

Jul 25, 2024
It's no secret the site is always under scrutiny by moralists, journalists and probably the government looking for any wrong doing in of the posts. To combat this issue i propose a simple and efficient idea: Let's finish problematic sentences with " minecraft".

Here are some examples with this brilliant idea that will fix all our problems:

-"How can i hang myself in minecraft?"

-"Does Sodium Nitrite hurts in minecraft?"

-"You can drink poison or use a gun in minecraft"

-"I'm so depressed, i will commit suicide in minecraft"

-"How to make peace with death in minecraft?"

See how much better that looks with that simple change? Well thanks for reading my correct post, if you disagree, don't.
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Reactions: godsavemebrickbrick, rozeske, Forever Sleep and 6 others


Aug 18, 2020
Actually, for a long time terrorists used (voice) chats in video games to discuss their plans. In video games you never know whether they only talk about things in the game. But I think intelligence services improved and can now even detect that.


Apr 15, 2022
It's not about stopping the law from looking in on this site, or even stopping them from detecting topics talked about on this site, it's more about creating plausible deniability. For that matter you could insert anything "virtual" at the end of a sentence. On the flip-side, the anti-choicers will just spin it to make it look like we're hiding what the site is really about.

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