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So what are your answers?

  • Hate the conecept of living, wouldnt want to be reincarnated and rather nothingness

    Votes: 6 18.8%
  • Hate the conecept of living, wouldnt want to be reincarnated and rather heaven

    Votes: 4 12.5%
  • Would choose life if i could, wouldnt want to be reincarnated and rather heaven

    Votes: 3 9.4%
  • Would choose life if i could, wouldnt want to be reincarnated and rather nothingness

    Votes: 3 9.4%
  • Would choose life if i could, would want to be reincarnated and rather heaven

    Votes: 6 18.8%
  • Would choose life if i could, would want to be reincarnated and rather nothingness

    Votes: 3 9.4%
  • Hate the consept of living, would want to be reincarnated and rather heaven

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hate the consept of living, would want to be reincarnated and rather nothingness

    Votes: 1 3.1%
  • Other

    Votes: 6 18.8%

  • Total voters


"If my soul be lost, its nobodys fault but mine"
Mar 21, 2019
Do you want to die because of your problems or because you hate the world? In other words, if you could get anything you ever wanted would you choose life or do you hate the concept of existence?
That leads me to the next question:
Would you want to be reincarnated as yourself (mind and soul) or do you never want to be born again?
And last question:
Would you rather death would be nothingness or find out theres heaven?

Feel free to play with the answers, write what you think
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Reactions: lemmeeleev


Game Over
Mar 31, 2019
I would rather not exist period. Doesn't matter if it's heaven, hell or reincarnation.
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Reactions: Alchemist, lemmeeleev and AnnihilatedAnna


It's over and out.
Apr 23, 2019
I don't really want to die, necessarily. I want a life worth living. Unfortunately, I've been dealt a shit hand so it is what it is, I suppose.
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Reactions: souljah222, Cevapcici, lemmeeleev and 1 other person


Beyond solace
Jun 30, 2018
Other: i hate MY life and yearn for nothingness and don't want/believe in reincarnation.
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Reactions: lemmeeleev


Mar 19, 2019
I've thought about this often and I think I would have to go with live my life, skip reincarnation, and go to heaven. I'm not saying I have a choice because I didn't create myself and I honestly have no clue how this whole game works. All of the options listed are a possibility. For me, the idea of aimlessly being born over and over and over without an aim or a purpose is a nauseating idea. Especially when you consider how long that could be. An infinite might as well be zero without a goal or purpose. Choosing to live instead of CTB is conditional for me. I'd need there to actually be a God that can guide me out of this hell. Because I honestly need a bigger, smarter, wiser coach who knows what the hell I'm supposed to do. Is that childish? Perhaps. But I've yet to find I can be confident I'm capable of making the best decisions. Anyways... There is an option not listed I've often hoped for too. Discovering I never actually had to die and have some kind of a door open up where I'm lead into an eternal "Promise Land". This is sort of a sci-fi speculation but it could still be possible I'm living in some sort of a multidimensional puzzle and I'm experiencing a sort of purgatory. In some universes it's worse and the Earth is burnt to a crisp and devoid of life. Somewhere though... Is an amazing place that is free of disease, pain, death... I'm just supposed to pick up on the clues and get there.
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Escaper Boy

Escaper Boy

Apr 11, 2019
I don't hate the concept of existence. If my circumstances were different, I would still like to continue existing like "normal" people. I used to have dream of "saving" the world, making the world into a better place for humanity and animals. I wish everyone would become vegan so animals don't need to suffer unnecessarily. I wish I can solve environmental issues, develop a way to create clean energy, turning our planet into utopia.

But, who am I to do those things? I am not a rich politician, public figure, or genius scientist. I am just an (suicidal) average joe with big dreams, with nothing worthy to show to the world. That's why if reincarnation exists, I would love to try again in life and hopefully do better than what I did in this incarnation.
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Reactions: Nobodysfault, Deadgirl and lemmeeleev