

Mar 4, 2021
Let's imagine that we could reinstall Windows (easier to understand) in our head. And delete everything from memory. Or if you have any physiological problems, completely cure them.

And to start from scratch having a mind at the current moment in time - we are smart as we were smart and healthy as we have never been. We can run and jump fast if we couldn't before. And after cleaning, we would simply be instructed that it turns out that you cleared the memory and everything is ok - meet your parents and family. These are your new muscles, etc.

But in return you are given the right to life - 3 years (which cannot be violated).

Literally after 3 years, you return to the state in which you were. But at the same time, you remember those 3 years that have passed, and what you remembered earlier before these years.

Would you do it?

It just might be convenient to reflect today.

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Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
Don't see the point, no.
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Dec 11, 2018
No, there's no point if I'm gonna go back to the state I'm in.
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Global Mod
Oct 12, 2020
Yeah..no bud, no need to sugarcoat and give me a 3 year lease on life again only to take it back and give me pain and anguish after.
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May 13, 2020
Once those 3 years are up, it's only going to feel thousands of times worse when you go back to normal. Something I've learned in life is that the higher you climb, the further you have to fall.
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The 't' is silent
Jul 15, 2020
I'd take it.

Let's assume, in my current state, I last 18 months.

It's better to have my life so far + 3 years of happiness + 18 months leading to suicide, than to just exclude these 3 years. And not only for me, 3 years of optimal performance is enough to positively affect the people around me much more than I'd do otherwise. It's also a reasonable amount of time to make some money and leave it to charity.

What's the risk, grief? In my current state, it does nothing at all. Even if it did, I could still find some solace knowing the world is better off due to the sacrifice. Or I'd immediately CTB, but that'd still be 3 years of positivity v. 18 months of meh.
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Infinite Conscious

Infinite Conscious

Aug 18, 2020

Three years of happiness is more than any "normal" person could ever dream of.
How many truly happy people do you know? How many smiling faces do you see out in the streets?

People are generally bad managers of their inner state, expecting the happiness to somehow come from the outside, which it never does.
It's never the money, it's never the "perfect" job, it's never the circumstances coming from outside of us.
It all comes down to management... self-management... and an overwhelming majority of people are bad managers of their state of mind.

So, 3 years of anything even close to being happy is an entire lifetime, a whole new life, regardless of the awareness of its ticking clock.
We already know nothing lasts, let alone "happiness".

What have we got to lose, anyway?
I would gladly sign that contract, enjoy the time available, and be prepared to off myself the moment my "happy time" expires.
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