
New Member
Jun 11, 2023
If life be precious and worth defending,
Then what's up with all of this pretending?
Our strife-torn world with wars unending,
Partners fighting, couples rending,
Brothers, sisters each offending,
When no one sees, know doom's impending.
The world is lost, no Christ descending.
Young souls depressed, their lives are ending.
Poor in spirit, we all keep spending,
Then wonder why drugs are quickly trending.
Instead of on substances depending,
Instead of ideologies defending,
Instead of criticism lending,
Our souls are split, our hearts need mending,
Our culture's broken, needs upending.
We mustn't just be condescending,
Sappy thoughts and prayers sending,
God and doctor recommending,
When above the grave are spirits pending.
Why not defend what's worth defending,
A husband and wife in love blending,
Sisters, brothers, one another befriending,
Friends, acquaintances their true selves lending,
Poor people housed, their hunger suspending,
All of us for good our breaths expending,
To raise each other toward heaven, ascending,
For peace and charity, for all, fending.
  • Hugs
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Reactions: Crono, Forever Sleep, Per Ardua Ad Astra and 2 others


Tempus fugit
Feb 7, 2023
Hello @libertyisalie,
I'm sorry you ended up on this forum but welcome!
I hope I can be your ally,
To fight against whatever life would slam.

On the earth, a rare planet which is habitable,
Why are we not able to be more charitable?
Here, shaming, abuse and exploitation are rife,
And we are stuck in life of strife.

Here, you have a voice,
Because we believe it's your choice.
Let us defend Sanctioned Suicide,
Where we don't have anything to hide.

Thanks so much for sharing your poem 🙏
I'm glad to see somebody else posts their poem.

God and doctor recommending,
I find interesting you put the word God and doctor side by side.
I've seen many people here suffer from complications, which is much worse than original symptoms they had, due to malpractice of their doctors.
In this sense, doctors resemble God, they both can give people excruciating pain.

I'm not a doctor or God so I can't save or heal people on this forum, but I'm attempting to make people's life a bit less unbearable.
If you are comfortable with, please tell me what brought you to this forum.

Thanks for reading 🙏
I hope you find peace here 💙💛

LoiteringClouds ☁️
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Reactions: libertyisalie, Per Ardua Ad Astra and Valky