I personally only wish to not exist and it's all I'll ever hope for no matter what, nothing would make me wish to suffer in this torturous, futile existence I always saw as the most terrible tragic mistake, to me existence is an abomination that just causes harm and suffering, I'd never wish to be conscious of any of this at all, the thought of suffering enslaved in this existence until old age is so horrific to me, I suffer simply from existing and I find it so painful and dreadful to be burdened with this existence. What I ultimately have a problem with is existence itself and it's a problem that only permanently ceasing to exist can bring me peace from, I'd never wish to suffer in this existence and I find it deeply undesirable to exist, I could never see existence as a desirable state rather it's something I only wish for permanent peace from, I only hope for non-existence, I'd always prefer to painlessly not exist than suffer for the sake of it in this existence where there is no limit as to how much agony one can feel but more than anything I wish I never suffered, I wish to permanently erase my existence.