
Aug 15, 2020
The boy sat beside the city forged by time amidst the long mirrored buildings wrung out in the horizon. He stood up, looking to all sides of himself and saw no one. The he came upon Wonder. The boy asked the creature:

Why are we here?

To which Wonder spoke:

Why is This world a mystery?! Why will it always be?! Why is that just what we are with it?! I know nothing if it, only to belong in it! And that's what's so fascinating!

The boy kept on. Well that didn't answer much, he thought. He reached farther above the city and found Misery laying in wait under cover of darkness.

The boy asked:

Why are we here?

To which Misery answered:

For some God somewhere to play with us all and laugh as we fall. To be screwed over and taken and beaten and messed with and heart broken and sick until we can't take it anymore. And then to be buried without any chance of starting anew. We're all dead already.

The boy walked away. We're all dead? He started to cry. He sat on a decrepit park bench and sobbed and sobbed. An then Love found him an asked the boy:

Why are you so sad?

The boy answered:

Because some god is making us all die and our hearts are gonna get borked and people are gonna laugh at us and and ... we're dead already! He said in a sniffling shout. To which Love replied:

Death is a natural part of life. We're all dying. But we're not already dead. Feel this..

She put her hand on his and had him feel his chest.

Do you feel that?

*sniffle* yes.

That's your heart. And perhaps it will get broken, but it doesn't stay that way. And that's a beat! As long as you have that Beat, you're alive and well! You have so much time to live and love and learn and let time and experience and Patience guide you to who you really are.

And who's that?

I can't tell you that my love.

Why not? What am I here?

That's the best part. Only you can know the answer, and your life is the search to finding it.

And with that, Love floated away.

The boy was smiling now and started skipping through the city, whistling a tune, looking around in Wonder, feeling the sense that wherever he was, he belonged.

Then he found himself skipping and whistling and laughing past Nobody and stopped. The boy asked:

What brings you here?

To which Nobody replied:

I don't know. No one knows why anyone is anywhere.

I know!

The boy said,

Isn't it wonderful?!

Not really.

How come?

Well, you see life is pointless. We all walk around and think we know things, but we really know nothing. Time is a complete illusion. No one has any purpose and emotions are completely fabricated attributes based around molecular and chemical reactions in our brains...

What do you mean?

Listen kid, have you ever seen a movie? Like a blockbuster? A hit action film or an adventure?

Yeah yeah!

The one that came to mind.. Did you like it?

Yeah it was great!

Well, that is what we want life to be like... That's the ideal.. That our lives are littered with adrenaline and a women that's beautiful who loves us, and with all kinds of suspense and drastic changes... And at the end they save the day, right?


Well... That will never be you because that's not life. That's a juxtaposed and highly exaggerated condensed version of an idealisist and implausible reality... Have you ever seen a French new wave film


Well, they're anywhere from thirty minutes to two hours long... And generally consist of long conversations, smoking cigarettes, every day situations spread out over a realistic frame of time. They generally end very similarly to how they began... Without any introduction or conclusion. And that's what life really is.

The boy looked up confused and whispered

I don't understand...

Life is like a French film. Nothing is really questioned, nothing is really answered and you can derive meaning from any part of its insignificance, but it remains in it's simplicity, completely meaningless.

So... Wait.. If that's the way it is, then what do you do?


Nobody grabbed something from the innards of his overcoat and put it in his lap.

You either accept it and try to move forward an find moments of grace and beauty and find people that fill your life up and find love and always be searching for happiness and meaning that some part of you will always know doesn't really exist..

Or what?

Or you don't.


The boy stood, horrified at what was left of Nobody's Face, and now the blood gushing like a tangent stream of a river, and his mouth finally found sound as he screamed at a pitch so high the whole city heard. Covered in blood cold sweat, and the strange feeling that he finally understood something, the boy ran back into the remainder of the night.
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