

Is Existence Just A Test?
Apr 27, 2020
So I have a genetically inherited eye disease (optic atrophy) so my vision only gets worse over time.

Today I had a vision test at my local optician and... yeah...
My father is legally blind, I am turning 19 soon and I already only have <40% vision left.
(For a driver's license, you need at least 80%)

(<40% with glasses on btw)
This is terrible.
Honestly in these times I always see how ungrateful some people are for how well they see, but let me tell ya, be happy with how good you see, because it can always go away one day, if its an accident or a disease coming with age.

Peace guys... Hope at least you nice people got better messages today.
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Reactions: Epsilon0, Yomyom, WinterFaust and 18 others


Aug 27, 2018
It´s unfair how healthy other people are while we suffer from physical illnesses at a "young" age
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Reactions: BeeLoyal, _Minsk, disabledandhopeless and 3 others


les malheurs de lizzie
Mar 27, 2020
I'm so sorry to hear that.. blindness has always been my worst nightmare. Having the ability to see is the thing I'm the most greatful for.. whats happening to your eyes breaks my heart... people like you deserve better but life just wont give a shit. It's so unfair.
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Nov 7, 2019
I'm so sorry for that. I can't imagine the nightmare of goin' blind. Sometimes I cannot appreciate some things like being able to see. Have you tried all treatments to improve your vision? I know there are exercises you can do to improve. I'm so sorry for this really. It always makes me sad to see blind people. It's not fair.
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May 8, 2020
I'm so sorry. I've worn glasses for 40 years, but I've only recently entered the rapidly-going-blind stage.
It's unfair this is happening to you at such a young age. My heart goes out to you.
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Dec 7, 2019
I am so sorry you are going through this. You are right we should be happy with how good we can see, and never take it for granted. I wish I could fix this for you.:hug:


Oct 3, 2019
So I have a genetically inherited eye disease (optic atrophy) so my vision only gets worse over time.

Today I had a vision test at my local optician and... yeah...
My father is legally blind, I am turning 19 soon and I already only have <40% vision left.
(For a driver's license, you need at least 80%)

(<40% with glasses on btw)
This is terrible.
Honestly in these times I always see how ungrateful some people are for how well they see, but let me tell ya, be happy with how good you see, because it can always go away one day, if its an accident or a disease coming with age.

Peace guys... Hope at least you nice people got better messages today.
Believe me when I say I commiserate with your vision problems.

I too have a progressive disease in which vision slowly deteriorates, sometimes to the point of needing a corneal transplant.

Ironically, it's not the disease itself that brings me here, but rather the catastrophic implications it's had on my career, social and romantic life.

The frustrating thing is that I appear completely normal on the outside, until a pentacam is conducted and it becomes clear to see how distorted my cornea is.
  • Aww..
Reactions: WinterFaust and _Minsk


The Arsonist
Apr 7, 2019
Oh my god, blindness is my biggest fear!
I already have white flashes in my eyes and Im really short sighted, maybe its not dangerous but Im so, so scared of loosing my sight! Im an artist, I need my eyes to create art!
My extreme hypersensitivity to sound is bad enough, but never being able to look at beautiful bridges again?
And youre only 19...I cant imagine how you must feel :'(


Apr 13, 2020
I'm so sorry this is happening to you. This is so unfair. While not at all the same, I've suffered hearing loss and it's been absolutely devastating to go through such a loss at a young age. That along with some other health issues have really shown me there is nothing more priceless than physical health.

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