

Oct 6, 2019
I got these from the following article:

10 Powerful Suicide Prevention Quotes & Sayings

Let's go through them one by one, shall we?!

1. "When you feel like giving up, just remember the reason why you held on for so long." – Unknown

Uh, the reason I held on was because of my husband and now he's dead so. . .NEXT!

2. "Suicide doesn't end the chances of life getting worse, it eliminates the possibility of it ever getting any better." – Unknown

Uh, actually that doesn't make any sense. Because- yes it actually DOES end the chances of life getting worse because you're no longer alive. Duh!

3. "If you are looking for a sign not to kill yourself, this is it." – Unknown

Huh? I don't get this one AT ALL!

4. "Anyone desperate enough for suicide should be desperate enough to go to creative extremes to solve problems: elope at midnight, stow away on the boat to New Zealand and start over, do what they always wanted to do but were afraid to try." – Richard Bach

We'll, Richard, I have spent 25 years trying to solve my problems and they're still here so. . . . . Go fuck yourself!

5. "When you get into a tight place and everything goes against you, till it seems as though you could not hang on a minute longer, never give up then, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn." – Harriet Beecher Stowe

Again, my mom died when I was three and life went downhill from there. 50 years now, Harriet, 50 long, long years. How much longer should I wait for that tide to turn do you think?

6. "If you want to show me that you really love me, don't say that you would die for me, instead stay alive for me." – Unknown

Yeah, and if YOU really want to show me that YOU really love me, you can let me die in peace and get out of this pain, Instead of expecting me to live on just for your sake.
How selfish can one person be?!

7. "Place your hand over your heart, can you feel it? That is called purpose. You're alive for a reason so don't ever give up." – Unknown

Uh, another one that makes no sense. Just because my heart is beating that doesn't give me a purpose. A beating heart is not a purpose or a reason to live.

8. "The person who completes suicide, dies once. Those left behind die a thousand deaths, trying to relive those terrible moments and understand … Why?" – Clark (2001)

Ah, another guilt trip because that's what you need when you're feeling suicidal is to be made to feel even more like shit than you already do. Your pain is more important than my pain, I get it.

9. "Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem."

Oh, thank God! We were getting so close to the end of the list and I thought they weren't going to pull this old chestnut out again. See the thing above about 50 years. NEXT!

10. "Never never never give up." – Winston Churchill

I have nothing against Mr. Churchill. From everything I've read he was quite an extraordinary person. But this takes a very complex issue and tries to simplify it by just saying never give up. How can you say never give up when you don't even know what the circumstances of my life are. What about the people in the towers at 9/11 who had to jump for their lives or be burned in a fire. They had no good choices to choose from. That's exactly how I feel and how I'm sure a lot of people on this forum feel.

So, as you can see, it's just the same old condescension, guilt tripping, and trying to simplify complicated situations down to trite phrases like "never give up" and "suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem". And until they find some other way to treat suicide and people who are suicidal, other than trying to make them feel guilty, or dismissing their pain by saying it's only temporary and they shouldn't give up. Or by saying, "Well, if you really love me you would stay alive or some bullshit like that, it's never going to end. Of course, we know it's never going to end anyway. Suicide is going to be here until the day the earth explodes or whatever ends up happening to it.

Everyone feel free to add your two cents!
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F*ck this sh!t I'm out
Dec 30, 2019
Oh jeez. I've seen similar quotes posted on social media, mostly those who are privileged enough to live in this fucking world. I had to unfollow some people who think that love is so easy to get. Most of them are physically attractive, popular in some way, and an easy target when it comes to dating. The same fucking people all. The. Time. I don't hate them as people of course, but I just don't agree with their worldview.

I had come to a point to realize that it doesn't always get better. Honestly some of us haven't outgrown fairy tales. There are some who believe that a knight in shining armor will come to rescue you from your damsel in distress problems. Fairy tales are called fairy tales for a reason. I once believed in them and they have done more harm than good.

I have very little hope that a guy will actually be truly caring for me, whether as a friend or as a romantic partner. And none of them will be there for me when I need them. Because I don't match their standards. I'm not enough for any of them. If I were cute/attractive/funny enough then they'll do anything for me. It's easier to believe if it were a girl who likes me, but not a guy. It feels weird when a guy is nice to me, like really. Feels like a trap.
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ᴘʜᴀꜱᴇꜱ ᴏꜰ ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴏᴏɴ
Nov 19, 2019
I love your commentary so much! You've honestly made my morning, everything you've said is absolutely relatable and I couldn't agree more. At the end of the day, it's all a bunch of hooha.
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Messenger of Silence
Jan 9, 2020
I agree with your commentary. It's just bad advice meant for those who are already going okay, but need to feel a bit better about themselves, like they actually care about suicidal people. Probably compiled to get those precious ad clicks.

1. "When you feel like giving up, just remember the reason why you held on for so long." – Unknown
Oh, right. I forgot I needed a reason.
Funny gif man jump out the window1

3. "If you are looking for a sign not to kill yourself, this is it." – Unknown
I'd point to the nearest STOP sign and say "If you think you're helping, this is a sign for you".

4. "Anyone desperate enough for suicide should be desperate enough to go to creative extremes to solve problems: elope at midnight, stow away on the boat to New Zealand and start over, do what they always wanted to do but were afraid to try." – Richard Bach
I always wanted to die but was too afraid to try, so I'm doing it. What's the problem again?
It also takes some crazy level of buffoonery to think that desperation breeds creativity.

6. "If you want to show me that you really love me, don't say that you would die for me, instead stay alive for me." – Unknown
I 100% agree with your commentary on this one. This is literally just one of those "if you really love me, you'll do X" abusers say
It's nicely masked by the controversy of the topic, and the choice of words "stay alive" for actual target audience implies something positive. For me it reads like "If you reeeeally loved me, you'd instead continue suffering indefinitely, day to day, year to year, until you die of a natural cause, to give me a bit of an easier time".

7. "Place your hand over your heart, can you feel it? That is called purpose. You're alive for a reason so don't ever give up." – Unknown

I can feel arrhythmic beating due to my heart condition, my body fat and left nipple. So, is that reason sickness, fat or nipples?

8. "The person who completes suicide, dies once. Those left behind die a thousand deaths, trying to relive those terrible moments and understand … Why?" – Clark (2001)
Well, at least it's honest that they have only terrible moments. Those who complete suicide have terrible lives. I think there might be just a bit of a difference...

9. "Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem."
I always found that one funny: the problem is temporary NOT because all problems get solved eventually, but because humans are temporary, i.e. any problem is at least eventually solved by death. And suicide is just a quickie version of death.

And is it saying that I should only prefer temporary solutions? I dunno, sounds like something unreliable and with adverse effects (but maybe it's just because I'm a software engineer). Oh, and alcohol is a temporary solution, but that's a pun I can't make in my native language.
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Mar 17, 2018
Couldn't agree more. I've had this link bookmarked for years, it include another 14 cliches along with rebuttals for each. Shall we play Bingo? I've already won.

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