a soul? did the soul appear in , the fish, the monkey, the ape , ???? The only thing that seems logical to me is a human was given a soul by other humans who wanted to control other humans. in other words it's fiction and covenvient for those that want control over the population. they say "do this or you'll go to hell" , "this is moral that is not" . otherwise there is no objective morality . and there isn't . so they invented a soul to create morality. their subjective ideas they said were objective truths "non-existence is bad" they said. no it' s just their subjective ideas they wanted to give spiritual backing of an imaginary fictional god who they said was real.

A human is just cells , a machine descended from a single cell. A single cell is a machine . The cell evolved from chemical reactions. A human is just the continuation of that chemical reaction

And a brain that can suffer extreme pain but only while alive

Chatgpt has neural networks modeled on how neural networks in the human/ animal brain works.

Chatgpt can think reason does it have a soul ? No. Neither does a human
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Jul 29, 2021
this universe is hell
maybe this world is another planet's hell
chance are your just nothing forever when we die
but if we are reborn somewhere in this universe there's no knowing what you might be born into
thats why it's better to destory the universe just to be sure nothing can ever harm you again
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Disheartened Ghost
Oct 27, 2023
i don't think there's any way of knowing whether hell exists or not. I personally don't believe it, but I can't prove it doesn't exist.

The way I think about it though, even if what happens after death is worse than life, then that's going to happen when you die naturally anyway, right?

Or, if you believe that something like hell exists and it only happens to "bad" people, why would suicide be the thing that makes you a "bad" person. I guess that would only be the case if you believe suicide is a sin.

Sorry if this comes across as rambling, I'd love to hear your thoughts
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tiger b

tiger b

AI without the I
Oct 24, 2023
Hi cat.

Umm...that's not my concept of God but who cares about that. Surely that sort of God would get bored of 'frying the ants' eventually? Why target you? Sounds like the devil we are talking about here.

I'd say there's a possibility of being reborn into a worse situation. But I wouldn't personally blame God for it. Whatever it takes to get over delusions.

It's a hard one to answer without putting one's own beliefs on it. And what you say about disprove...well, best if you work out your answer.

All I know is: God is. Thus, everything else isn't. What you boil God down to is up to you.
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Well, time can heal, but this won't.
Nov 3, 2023
Out of the frying pan...

...into the fire.
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Sep 11, 2023
If we're getting into hell because we kill ourselves it's some bullshit. It's not our choice to be this way and to suffer. I understand your fear being in a worse state than you already are. But Idk for me it's worth it to try because this existence gets so bad for me that I can't bare it. So whatever comes, it shall come. It's not like I really have a choice. I don't believe in free will. There's no such thing it's an illusion. So the concept of hell doesnt make any sense at all. We can't be judged for something we had no power over to begin with.
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Nov 8, 2023
i don't think there's any way of knowing whether hell exists or not. I personally don't believe it, but I can't prove it doesn't exist.

The way I think about it though, is even if what happens after death is even worse than life, then that's going to happen when you die naturally anyway, right?

Or, if you believe that something like hell exists and it only happens to "bad" people, why would suicide be the thing that makes you a "bad" person. I guess that would only be the case if you believe suicide is a sin.

Sorry if this comes across as rambling, I'd love to hear your thoughts
no no i totally get it. i've had years to marinate on this concept, and i think it ultimately boils down to paranoia. Something very like spinning the roullette of fate and being frantically obssessed that there's a tiny little spot in it that leads to eternal doom. "BUT JESUS, THE PROBABILITY!!! IT CAN'T BE RULED OUT!!!" -my anxiety, probably.

Then again i have good reason to be this afraid. my idea of hell is very radical. like demons cutting your skin out with boxcutters and rubbing a handful of thick salt on your bloody muscles, then gauging out your eyes with rusty spoons. Maybe more accurately the mind itself being extended in capability to coomprehend and sustain every single type of pain and horror that can exist, happening constantly, forever. Literally the worst thing my imagination is capable of concieving.

As for morality and an inevitable end, that's the thing to it. If i find myself in this inevitable fate and over everything still feel the sting of "oh god, i could have bought myself more time to exist in a less tortured state, but i cut it short". I don't really feel morality has got anything to do with it, well it could, but i also subscribe to the possibility that, as i mentioned, god could be a jackass who sends people to torture on a whim. it could be fun for him! he could do it for just no reason! maybe there isn't even a god and suffering is all that is! i don't know and nobody can confirm or assure me that any final state is true.
Hi cat.

Umm...that's not my concept of God but who cares about that. Surely that sort of God would get bored of 'frying the ants' eventually? Why target you? Sounds like the devil we are talking about here.

I'd say there's a possibility of being reborn into a worse situation. But I wouldn't personally blame God for it. Whatever it takes to get over delusions.

It's a hard one to answer without putting one's own beliefs on it. And what you say about disprove...well, best if you work out your answer.

All I know is: God is. Thus, everything else isn't. What you boil God down to is up to you.
Hi tiger.
Yeah, peharps it goes beyond a concept of god. Maybe i like to pin it on god because religion introduced the to the whole system of afterlife, and that's who i was taught to "fear" in my formative years. But really, it is just fear to worsen my situation in a way that's irreversable.

i do believe i would be far more lax if i wasn't haunted with these concepts so early in life, but, it is what it is. I sometimes find myself trying to calm down and consider the other possibilities that it could be good, or it could be nothing, but then the little demon in my brain says that i'll seal myself into even more horror for trying to escape something that i can't take.

i really wish i could get over it. Peharps it's easier to delve into the risk of other choices in life because they're fixable to some extent but death.. no one's ever come back to tell.
i don't know. i really wish i'd died sooner. the last 7 years of my life were not worth living. Maybe someday it'll get better so i don't have to force myself to take matters into my own hands, or maybe someday i'll cave to the despair. it's a really difficult situation that has no good argument to wrap it up.
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Ε. Η. R.

Ε. Η. R.

Oct 5, 2023
What if god just turns out to be a jackass that puts the people he just doesn't like to eternal suffering?
That's exactly what it is.
But there is no need to call this creature a god. this is a demon that indulges to scums, but not a god.

I'm sorry this happened to you.
I know what it's like to be haunted by misfortune and the worst people throughout your life.
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Sep 30, 2023
The concept of hell is a man - made concept.
The word hell ( spelled HELLE ) is an old English word meaning " underground " or " hidden ".
It's the same thing with the concept that suicide is a sin.
Suicide is NEVER once mentioned in the bible as being a sin.
Suicide as a sin wasn't introduced into Christianity until 6AD AFTER the bible was written.
Fuck god and all religions. They are utterly evil.
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tiger b

tiger b

AI without the I
Oct 24, 2023
The concept of hell is a man - made concept.
The word hell ( spelled HELLE ) is an old English word meaning " underground " or " hidden ".
It's the same thing with the concept that suicide is a sin.
Suicide is NEVER once mentioned in the bible as being a sin.
Suicide as a sin wasn't introduced into Christianity until 6AD AFTER the bible was written.
Complete fact, based on history. The tiny rest...

Hoping this thread isn't going to turn into another 'Fuck God' thread as I've had a bellyful of that. Maybe I'll just call him Nothingness to save myself any annoyances, there's little difference.
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Sep 30, 2023
Complete fact, based on history. The tiny rest...

Hoping this thread isn't going to turn into another 'Fuck God' thread as I've had a bellyful of that.
It's religion that pisses me off more than anything and all the wars, and suffering and oppression it causes.
Do we really need religion ?
I don't believe in any biblical god, but I sometimes wonder who, or what actually created us...if anything.
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Spiritual survivor

Spiritual survivor

A born again but occasionally suicidal
Feb 13, 2022
People hate hearing this but there is no hell like we are threatened with. I would recommend that if u can become born again u do so before u exit your life. Once u get salvation u cannot lose it even if u end your life. Many people don't believe this either, but God really wants as many of us to be saved as possible to be able to enjoy the next life.
tiger b

tiger b

AI without the I
Oct 24, 2023
To N Dreams...

No beef with that. Didn't do Northern Ireland any favours.

I'm not sure we do need religion, and it depends who's interpreting it for what purpose, but certainly people don't need it shoved down their throats from childhood.

I'm getting touchy on the G word and that's something I'll go and think about it. Apologies.
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Nov 8, 2023
It's religion that pisses me off more than anything and all the wars, and suffering and oppression it causes.
Do we really need religion ?
I don't believe in any biblical god, but I sometimes wonder who, or what actually created us...if anything.
I don't think religion is inherently wrong. Yes, historically it has contributted to wars and plenty more horror and cleansing and suffering, but as a concept it can be something benign. I know people who's faith contributes positively to their lives without the need of opressing or negatively impacting others.
Maybe it's too much faith in humanity, but ideally religion can exist as a self contained and respecting concept without being destructive. We just need to agree to do away with the harmful things and do our best to repair the damage that's been done. i don't see a reason to completely erase something if there's a applicable scenerio where it can be something good and non destructive.
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tiger b

tiger b

AI without the I
Oct 24, 2023
People hate hearing this but there is no hell like we are threatened with. I would recommend that if u can become born again u do so before u exit your life. Once u get salvation u cannot lose it even if u end your life. Many people don't believe this either, but God really wants as many of us to be saved as possible to be able to enjoy the next life.
That definitely is untrue, in my opinion and every fibre of my being says it's untrue. That cannot be God you speak of. However I wish you well.
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Spiritual survivor

Spiritual survivor

A born again but occasionally suicidal
Feb 13, 2022
That definitely is untrue, in my opinion and every fibre of my being says it's untrue. That cannot be God you speak of. However I wish you well.
There's a lot of miseducation and misinterpretation of the Bible unfortunately. So people live in fear instead of knowing God as a merciful loving entity.
tiger b

tiger b

AI without the I
Oct 24, 2023
(I'm not sure why you quoted my post as you are not commenting on it, I did not mention the Bible in it.)

...Who doesn't - and cannot - set any conditions at all. How could a 'merciful loving' entity do so? What is perfect cannot behave imperfectly. Unless it chooses to become less than perfect, in which case contradicts itself and thus ceases to exist.

And that is impossible.

Everyone is already 'saved', just not from the misperception of having to be saved in the first place.

You don't have to believe me. The inevitable is just that. It's just a question of time, and that's the only purpose of time.
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Mar 12, 2023
Don't worry , there is no hell.

Life is already a nightmare.

I wouldn't trust dumbasses who lived 2000 years ago like i don't trust human race today. Same old shit.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
Existence is already hell and that is what I fear. Death is the only relief as I just believe death to be nothingness, once we die we simply cease existing and we are free from the terrible curse that is existence. Existence is terrifying as there is no limit as to how much one can suffer as long as they exist here and death removes all suffering, instead one is at peace which is why I want to be free, I just see religion as a fictional way to brainwash people.
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