

Apr 21, 2020
Have you also been abandoned by people you met here on the forum? I talked to so many people, they said they wanted ctb as soon as possible and that they would be my partner. They lied. Some disappeared, others gave up and tried to convince me to stay alive. Why is it so hard to find a partner? What are your experiences?
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Sep 24, 2018
I have been trying to find partner for years unsuccessfully
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Learn to fly
Jan 11, 2021
Scared mainly. Don't want to be seen to be encouraging anyone by talking about partnering.
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New Member
Feb 2, 2021
I wish I could travel freely now and do it with the other.
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Jan 27, 2019
Partnering is a bad idea.
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Jan 17, 2021
Partnering is asking someone to mess up your perfect suicide plan.
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Oct 30, 2020
i think it might be possible if you know a person for years and years and really trust this person. and still then i would be hesitant cause it's just such a big decision and you never know how the other person reacts when it comes to this big decisions in life.

i think it's asking for trouble.
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the haru that can read
Apr 27, 2019
Have you also been abandoned by people you met here on the forum? I talked to so many people, they said they wanted ctb as soon as possible and that they would be my partner. They lied. Some disappeared, others gave up and tried to convince me to stay alive. Why is it so hard to find a partner? What are your experiences?
I've said this before but no two people are going to be on the exact same page when it comes to taking their life, expecting someone to be ready at the same drop of the hour is foolhardy at best, as is the idea of partners in general.
It's not about them lying to you, it is dangerous and many might not come to this realization until after they already made plans with you, or anyone else.
Who knows what a stranger's intentions are when it comes to partnering up, you don't really know them and they don't really know you. Some may search for partners in the hope that the person they find becomes their partner in life, rather than death, like a bizarre courting work-around. Others might have expected you to get cold feet, same as them, or maybe they were planning to do something unsavory, and they decided you wouldn't be an ideal target. Maybe they even thought you were targeting them.
It's the safer assumption honestly.
You can't really blame anyone for backing out of a partner pact, not in this context.
The only thing you can justifiably blame them for is doing a 180 in pushing pro-life sentiments onto you, trying to change your mind for their own reasons, not yours..making you uncomfortable.
That's not right, to lull someone into thinking you can connect with them, that you are in agreement with them on vital subject matter, and then flip their ideals and force a fresh, foreign voice into your ear. So, that part, I agree is going a bit too far on their side.
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Jan 4, 2021
It is almost impossible to find anyone. I was disappointed three times as much. Everything was planned. And then I was alone again. The feeling is so terrible.
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Jan 22, 2021
I always thought id want to partner up to give me the push I need but the reality of doing something so intimate with a stranger started feeling weird because I don't really know what I want in someone else. Someone who can keep our resolve when mine is waning. Which isn't very fair on another person
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Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
The best suicide partner is someone that gets between you and the sweet release of death.


Oct 13, 2019
I tried it 3 times by now, to kill myself, very serious attempts ending up in coma for a month, but never succeed, it made me feel like using some of these methods be careful they can harm u even more and not kill u, like using a firearm seems nice but can hurt u bad if quantum suicide is real which I suspect after 3 failed weird experienced attempts.
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Feb 13, 2021
It is almost impossible to find anyone. I was disappointed three times as much. Everything was planned. And then I was alone again. The feeling is so terrible.
Im so sorry people did that to you <3 for how long did you know them before you partnered up?
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Feb 5, 2020
I talked to one person for a while and we were supposed to CTB together. We were one week away from going through with it and then out of the blue, he sent me a dick pic and then I realized he was probably expecting more. I just replied, "Why the fuck would you send me that?" and then ghosted him. The more I've thought about it though, the more I realize it's just not a good idea and for so many reasons.

For one, there has literally been a case of someone who posed online as a partner for suicide and assaulted the victims when they met and ended up raping and murdering one young girl. They didn't meet on this site, but still, that risk still exists.

Secondly, even if you find someone who wants to go at the same time, the odds of you two actually wanting to genuinely do the same thing on your last day or hours and being in the same frame of mind is incredibly slim. For instance, one partner could be terrified and panicking while the other wanted a calm atmosphere and to enjoy themselves on the last day.

Third, one of you may die and the other may not and that could cause soooo many problems for the other person. They could even face charges.

There are many other things that could go wrong. I now realize it's just not a good idea. While I still like the idea in theory, I know I would probably be disillusioned with it in reality. The chances of meeting the perfect partner and everything going as planned is just so, so small. I'd wear myself out and feel worse if I kept trying.
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Jan 4, 2021
Ich habe eine Weile mit einer Person gesprochen und wir gehört zusammen CTB machen. Wir waren eine Woche davon besessen und dann aus heiterem Himmel geführt er mir ein Schwanzbild und dann wurde mir klar, dass er mehr erwartet. Ich betrachte nur: "Warum zum Teufel gehört du das das?" und dann gespenstisch ihn. Je mehr ich mich nicht darum kümmern kann, sondern um mehr klar zu werden, dass es einfach keine gute Idee ist und aus so vielen gehört.

Zum einen gab es buchstäblich einen Fall von jemandem, der sich online als Selbstmordpartner ausgab und die Opfer angriff, als sie ein junges Mädchen trafen und vergewaltigten und ermordeten. Sie haben sich auf dieser Seite nicht getroffen, aber dieses Risiko besteht immer noch.

Zweitens, selbst wenn Sie jemanden finden, der zur gleichen Zeit gehen möchte, ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass Sie beide an Ihrem letzten Tag oder Ihren letzten Stunden wirklich dasselbe tun möchten und sich in derselben Stimmung befinden, unglaublich gering. Zum Beispiel könnte ein Partner Angst haben und in Panik geraten, während der andere eine ruhige Atmosphäre wünschte und sich am letzten Tag amüsieren wollte.

Drittens kann einer von euch sterben und der andere nicht und das könnte soooo viele Probleme für die andere Person verursachen. Sie könnten sogar angeklagt werden.

Es gibt viele andere Dinge, die schief gehen könnten. Mir ist jetzt klar, dass es einfach keine gute Idee ist. Obwohl mir die Idee theoretisch immer noch gefällt, weiß ich, dass ich in der Realität wahrscheinlich desillusioniert sein würde. Die Chancen, den perfekten Partner zu treffen und alles wie geplant zu verlaufen, sind so gering. Ich würde mich abnutzen und mich schlechter fühlen, wenn ich es weiter versuchen würde.

Ich habe eine Weile mit einer Person gesprochen und wir sollten zusammen CTB machen. Wir waren eine Woche davon entfernt und dann aus heiterem Himmel schickte er mir ein Schwanzbild und dann wurde mir klar, dass er wahrscheinlich mehr erwartete. Ich antwortete nur: "Warum zum Teufel würdest du mir das schicken?" und dann gespenstisch ihn. Je mehr ich darüber nachgedacht habe, desto mehr wird mir klar, dass es einfach keine gute Idee ist und aus so vielen Gründen.

Zum einen gab es buchstäblich einen Fall von jemandem, der sich online als Selbstmordpartner ausgab und die Opfer angriff, als sie ein junges Mädchen trafen und vergewaltigten und ermordeten. Sie haben sich auf dieser Seite nicht getroffen, aber dieses Risiko besteht immer noch.

Zweitens, selbst wenn Sie jemanden finden, der zur gleichen Zeit gehen möchte, ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass Sie beide an Ihrem letzten Tag oder Ihren letzten Stunden wirklich dasselbe tun möchten und sich in derselben Stimmung befinden, unglaublich gering. Zum Beispiel könnte ein Partner Angst haben und in Panik geraten, während der andere eine ruhige Atmosphäre wünschte und sich am letzten Tag amüsieren wollte.

Drittens kann einer von euch sterben und der andere nicht und das könnte soooo viele Probleme für die andere Person verursachen. Sie könnten sogar angeklagt werden.

Es gibt viele andere Dinge, die schief gehen könnten. Mir ist jetzt klar, dass es einfach keine gute Idee ist. Obwohl mir die Idee theoretisch immer noch gefällt, weiß ich, dass ich in der Realität wahrscheinlich desillusioniert sein würde. Die Chancen, den perfekten Partner zu treffen und alles wie geplant zu verlaufen, sind so gering. Ich würde mich abnutzen und mich schlechter fühlen, wenn ich es weiter versuchen würde.
Also muss ich es alleine machen
Ich habe eine Weile mit einer Person gesprochen und wir sollten zusammen CTB machen. Wir waren eine Woche davon entfernt und dann aus heiterem Himmel schickte er mir ein Schwanzbild und dann wurde mir klar, dass er wahrscheinlich mehr erwartete. Ich antwortete nur: "Warum zum Teufel würdest du mir das schicken?" und dann gespenstisch ihn. Je mehr ich darüber nachgedacht habe, desto mehr wird mir klar, dass es einfach keine gute Idee ist und aus so vielen Gründen.

Zum einen gab es buchstäblich einen Fall von jemandem, der sich online als Selbstmordpartner ausgab und die Opfer angriff, als sie ein junges Mädchen trafen und vergewaltigten und ermordeten. Sie haben sich auf dieser Seite nicht getroffen, aber dieses Risiko besteht immer noch.

Zweitens, selbst wenn Sie jemanden finden, der zur gleichen Zeit gehen möchte, ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass Sie beide an Ihrem letzten Tag oder Ihren letzten Stunden wirklich dasselbe tun möchten und sich in derselben Stimmung befinden, unglaublich gering. Zum Beispiel könnte ein Partner Angst haben und in Panik geraten, während der andere eine ruhige Atmosphäre wünschte und sich am letzten Tag amüsieren wollte.

Drittens kann einer von euch sterben und der andere nicht und das könnte soooo viele Probleme für die andere Person verursachen. Sie könnten sogar angeklagt werden.

Es gibt viele andere Dinge, die schief gehen könnten. Mir ist jetzt klar, dass es einfach keine gute Idee ist. Obwohl mir die Idee theoretisch immer noch gefällt, weiß ich, dass ich in der Realität wahrscheinlich desillusioniert sein würde. Die Chancen, den perfekten Partner zu treffen und alles wie geplant zu verlaufen, sind so gering. Ich würde mich abnutzen und mich schlechter fühlen, wenn ich es weiter versuchen würde.
This is why i have to do it on my own


May 31, 2020
I think it's only a good idea in theory.
My motivations when I wanted a partner, were purely to be observed to do it correctly because I manage to fuck up things that are second nature to most people, for no discernible or mentally diagnosed reason. So I would often talk to people for a bit, realise they were too young or struck me as not being someone who would carry out my dream (selfish) of us both doing our methods at the same time, repeating the measurements back at one another and confirming we'd got it all right and there being no horseplay or 'one last sightseeing trip'.
Honestly, if there existed a suicide service in which I could just hire someone to say 'Jigsaw, you've reached for the table salt instead of the SN' I would.
But reality is, if I found someone in their twenties like me, one of us would be panicking and saying 'hey let's give it another day/go for a walk in the park' etc and I'm really not ruling out myself as the person saying this... the chances of the two of you being absolutely ready on a decided upon date are slim to none. Think of all the times something great has happened to you and it's pulled you out- even slightly- of your desire to die. For all you know, the person you've met up with to die has received a promotion the day before, or somehow has renewed hope. You could find yourself preparing your method whilst they try to convince themselves they don't feel good about life most of the time.

On the other hand, I 'met' two cis men I considered partnering with, and both of them wanted to 'get to know me first' which I found strange and a thousand leagues away from what I wanted, which was to say hi, talk about how great it would be to get drunk first, lament the fact we couldn't and then just do it.
I think suicide is such a deeply personal choice, and I ultimately wouldn't want the muddle of someone else being involved. I found myself crying when I talked on the phone to one of them and they told me their reasons. It was too much.

Also, It sounds vain, but I prefer the tragedy of my doing it by myself, over the confusion that would be '25 year old woman, found with 33 year old man'
Really wouldn't want my parents scratching their head over why John Smith and I had paired up to die, having this forum be implicated more than it already (likely) would be and the limelight stolen from my wonderfully Victorian-mourning style death scene.

Also would be terrified in the last moments someone would grab my hand and I wouldn't have the energy to shrug them off. So I thought privately to myself 'well when I've taken it I'll immediately go to the bathroom and lock the door so they can't touch me', but then I thought of what I'd be depriving this hypothetical person...
I've been lucky enough to be able to confidently say if I chose to die with someone, there'd be no need for emotion to play a role. Granted, I lost that love, and now anything that masquerades as it makes me feel a bit sick... but others haven't. The emotional needs of both me and this other person are unlikely to be met in a partnering situation, and it'd break my heart if someone wanted to rest their head on my shoulder because they were scared and I clammed up.

I don't know. Sometimes I toy with the idea of posting something in the Partners thread looking for a woman/non-binary person...but ultimately I think the partners dream is dead for me.
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May 26, 2019
I think a lot of it is trust. That and availability. Haven't seen many partner requests in the forum in my area. And, honestly, I don't believe I could find someone I'd want to CTB with and trust them (or vice-versa). For example, I'm male and would only partner with a female, due to my own issues.. and right there, any sane woman would be on guard (for good reasons!!) I know I'm a safe person to be around and they wouldn't have to worry about me being a creep. But they don't and honestly shouldn't take the word of someone random on the internet.

Don't we all have Trust issues??!
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Feb 27, 2021
No one will ever be on the same page when it comes to ctb.


Apr 17, 2021
I think a lot of it is trust. That and availability. Haven't seen many partner requests in the forum in my area. And, honestly, I don't believe I could find someone I'd want to CTB with and trust them (or vice-versa). For example, I'm male and would only partner with a female, due to my own issues.. and right there, any sane woman would be on guard (for good reasons!!) I know I'm a safe person to be around and they wouldn't have to worry about me being a creep. But they don't and honestly shouldn't take the word of someone random on the internet.

Don't we all have Trust issues??!
God I get this.

I doubt I'd manage to find someone from my area, finding a guy that isn't scared they're being catfished and not showing or on top of that? The idea of it being someone posing on here and getting in legal trouble? Fills me with fear.
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Let me be Selfish, just this once.
Aug 15, 2020
I've had a total of 3 different situations where a partner was involved..
1) she told me k still have to fight a bit longer, she failed in her attempt
2) my partner in crime CTB already after promising to CTB with me many years ago
3) currently feeling this guy out.. met once and he's super sweet and respectful.. I'll see about everything else

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